By: Otto, et al. Senate Sponsor-Williams H.B. No. 3496
       (In the Senate - Received from the House April 30, 2007;
May 2, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on Finance;
May 19, 2007, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 10,
Nays 0; May 19, 2007, sent to printer.)
relating to the deadlines for the delivery or filing of certain ad
valorem tax notices.
       SECTION 1.  Sections 25.19(a) and (g), Tax Code, are amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  By April 1 or as soon thereafter as practicable if the
property is a single-family residence that qualifies for an
exemption under Section 11.13, or by May 1 [15] or as soon
thereafter as practicable in connection with any other property,
the chief appraiser shall deliver a clear and understandable
written notice to a property owner of the appraised value of the
property owner's property if:
             (1)  the appraised value of the property is greater
than it was in the preceding year;
             (2)  the appraised value of the property is greater
than the value rendered by the property owner; or
             (3)  the property was not on the appraisal roll in the
preceding year.
       (g)  By April 1 or as soon thereafter as practicable if the
property is a single-family residence that qualifies for an
exemption under Section 11.13, or by May 1 [15] or as soon
thereafter as practicable in connection with any other property,
the chief appraiser shall deliver a written notice to the owner of
each property not included in a notice required to be delivered
under Subsection (a), if the property was reappraised in the
current tax year, if the ownership of the property changed during
the preceding year, or if the property owner or the agent of a
property owner authorized under Section 1.111 makes a written
request for the notice. The chief appraiser shall separate real
from personal property and include in the notice for each property:
             (1)  the appraised value of the property in the
preceding year;
             (2)  the appraised value of the property for the
current year and the kind of each partial exemption, if any,
approved for the current year;
             (3)  a detailed explanation of the time and procedure
for protesting the value; and
             (4)  the date and place the appraisal review board will
begin hearing protests.
       SECTION 2.  Section 41.11(a), Tax Code, is amended to read as
       (a)  Not later than the date the appraisal review board
approves the appraisal records as provided by Section 41.12, the
secretary of the board shall deliver written notice to a property
owner of any change in the records that is ordered by the board as
provided by this subchapter and that will result in an increase in
the tax liability of the property owner. An owner who receives a
notice as provided by this section shall be entitled to protest such
action as provided by Section 41.44(a)(3) [41.44(a)(2)].
       SECTION 3.  Section 41.44, Tax Code, is amended by amending
Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b), (b-1), (c),
(c-1), and (c-2), to be entitled to a hearing and determination of a
protest, the property owner initiating the protest must file a
written notice of the protest with the appraisal review board
having authority to hear the matter protested:
             (1)  before May 1 or not later than the 30th day after
the date that notice to the property owner was delivered to the
property owner as provided by Section 25.19, if the property is a
single-family residence that qualifies for an exemption under
Section 11.13, whichever is later;
             (2)  before June 1 or not later than the 30th day after
the date that notice was delivered to the property owner as provided
by Section 25.19 in connection with any other property, whichever
is later;
             (3) [(2)]  in the case of a protest of a change in the
appraisal records ordered as provided by Subchapter A of this
chapter or by Chapter 25, not later than the 30th day after the date
notice of the change is delivered to the property owner; or
             (4) [(3)]  in the case of a determination that a change
in the use of land appraised under Subchapter C, D, E, or H, Chapter
23, has occurred, not later than the 30th day after the date the
notice of the determination is delivered to the property owner.
       (b-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(1), an owner of
property described by that subsection who files a notice of protest
after the deadline prescribed by that subsection but before the
appraisal review board approves the appraisal records is entitled
to a hearing and determination of the protest if the property owner
files the notice before June 1.
       (c)  A property owner who files notice of a protest
authorized by Section 41.411 is entitled to a hearing and
determination of the protest if the property owner [he] files the
notice prior to the date the taxes on the property to which the
notice applies become delinquent. An owner of land who files a
notice of protest under Subsection (a)(4) [(a)(3)] is entitled to a
hearing and determination of the protest without regard to whether
the appraisal records are approved.
       SECTION 4.  This Act applies only to an ad valorem tax year
that begins on or after the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2008.
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