80R8029 SGA/MRB-F
  By: Smith of Harris H.B. No. 3158
relating to the name, powers, and board of directors of the Chambers
County-Cedar Bayou Navigation District.
       SECTION 1.  Section 1(a), Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The [There is created and established a] special
district [to be] known as the "Cedar ["Chambers County-Cedar] Bayou
Navigation District" [that] is a governmental agency, a body
politic and corporate, and a political subdivision of the state.
       SECTION 2.  Section 2, Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 2.  DEFINITION.  In this Act, "district" means the Cedar 
[Chambers County-Cedar] Bayou Navigation District.
       SECTION 3.  Section 5, Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 5.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  (a)  The district is to be
governed by a board of seven [five (5)] directors.
       (b)  The five directors serving in director positions 1, 2,
3, 4, and 5 [Except for the initial directors, each director] shall
be appointed by the Commissioners Court of Chambers County from a
list of candidates recommended by the board in the manner provided
in Section 375.064, Local Government Code. Said directors shall
serve staggered six (6) year terms with the terms of directors in
positions 1 and 3 expiring May 1 of an odd-numbered year, the
directors in positions 2 and 4 expiring May 1 of another
odd-numbered year, and the director in position 5 expiring in
another odd-numbered year [either 2 directors or 1 director
expiring on May 1 of each odd-numbered year as provided below].
Each director so appointed shall serve a term of office of six (6)
years, and until his or her successor is appointed and has
qualified. Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be made by
the remaining directors.
       (c)  One director, who shall serve in director position 6,
shall be appointed by the mayor of the City of Baytown, and one
director, who shall serve in director position 7, shall be
appointed by the city council of the City of Baytown.  The two
directors shall serve staggered six (6) year terms with the term of
the director in position 6 expiring May 1 of the odd-numbered year
in which the terms of positions 1 and 3 expire and with the term of
the director in position 7 expiring May 1 of the odd-numbered year
in which the terms of positions 2 and 4 expire. Each director
appointed to serve in position 6 or 7 shall serve a term of office of
six (6) years, and until his or her successor is appointed and has
qualified.  Appointments to fill an unexpired term in position 6
shall be made by the mayor of the City of Baytown, and appointments
to fill an unexpired term in position 7 shall be made by the city
council of the City of Baytown. [At the time this Act takes effect,
the following persons shall constitute the initial board of
directors of the district and are hereby appointed for the terms
prescribed by Subsection (d) of this section:
Director Position Name of Director
1 Jim Molnar
2 David Baker
3 Johnnie Jennings
4 Joseph S. Antoline
5 Gordon Christman]
       (d)  Directors serving in director positions 1, 2, 3, 4, and
5 [Of the initial directors, the directors appointed for director
positions 1 and 3 shall serve until May 1, 1999; the directors
appointed for director positions 2 and 4 shall serve until May 1,
2001; and the director appointed for director position 5 shall
serve until May 1, 2003.
       [(e)  Each initial director and each subsequent director
appointed] for either a full or partial term shall meet the
following qualifications:
             (i)  be at least eighteen (18) years of age; and
             (ii)  be an owner of property in the district; or
             (iii)  be an owner of stock, whether beneficial or
otherwise, of a corporate owner of property in the district; or
             (iv)  be an owner of a beneficial interest in a trust
that owns property in the district; or
             (v)  be an agent, employee or tenant of a person
described in the foregoing Subdivisions (ii), (iii), or (iv).
       (e)  Directors serving in director positions 6 and 7 shall
meet the following qualifications:
             (1)  be at least 18 years of age; and
             (2)  be a resident of the City of Baytown.
       (f)  No person may be appointed as a director or continue to
serve as a director unless they satisfy the [these] requirements
prescribed by this section.  Each director shall qualify for office
as provided in Subchapter D, Chapter 375, Local Government Code.
       (g) [(f)]  The board shall be governed by the terms and
conditions set forth in Subchapter C, Chapter 63, Water Code, to the
extent such provisions do not conflict with the provisions of this
       (h) [(g)]  Directors shall be compensated in the manner
provided by Section 63.098, Water Code.
       (i)  On September 1, 2007, the board is expanded from five
members to seven members by adding director positions 6 and 7 as
provided by Subsections (c) and (e) of this section. Regardless of
the length of the term prescribed by Subsection (c), the initial
term of the director serving in position 6 begins September 1, 2007,
and expires May 1, 2011, and the initial term of the director
serving in position 7 begins September 1, 2007, and expires May 1,
       SECTION 4.  Section 6, Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended by adding Subsection
(a-1) and amending Subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (a-1)  The district may:
             (1)  develop navigation and improve bayous, bays,
creeks, and streams inside or adjacent to the district;
             (2)  construct and maintain harbors, basins, and
waterways to permit or aid navigation;
             (3)  purchase or otherwise acquire, establish,
construct, own, maintain, operate, develop, and regulate wharves,
piers, docks, land, roadways, and other structures and facilities
incident to or accommodating of commerce or navigation; and
             (4)  control the operation of all vessels using a
harbor, basin, or navigable channel in the district.
       (d)  The district, in exercising any of the powers conferred
by this Act, requires a relocation, adjustment, raising, lowering,
rerouting, or changing the grade of or altering the construction of
any street, alley, highway, overpass, underpass, or road, any
railroad track, bridge, or other facilities or property, any
electric lines, conduits, or other facilities or property, any
telephone or telegraph lines, conduits, or other facilities or
property, any gas transmission or distribution pipes, pipelines,
mains, or other facilities or property, any cable television lines,
cable conduits, or other facilities or property or any other
pipelines and any facilities or properties relating to those
pipelines, those relocations, adjustments, raising, lowering,
rerouting, or changing of grade, or altering of construction must
be accomplished at the sole cost and expense of the district, and
damages that are suffered by the owners of the property or
facilities shall be borne by the district.  This subsection does not
apply to any pipeline, conduit, or underground facility that passes
under or through a channel, bayou, creek, stream, or other waterway
within or adjacent to the district and that requires an adjustment
or relocation as part of any navigation improvement or maintenance
project involving the waterway.
       SECTION 5.  Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1997, is amended by adding Sections 6A and 8A to
read as follows:
       Sec. 6A.  CONTRACT WITH ANOTHER DISTRICT.  The district may
make a contract with another navigation district created under
Section 52 of Article III or Section 59 of Article XVI, Texas
Constitution, or both, for the performance of any service that is
authorized to be provided by the districts.  Any payments due under
the contract may be made from and secured by ad valorem taxes or
other revenues of the districts or by a combination of revenues.  If
the constitution of this state requires an election to permit the
payment and security, an election shall be held substantially in
accordance with the requirements of Subchapter F, Chapter 62, Water
Regardless of any other law to the contrary and without an election,
the district may annex and include within its boundaries territory
located in an adjacent navigation district, and the adjacent
navigation district may disannex and exclude from its boundaries
the same territory, as may be provided in an agreement between the
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.