80R5523 ATP-F
  By: Murphy H.B. No. 2946
relating to procedures for the removal of an abandoned on-premise
sign by a municipality.
       SECTION 1.  Section 216.003, Local Government Code, is
amended by amending Subsection (e) and adding Subsections (e-1),
(e-2), and (e-3) to read as follows:
       (e)  A municipality that exercises authority under this
subchapter may, without paying compensation as provided by this
subchapter, require the removal of an on-premise sign or sign
structure not sooner than the first anniversary of the date the
business, person, or activity that the sign or sign structure
identifies or advertises ceases to operate on the premises on which
the sign or sign structure is located. [If the premises containing
the sign or sign structure is leased, a municipality may not require
removal under this subsection sooner than the second anniversary
after the date the most recent tenant ceases to operate on the
premises.] The removal of a sign or sign structure as described by
this subsection does not require the appointment of a board under
Section 216.004.
       (e-1)  A municipality may adopt procedures for the abatement
and removal, as a public nuisance, of an on-premise sign or sign
structure described by Subsection (e). The procedures must provide
             (1)  initial written notice provided after the
business, person, or activity ceases operation to the owner of the
property on which the sign or sign structure is located that the
sign or sign structure must be removed;
             (2)  subsequent written notice to the property owner on
or after the first anniversary of the date notice is given under
Subdivision (1);
             (3)  at least a 30-day period for the owner of the
property on which the sign or sign structure is located to remove
the sign or sign structure after the date on which the municipality
may require removal under Subsection (e), before the municipality
may remove the sign or sign structure; and
             (4)  a public hearing, if requested by any person,
before the municipality removes the sign or sign structure under
this section.
       (e-2)  After following the procedures under Subsection
(e-1), a municipality may:
             (1)  remove a sign or sign structure described by
Subsection (e); and
             (2)  assess the cost of the removal, including
reasonable administrative costs, as a lien against the real
property on which the sign or sign structure was located as provided
by Subsection (e-3).
       (e-3)  To obtain a lien against the property under Subsection
(e-2), the municipality must file a statement of expenses with the
county clerk of the county in which the property is located. The
lien statement must state the name of the owner and the legal
description of the property. The lien attaches at the time the lien
statement is filed with the county clerk. The lien obtained by the
municipality is security for the expenditures made and interest,
which accrues at the rate of 10 percent a year on the amount due.
The lien is inferior only to tax liens. The municipality may bring
a suit for foreclosure in the name of the municipality to recover
the expenditures and interest due.  The statement of expenses or a
certified copy of the statement is prima facie proof of the expenses
incurred by the municipality in removing the sign or sign
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.