By: Elkins (Senate Sponsor - Jackson) H.B. No. 3220
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 11, 2007;
  May 15, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on Natural
  Resources; May 18, 2007, reported favorably by the following vote:  
  Yeas 11, Nays 0; May 18, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to the environmental regulation and remediation of dry
  cleaning facilities.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Section 374.102, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 374, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 374.1022 and 374.1023 to read as
  PROPERTY OWNER. (a)  The following persons may participate in the
  fund benefits by registering as provided by this section:
               (1)  a person who owns real property on which a dry
  cleaning facility or drop station is or was located; or
               (2)  a preceding owner of real property on which a dry
  cleaning facility or drop station is or was located who entered into
  an agreement with the current owner associated with the sale of the
  real property to the current owner that requires the person to be
  responsible for any costs associated with cleaning up contamination
  covered under this chapter.
         (b)  For a person described by Subsection (a) to participate
  in fund benefits, the person must:
               (1)  register with the commission on or before December
  31, 2007, using a form prescribed by the commission;
               (2)  include on the registration form information
  identifying the person as a:
                     (A)  property owner; or
                     (B)  preceding property owner; and
               (3)  pay the annual registration fee of $1,500.
         (c)  A person described by Subsection (a) may participate in
  the fund benefits by registering after December 31, 2007, in the
  same manner as provided by Subsection (b). A person registering
  after that date must also pay:
               (1)  all past annual registration fees; and
               (2)  a late fee of $100 for each month or partial month
  that has elapsed between December 2007 and the date of the
         (d)  The annual registration fee may be divided into
  quarterly payments due over the year on dates established by the
         Sec. 374.1023.  LIEN.  (a)  In addition to other remedies
  available under other law, a lien is imposed against the real
  property that is subject to a corrective action taken under this
  chapter if the person does not pay a registration fee under Section
  374.1022 that is due while the corrective action is ongoing. The
  amount of the lien is the sum of:
               (1)  the costs of the action; and
               (2)  the fees due but not paid during the period of the
  corrective action.
         (b)  The lien imposed by this section arises and attaches to
  the real property subject to the corrective action at the time an
  affidavit is recorded and indexed in accordance with this section
  in the county in which the real property is located. For the
  purpose of determining rights of all affected parties, the lien
  does not relate back to a time before the date on which the
  affidavit is recorded, which date is the lien inception date. The
  lien continues until the liability for the corrective action costs
  and registration fees is satisfied or becomes unenforceable through
  operation of law. The executive director shall determine whether
  to prepare an affidavit. In determining whether to prepare an
  affidavit or whether a lien is satisfied, the executive director:
               (1)  shall proceed in the manner that the executive
  director determines will most likely result in the least overall
  costs to the state after any cost and fee recovery action; and
               (2)  may take into account a landowner's financial
  ability to satisfy the lien, including consideration of whether the
  real property that is the subject of the lien:
                     (A)  is a homestead and is being occupied as a home
  by the landowner; and
                     (B)  has a fair market value of $250,000 or less.
         (c)  An authorized representative of the commission must
  execute the affidavit. The affidavit must show:
               (1)  the names and addresses of the persons liable for
  the corrective action costs and registration fees;
               (2)  a description of the real property that is subject
  to or affected by the corrective action; and
               (3)  the amount of the corrective action costs and
  registration fees and the balance due.
         (d)  The county clerk shall record the affidavit in records
  kept for that purpose and shall index the affidavit under the names
  of the persons liable for the corrective action costs and
  registration fees.
         (e)  The commission shall record a relinquishment or
  satisfaction of the lien when the lien is paid or satisfied.
         (f)  The lien may be foreclosed only on judgment of a court of
  competent jurisdiction foreclosing the lien and ordering the sale
  of the property subject to the lien.
         (g)  The lien imposed by this section is not valid or
  enforceable if real property, an interest in real property, or a
  mortgage, lien, or other encumbrance on or against real property is
  acquired before the affidavit is recorded, unless the person
  acquiring the real property, an interest in the property, or the
  mortgage, lien, or other encumbrance on the property had or
  reasonably should have had actual notice or knowledge that the real
  property is subject to or affected by a corrective action or has
  knowledge that the state has incurred corrective action costs and
  is owed registration fees.
         (h)  If a lien is fixed or attempted to be fixed as provided
  by this section, the owner of the real property affected by the lien
  may file a bond to indemnify against the lien. The bond must be
  filed with the county clerk of the county in which the real property
  subject to the lien is located. An action to establish, enforce, or
  foreclose any lien or claim of lien covered by the bond must be
  brought not later than the 30th day after the date of service of
  notice of the bond. The bond must:
               (1)  describe the real property on which the lien is
               (2)  refer to the lien claimed in a manner sufficient to
  identify it;
               (3)  be in an amount double the amount of the lien
  referred to;
               (4)  be payable to the commission;
               (5)  be executed by the party filing the bond as
  principal and a corporate surety authorized under the law of this
  state to execute the bond as surety; and
               (6)  be conditioned substantially that the principal
  and sureties will pay to the commission the amount of the lien
  claimed, plus costs, if the claim is proved to be a lien on the real
         (i)  After the bond is filed, the county clerk shall issue
  notice of the bond to the named obligee. A copy of the bond must be
  attached to the notice. The notice may be served on each obligee by
  having a copy delivered to the obligee by any person competent to
  make oath of the delivery. The original notice shall be returned to
  the office of the county clerk, and the person making service of
  copy shall make an oath on the back of the copies showing on whom and
  on what date the copies were served. The county clerk shall record
  the bond notice and return in records kept for that purpose. In
  acquiring an interest in real property, a purchaser or lender may
  rely on and is absolutely protected by the record of the bond,
  notice, and return.
         (j)  The commission may sue on the bond after the 30th day
  after the date on which the notice is served but may not sue on the
  bond later than one year after the date on which the notice is
  served. The commission is entitled to recover reasonable
  attorney's fees if the commission recovers in a suit on the lien or
  on the bond.
         SECTION 3.  Section 374.103(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) and Section
  374.104(d), a fee of $20 [$15] per gallon is imposed on the purchase
  of the dry cleaning solvent perchloroethylene and $3 [$5] per
  gallon on the purchase of any other dry cleaning solvent by an owner
  of a dry cleaning facility. The person who distributes the solvent
  shall collect the fees and shall pay to the commission the amount
  due, in accordance with Subsection (a-1).
         SECTION 4.  Section 374.104, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (b-1) and adding Subsection (g) to
  read as follows:
         (b-1) An owner of a dry cleaning facility or drop station who
  files an option not to participate in accordance with Subsection
  (b) is entitled to a refund of [credit against future] registration
  fees paid under Section 374.102[, Health and Safety Code,] to the
  extent that a registration fee paid under that section in 2004 or
  2005 exceeded the amount due for a nonparticipating dry cleaning
  facility or drop station.
         (g)  A person who is the owner of a dry cleaning drop station
  who timely files an option not to participate in fund benefits under
  this section may, as provided by this subsection, retain the status
  of the drop station as nonparticipating if the person moves the drop
  station to a new location. A person to whom this section applies
               (1)  provide to the commission the written consent of
  the property owner at the new location; and
               (2)  continue to comply with the other requirements of
  this section.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter D, Chapter 374, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 374.1535 to read as follows:
  (a)  If the commission has completed corrective action at a dry
  cleaning site, perchloroethylene may not be used at that site.
         (b)  If the owner of a dry cleaning site uses
  perchloroethylene at the site after the completion of corrective
  action at that site, the site is not eligible for future corrective
  action using money from the fund.
         SECTION 6.  Sections 374.154(b) and (c), Health and Safety
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The following persons are eligible to apply for a site
  to be ranked under Subsection (a):
               (1)  a person who is an owner of the dry cleaning
  facility or drop station; and
               (2)  a person who is registered with the commission
  under Section 374.1022 [an owner of the real property on which the
  dry cleaning facility or drop station is or was located; or
               [(3)     a person who was the preceding owner of the real
  property on which the dry cleaning facility or drop station is or
  was located if the person entered into an agreement with the current
  owner associated with the sale of the real property to the current
  owner that requires the person to be responsible for any costs
  associated with the clean up of contamination covered under this
         (c)  If the applicant for ranking:
               (1)  is not an owner of the real property, the
  application must include proof that an owner of the real property
  has been notified of the application;
               (2)  is an owner of the real property and the dry
  cleaning facility or drop station is leased, the application must
  include proof that a lessee has been notified of the application; or
               (3)  is a person described by Section 374.1022(a)(2)
  [Subsection (b)(3)], the application must include proof that the
  owner of the real property and any lessee have been notified of the
         SECTION 7.  Section 374.207, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  FROM CERTAIN CLAIMS. If an owner or a [other] person registered
  under Section 374.1022 is eligible under this chapter to have
  corrective action costs paid by the fund, an administrative or
  judicial claim may not be made under state law against the owner or
  other person by or on behalf of this state or by any other person,
  except a political subdivision, to compel corrective action or seek
  recovery of the costs of corrective action that result from the
         SECTION 8.  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  shall provide the comptroller with a list of persons eligible for a
  refund under Section 374.104(b-1), Health and Safety Code, as
  amended by this Act not later than November 30, 2007, and the
  comptroller shall pay each refund not later than December 31, 2007.  
  The amount of a refund paid to a person under this section is the
  current credit balance for that person at the time the list is
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
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