relating to initial and continuing education and training for peace |
officers and recruits relating to the trafficking of persons. |
SECTION 1. Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, is amended |
by adding Subsections (k) and (l) to read as follows: |
(k) As part of the minimum curriculum requirements, the |
commission shall establish an education and training program |
relating to the trafficking of persons for recruits and officers. |
The commission shall develop learning and performance objectives |
for the education and training program required by this subsection |
in consultation with national and state experts in the field of the |
trafficking of persons. The education and training program must: |
(1) to the extent the commission considers appropriate |
and practicable, be presented by persons who have: |
(A) expertise relating to the trafficking of |
persons; and |
(B) experience delivering direct services to |
victims of trafficking; and |
(2) include instruction regarding the following |
topics as they relate to the trafficking of persons: |
(A) the substance of Chapter 20A, Penal Code; |
(B) the identification of occurrences of |
trafficking; |
(C) communication with traumatized persons; |
(D) therapeutically appropriate investigative |
techniques; |
(E) collaboration with federal law enforcement |
officials; |
(F) the rights and protections afforded to |
victims of trafficking; |
(G) the provision of documentation to satisfy any |
requirements imposed on a peace officer by federal law relating to |
certifying that a person is a victim of trafficking; and |
(H) the availability of community resources to |
assist victims of trafficking. |
(l) A recruit must complete a program established under |
Subsection (k) before the person may be licensed as an officer under |
this chapter. |
SECTION 2. Section 1701.352, Occupations Code, is amended |
by adding Subsection (f-1) to read as follows: |
(f-1) The commission shall require a person who is licensed |
under this chapter on September 1, 2007, to complete an education |
and training program on the trafficking of persons described by |
Section 1701.253(k) not later than December 1, 2011. The program |
must be available to the officers on the Internet. This subsection |
expires September 1, 2012. |
SECTION 3. The Commission on Law Enforcement Officer |
Standards and Education shall develop and make available the |
education and training program required by Section 1701.253(k), |
Occupations Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, |
2007. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |