80R8462 DLF-D
  By: Isett H.B. No. 3445
relating to long-term funding of benefits for certain retired
governmental employees.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter I, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, is
amended by adding Section 1551.4055 to read as follows:
       Sec. 1551.4055.  ANNUITANT HEALTH BENEFITS FUND. (a)  The
state annuitant health benefits fund is a trust fund with the
comptroller, who is custodian of the fund.
       (b)  The board of trustees shall administer the fund.
       (c)  The following shall be paid into the fund:
             (1)  contributions from active employees, employers,
and the state as required by the General Appropriations Act;
             (2)  investment income; and
             (3)  other money required or authorized to be paid into
the fund.
       (d)  Contributions to the fund are in addition to other
contributions made under this chapter and may be collected in the
same manner as other contributions are collected under this
       (e)  Money in the fund may be transferred to the employees
life, accident, and health insurance and benefits fund for use in
accordance with Subsection (f).
       (f)  Money in the fund may be used only to provide health
benefits for an annuitant who is eligible to participate under
Section 1551.102 and who was born on or after September 1, 1977.  
The legislature reserves the right to specify additional annuitants
for whom payments may be made from the fund.
       (g)  The fund is held in trust for the benefit of the
annuitants described by Subsection (f) and may not be diverted.
       SECTION 2.  Section 1551.406(a), Insurance Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  Under the standard of care provided by Section 815.307,
Government Code, the board of trustees may manage and has full power
to invest and reinvest the money in:
             (1)  the employees life, accident, and health insurance
and benefits fund;
             (2)  the state employees cafeteria plan trust fund;
             (3)  the employees' health care stabilization trust
fund; and
             (4)  the state annuitants health benefit fund.
       SECTION 3.  Chapter 1575, Insurance Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter G-1 to read as follows:
       Sec. 1575.321.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "health
benefits fund" means the public school retiree health benefits fund
established under this subchapter.
       Sec. 1575.322.  FUND; ADMINISTRATION.  (a)  The public
school retiree health benefits fund is a trust fund with the
comptroller, who is custodian of the health benefits fund.
       (b)  The trustee shall administer the health benefits fund.
       Sec. 1575.323.  PAYMENTS INTO FUND.  (a)  The following shall
be paid into the health benefits fund:
             (1)  contributions from active employees, employers,
and the state as required by the General Appropriations Act;
             (2)  investment income; and
             (3)  other money required or authorized to be paid into
the fund.
       (b)  Contributions to the health benefits fund are in
addition to other contributions made under this chapter and may be
collected in the same manner as other contributions are collected
under this chapter.
       Sec. 1575.324.  PAYMENTS FROM FUND.  (a)  Money in the health
benefits fund may be transferred to the retired school employees
group insurance fund for use in accordance with Subsection (b).
       (b)  Money in the health benefits fund may be used only to
provide health benefits for a retiree who was born on or after
September 1, 1977.  The legislature reserves the right to specify
additional retirees for whom payments may be made from the fund.
       (c)  The health benefits fund is held in trust for the
benefit of the retirees described by Subsection (b) and may not be
       Sec. 1575.325.  INVESTMENT OF FUND. The trustee may invest
money in the health benefits fund in the manner provided by
Subchapter D, Chapter 825, Government Code, for assets of the
Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
       Sec. 1575.326.  MANAGEMENT OF ASSETS.  The trustee may
commingle, for investment purposes only, the assets of a fund
created under this subchapter with another fund created under this
chapter or any other trust fund administered by the trustee if the
trustee maintains and credits proportionate ownership records.
       SECTION 4.  Chapter 1601, Insurance Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter F-1 to read as follows:
       Sec. 1601.271.  FUND; ADMINISTRATION.  (a)  The Texas A&M
University System retiree health benefits fund and The University
of Texas System retiree health benefits fund are trust funds with
the comptroller, who is custodian of each fund.
       (b)  The Texas A&M University System shall administer The
Texas A&M University System retiree health benefits fund. The
University of Texas System shall administer The University of Texas
System retiree health benefits fund.
       Sec. 1601.272.  PAYMENTS INTO FUND.  (a)  The following shall
be paid into each fund:
             (1)  contributions from active employees, employers,
and the state as required by the General Appropriations Act;
             (2)  investment income; and
             (3)  other money required or authorized to be paid into
the fund.
       (b)  Contributions to each fund are in addition to other
contributions made under this chapter and may be collected in the
same manner as other contributions are collected under this
       Sec. 1601.273.  PAYMENTS FROM FUND.  (a)  Money in The Texas
A&M University System retiree health benefits fund may be
transferred to a fund designated for that purpose by The Texas A&M
University System for use in accordance with Subsection (b). Money
in The University of Texas System retiree health benefits fund may
be transferred to a fund designated for that purpose by The
University of Texas System for use in accordance with Subsection
       (b)  Money in each fund may be used by the appropriate system
only to provide health benefits for a retiree who was born on or
after September 1, 1977.  The legislature reserves the right to
specify additional retirees for whom payments may be made from the
appropriate fund.
       (c)  The funds are held in trust for the benefit of the
retirees described by Subsection (b) and may not be diverted.
       Sec. 1601.274.  INVESTMENT OF FUND.  (a)  The governing board
of a system may invest the money in the system's fund under this
subchapter and may commingle, for investment purposes only, the
assets of a fund created under this subchapter with:
             (1)  institutional trust funds invested under Chapter
51, Education Code;
             (2)  the employees life, accident, and health insurance
and benefits fund administered by the Employees Retirement System
of Texas under Chapter 1551; or
             (3)  the retired school employees group insurance fund
administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas under
Chapter 1575.
       (b)  Subsection (a)(1) applies notwithstanding Section
51.004, Education Code.
       (c)  If money in a system's fund is commingled as described
by Subsection (a), the comptroller shall maintain and credit
proportionate ownership records of the funds appropriately.
       SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.