80R10036 ATP-F
  By: Keffer H.B. No. 3497
relating to economic impact studies and other financial issues
affecting municipalities and counties that attempt to recruit or
retain special events.
       SECTION 1.  Section 398.004(b), Local Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The economic impact study must identify the geographic
area expected to experience economic benefits from the special
event and provide an estimate of:
             (1)  the general economic impact likely to occur in the
area as a result of the event; and
             (2)  the anticipated amount of increase in the tax
receipts to this state from the taxes imposed under Title 5,
Alcoholic Beverage Code, and Chapters [Chapter] 151, 156, and 183,
Tax Code, that:
                   (A)  will occur in the special event area during
the period that begins on the day before the first day of the event
and ends at the earlier of:
                         (i)  the end of the day following the last
day of the event; or
                         (ii)  the end of the 30th day after the day
before the first day of the event; and
                   (B)  is directly attributable to the preparation
for and presentation of the event.
       SECTION 2.  Section 398.006(b), Local Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b)  A special event plan must include:
             (1)  a copy of an economic impact study for the special
event that has been certified under Section 398.005;
             (2)  the history of the event in the special event area,
a description of previous attempts by the host community to secure
the event, information regarding attempts by other communities to
recruit the event, and any other information that would justify
approval of the amount of money requested for the event under this
             (3)  a detailed explanation justifying each expense as
it relates to the purposes provided by Section 398.007(c) that each
political subdivision within a host community anticipates will be
incurred in connection with hosting the event and for which each
political subdivision intends to use revenue from the special event
trust fund established by the comptroller for the host community
under this chapter;
             (4)  an estimate of the total amount of expenses each
political subdivision within a host community anticipates will be
incurred in hosting the event; and
             (5)  a request that an amount of money, not to exceed
the lesser of [one-half of] the amount of the total expenses
estimated under Subdivision (4) or [one-half of] the amount of the
anticipated increase in tax receipts to this state described by
Section 398.004(b)(2) according to the certified economic impact
study, be deposited by the comptroller into a special event trust
fund for the host community.
       SECTION 3.  A host community whose economic impact study was
certified by the comptroller under Section 398.005(a)(2), Local
Government Code, on or after December 1, 2006, and before the
effective date of this Act may provide a supplemental economic
impact study for consideration and certification by the comptroller
under Section 398.004, Local Government Code, as amended by this
Act, notwithstanding the certification deadlines prescribed by
Sections 398.004 and 398.006, Local Government Code, as amended by
this Act, and Section 398.005, Local Government Code.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.