By: Parker (Senate Sponsor - Harris) H.B. No. 3440
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 30, 2007;
  May 2, 2007, read first time and referred to Subcommittee on
  Emerging Technologies and Economic Development; May 18, 2007,
  reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute from
  Committee on Business and Commerce by the following vote:  Yeas 8,
  Nays 0; May 18, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to projects that may be undertaken by development
  corporations for the development, retention, or expansion of
  certain airport facilities.
         SECTION 1.  Section 2(11), Development Corporation Act of
  1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as amended by
  Chapters 1, 1048, and 1148, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
               (11)  "Project" shall mean:
                     (A)  the land, buildings, equipment, facilities,
  expenditures, targeted infrastructure, and improvements (one or
  more) that are for the creation or retention of primary jobs and
  that are found by the board of directors to be required or suitable
  for the development, retention, or expansion of manufacturing and
  industrial facilities, research and development facilities,
  military facilities, including closed or realigned military bases,
  transportation facilities (including but not limited to airports,
  hangars, airport maintenance and repair facilities, air cargo
  facilities, related infrastructure located on or adjacent to an
  airport facility, ports, mass commuting facilities, and parking
  facilities), sewage or solid waste disposal facilities, recycling
  facilities, air or water pollution control facilities, facilities
  for the furnishing of water to the general public, distribution
  centers, small warehouse facilities capable of serving as
  decentralized storage and distribution centers, primary job
  training facilities for use by institutions of higher education,
  and regional or national corporate headquarters facilities;
                     (B)  job training required or suitable for the
  promotion of development and expansion of business enterprises and
  other enterprises described by this Act, as provided by Section 38
  of this Act;
                     (C)  expenditures found by the board of directors
  to be required or suitable for infrastructure necessary to promote
  or develop new or expanded business enterprises limited to streets
  and roads, rail spurs, water and sewer utilities, electric
  utilities, gas utilities, drainage, site improvements, and related
  improvements, telecommunications and Internet improvements, and
  beach remediation along the Gulf of Mexico;
                     (D)  the infrastructure, improvements, land
  acquisition, buildings, or expenditures that:
                           (i) [(A)]  are for the creation or retention
  of primary jobs or jobs that are included in North American Industry
  Classification System (NAICS) sector number 926120, Regulation and
  Administration of Transportation Programs, for the corresponding
  index entry for Coast Guard (except the Coast Guard Academy); and
                           (ii) [(B)]  are found by the board of
  directors to be required or suitable for:
                                 (a) [(i)]  promoting or supporting a
  military base in active use to prevent the possible future closure
  or realignment of the base;
                                 (b) [(ii)]  attracting new military
  missions to a military base in active use; or
                                 (c) [(iii)]  redeveloping a military
  base that has been closed or realigned, including a military base
  closed or realigned according to the recommendation of the Defense
  Base Closure and Realignment Commission under the Defense Base
  Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (10 U.S.C. Section 2687 note);
                     (E)  land, buildings, equipment, facilities,
  improvements, and expenditures found by the board of directors to
  be required or suitable for use for a career center, if the area to
  be benefited by the career center is not located in the taxing
  jurisdiction of a junior college district;
                     (F)  for a corporation created by a city any part
  of which is located within 25 miles of an international border, the
  land, buildings, facilities, infrastructure, and improvements
                           (i)  the board of directors finds are
  required or suitable for the development or expansion of airport
  facilities; or
                           (ii)  are undertaken by the corporation if
  the city that created the corporation has, at the time the project
  is approved by the corporation as provided by this Act:
                                 (a)  a population of less than 50,000;
                                 (b)  an average rate of unemployment
  that is greater than the state average rate of unemployment during
  the 12-month period for which data is available that immediately
  precedes the date the project is approved; or
                     (G)  expenditures found by the board of directors
  to be required or suitable for infrastructure necessary to promote
  or develop new or expanded business enterprises, including
  airports, ports, and sewer or solid waste disposal facilities, if
  the corporation:
                           (i)  is created by a city wholly or partly
  located in a county that is bordered by the Rio Grande, has a
  population of at least 500,000, and has wholly or partly within its
  boundaries at least four cities that each have a population of at
  least 25,000; and
                           (ii)  does not support a project, as defined
  by this subdivision, with sales and use tax revenue collected under
  Section 4A or 4B of this Act.
         SECTION 2.  Section 4B(a)(2), Development Corporation Act of
  1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  read as follows:
               (2)  "Project" means land, buildings, equipment,
  facilities, expenditures, and improvements included in the
  definition of that term under Section 2 of this Act, and includes
  job training as provided by Section 38 of this Act. For purposes of
  this section, the term includes recycling facilities, and land,
  buildings, equipment, facilities, and improvements found by the
  board of directors to:
                     (A)  be required or suitable for use for
  professional and amateur (including children's) sports, athletic,
  entertainment, tourist, convention, and public park purposes and
  events, including stadiums, ball parks, auditoriums,
  amphitheaters, concert halls, parks and park facilities, open space
  improvements, museums, exhibition facilities, and related store,
  restaurant, concession, and automobile parking facilities, related
  area transportation facilities, and related roads, streets, and
  water and sewer facilities, and other related improvements that
  enhance any of those items;
                     (B)  promote or develop new or expanded business
  enterprises that create or retain primary jobs, including a project
  to provide public safety facilities, streets and roads, drainage
  and related improvements, demolition of existing structures,
  general municipally owned improvements, as well as any improvements
  or facilities that are related to any of those projects and any
  other project that the board in its discretion determines promotes
  or develops new or expanded business enterprises that create or
  retain primary jobs;
                     (C)  be required or suitable for the promotion of
  development and expansion of affordable housing, as defined by 42
  U.S.C. Section 12745;
                     (D)  be required or suitable for the development
  or improvement of water supply facilities, including dams,
  transmission lines, well field developments, and other water supply
                     (E)  be required or suitable for the development
  and institution of water conservation programs, including
  incentives to install water-saving plumbing fixtures, educational
  programs, brush control programs, and programs to replace
  malfunctioning or leaking water lines and other water facilities;
                     (F)  be required or suitable for the development,
  retention, or expansion of business enterprises if the project is
  undertaken by a corporation created by an eligible city:
                           (i)  that has not for each of the preceding
  two fiscal years received more than $50,000 in revenues from sales
  and use taxes imposed under this section; and
                           (ii)  the governing body of which has
  authorized the project by adopting a resolution only after giving
  the resolution at least two separate readings conducted at least
  one week apart; or
                     (G)  be required or suitable for the development
  or expansion of airport facilities, including hangars, airport
  maintenance and repair facilities, air cargo facilities, and
  related infrastructure located on or adjacent to an airport
  facility, if the project is undertaken by a corporation created by
  an eligible city:
                           (i)  that enters into a development
  agreement with an entity in which the entity acquires a leasehold or
  other possessory interest from the corporation and is authorized to
  sublease the entity's interest for other projects authorized by
  this subdivision; and
                           (ii)  the governing body of which has
  authorized the development agreement by adopting a resolution at a
  meeting called as authorized by law.
         SECTION 3.  Section 32, Development Corporation Act of 1979
  (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 32.  The legislature finds, determines, and declares
  that the activities of a corporation created and organized under
  the provisions of this Act affect all the people of the unit under
  whose auspices it is created by assuming to a material extent that
  which might otherwise become the obligation or duty of such unit,
  and therefore such corporation is an institution of purely public
  charity within the tax exemption of Article VIII, Section 2, of the
  Texas Constitution. However, a corporation is exempt from the
  franchise tax imposed by Chapter 171, Tax Code, only if the
  corporation is exempted by that chapter. The legislature further
  finds, determines, and declares that the grants, loans,
  expenditures, and tax exemptions authorized by this Act in
  connection with a project and authorized by a corporation in
  accordance with this Act, constitute the making of loans or grants
  of public money or constitute other actions authorized by Section
  52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
  * * * * *