80R7866 JLL-F
  By: Swinford H.B. No. 3559
relating to the administration and powers of the Canadian River
Municipal Water Authority.
       SECTION 1.  Section 5(b), Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1953, is amended to read as follows:
       (b).  The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings, the
date thereof to be established in the District's bylaws or by
resolution. The President or any three members may call such
special meetings as may be necessary in the administration of the
District's business, provided that at least five days prior to the
meeting date, the Secretary shall have mailed notice thereof to the
address which each member shall file with the Secretary. Notices of
special meetings may be waived in writing by any Director. The
Board of Directors or Board committees may hold meetings by
telephone conference call, videoconference call, or through
communications over the Internet, in accordance with procedures
provided by Subchapter F, Chapter 551, Government Code, if
determined to be necessary or convenient by the President or any
three members. A closed meeting of the Board of Directors that is
authorized under Chapter 551, Government Code, may include officers
and employees of constituent cities of the District and other
persons the Board determines to be necessary or helpful. Each
Director shall receive a fee as provided by general law [of not more
than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each attendance at a Board meeting
and a fee of not more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars] for each day
devoted to District business [other than a Board meeting]. Each
Director is also entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses
incurred in carrying out District business, including attending a
Board meeting. Payment to a Director for services performed and
expenses incurred is subject to the approval of a majority of the
       SECTION 2.  Section 13, Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1953, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 13.  DISTRICT POWERS. In addition to those herein
otherwise mentioned, the District shall be and is hereby authorized
to exercise the following powers, rights, privileges and functions:
       (a)  To store, control, conserve, protect, distribute and
utilize within or without the District or within or without the
state the storm and flood waters and unappropriated flow of the
Canadian River and its tributaries, and to prevent the escape of any
such waters without first obtaining therefrom a maximum of public
benefit, by the construction of a dam or dams across said river and
its tributaries, or otherwise, by complying with Chapter 11, Water
Code, and in such manner as shall fully recognize and be in harmony
with the limitations of use of the waters of said river provided in
the "Canadian River Compact" appearing as Chapter 43, Water Code.
The District is also empowered to provide by purchase, contract,
lease, gift, or in any other lawful manner, and to develop all
facilities within or without the District or within or without the
state deemed necessary or useful for the purpose of storing,
controlling, conserving, protecting, distributing, processing and
utilizing such surface water and the transportation thereof to the
cities and areas comprising the District for municipal, domestic,
industrial and other useful purposes permitted by law.
       (b)  To acquire and develop within or without the District or
within or without the state any other available source of surface,
storm, flood, underground, or other water supply and to construct,
acquire and develop all facilities deemed necessary or useful with
respect thereto.
       (c)  To acquire, construct, develop, operate, and maintain
any and all property of any kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any
interest in property whether within or without the District or
within or without the state and to enter into any contracts with any
person or legal entity and take all actions necessary or convenient
in order to protect and preserve, and to prevent, eliminate,
reduce, or minimize the pollution, contamination, or deterioration
of the quality of, the water of the Canadian River or any of its
tributaries or the water of any other source of water supply to the
District in order to facilitate the use of the water for any lawful
       (d)  To acquire, construct, develop, operate, and maintain
any facilities or systems for drilling, pumping, capturing,
reducing, intercepting, eliminating, impounding, controlling,
using, injecting or otherwise capturing and disposing of brine,
brackish water, saltwater, saline water, or other water
contaminated by any type of chlorine, sodium, sulfates, or other
chemical condition or characteristic detrimental to the quality of
the water, whether the source of contaminated water is groundwater
or surface water, within or without the District or within or
without the state, and whether the facilities or systems are
located within or without the District or within or without the
       (e)  To acquire or utilize surface or underground water
rights and to develop surface or underground water resources in any
manner in furtherance of the purposes described in Subsections (c)
and (d) of this section.
       (f)  To declare any facilities or system acquired or
constructed under Subsections (a) through (e) of this section to be
a part of the District's water supply system.
       (g)  To acquire by purchase, construction, lease, gift, or in
any other lawful manner, and to maintain, use and operate any and
all property of any kind, real, personal or mixed, or any interest
therein, within or without the boundaries of the District or within
or without the state, necessary or convenient to the exercise of the
powers, rights, privileges and functions possessed by the District
under this Act.
       (h)  To acquire by condemnation any and all property of any
kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest therein, within or
without the boundaries of the District, necessary or convenient to
the exercise of the powers, rights, privileges and functions
possessed by the District, in the manner provided by Chapter 21,
Property Code, relating to eminent domain. The amount of and
character of the property thus to be acquired shall be determined by
the Board of Directors, provided that the District shall not have
the right to so condemn any property which may be owned by any other
political subdivision, city or town; provided, however, that as
against persons, firms, and corporations, or receivers or trustees
thereof, who have the power of eminent domain, the fee title may not
be condemned, but the District may condemn only an easement. It is
specifically provided, however, that the District does not have the
authority to condemn underground water rights.
       (i)  To sell or otherwise dispose of any surplus property of
any kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest therein, which
shall not be necessary to the operation of the District in
accordance with general law applicable to a municipality or to a
district created under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution
[; provided, however, that in all cases in which the Board of
Directors considers the value of such property to be in excess of
One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, same shall be sold only upon
advertisement and competitive bids].
       (j)  To require the relocation of roads and highways in the
manner and to the extent permitted to Districts organized under
Section 59 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution; the cost of
relocation of any roads, highways or railroads or telephone or
telegraph properties or facilities made necessary by this Act and
any reasonable actual damage incurred in changing and adjusting the
lines and grades of railroads or such highways or roads or telephone
or telegraph properties or facilities shall be paid by the
       (k)  To make contracts with any person or legal entity,
including the United States, the state, any political subdivision
or body politic and corporate of the state, any other state, any
political subdivision or body politic and corporate within any
other state, and any interstate compact commission or similar
organization, necessary or convenient to the exercise of the
powers, rights, privileges and functions of the District and to
take all actions and execute all instruments necessary or
convenient to the exercise of the powers, rights, privileges and
functions of the District.
       (l)  To make or cause to be made surveys and engineering
investigations for the information of the District, to facilitate
the accomplishment of the purposes for which it is created.
       (m)  To borrow money for its corporate purposes, and without
limitation of the generality of the foregoing to borrow money and
accept grants, gratuities or other support from the United States
of America or the State of Texas, or from any corporation or agency
created or designated by the United States of America or the State
of Texas, and, in connection with any such loan, grant, or other
support, to enter into such arrangement with the United States of
America or the State of Texas or such corporation or agency, of
either as the District may deem advisable.
       (n)  To make and issue its negotiable bonds for moneys
borrowed in the manner and to the extent provided in this Act and
with reference thereto or otherwise to contract in any manner it
shall see fit and as may be required by any law pertaining to loans,
grants or other support received from the United States of America
or the State of Texas or from any corporation or agency, of either
of them.
       (o)  To make such contracts in the issuance of bonds as may be
considered necessary or convenient to insure the marketability
       (p)  To sue or be sued in its corporate name, provided that if
the District prevails in a suit against a person or governmental
entity entitled to recover attorney's fees, costs for expert
witnesses, or any other related costs, the District is entitled to
recover those fees and costs according to the same terms that would
have governed recovery for the other person or governmental entity
if the District had not prevailed.
       (q)  To adopt, use and alter a corporate seal.
       (r)  To make by-laws for the management and regulation of its
       (s)  To fix and collect charges and rates for water services
furnished by it and to impose penalties for failure to pay such
charges and rates when due, provided that such charges, rates and
penalties shall be fixed only by unanimous vote of the members of
the Board of Directors constituting a quorum and who are present at
a regular meeting.
       (t)  To cooperate and to enter into contracts with cities,
persons, firms, corporations and public agencies for the purpose of
supplying and selling them surface, storm, flood, underground, and
other water for municipal, domestic, industrial, and other useful
purposes permitted by law, provided that cities and areas
constituting the District shall be accorded priority in the
allocation of the District's available surface, storm, flood,
underground, and other water, and the Board of Directors shall
prescribe rules to effectuate this provision. Any such contract
may be upon such terms and for such time as the parties may agree,
and it may provide that it shall continue in effect until the
District's bonds specified therein and refunding bonds issued in
lieu of such bonds are fully paid. The authority of each member or
other city to enter into any contract with the District for the sale
of water or other services or for any other purpose within the
powers, rights, privileges, and functions of the District is vested
exclusively in the governing body of each member or other city
notwithstanding any provision of any home rule charter or any local
ordinance of such member or other city, or of any other provision of
any other law placing any restriction, limitation, or requirement
on the authority of the governing body of any member or other city
to enter into any such contract. No provision of the home rule
charter or of any other ordinance of any member or other city, and
no provision of any other law in conflict herewith will invalidate
or impair, in whole or in part, the enforceability and validity of
any contract entered into by the District with any member or other
city pursuant to the powers, rights, and privileges or functions of
the district. In the event the District shall have contracted with
the United States Government or any of its agencies for a source of
water supply or for the furnishing of any facilities necessary or
useful to the District in carrying out its purposes, any such
contract entered into under authority hereof may provide that it
shall continue until the District has fully discharged all
obligations incurred by it under the terms of its contract with the
United States Government or its agencies. The District is also
authorized to purchase surface, storm, flood, underground, and
other water supply from any person, firm, corporation or public
agency, or from the United States Government or any of its agencies.
       (u)  To operate and maintain with the consent of the
governing body of any city or town located within the District, any
works, plants or facilities of any such city deemed necessary or
convenient to the accomplishment of the purposes for which the
District is created.
       (v)  To levy, assess and collect ad valorem taxes to provide
funds necessary to construct or acquire, maintain and operate
improvements, works, plants and facilities deemed essential and
beneficial to the District upon a favorable majority vote of the
qualified property taxpaying electors voting at an election held
for that purpose within the District; and also, when so authorized,
to levy, assess and collect taxes to provide funds adequate to
defray the cost of the maintenance and operation and administration
of the District. Elections for the voting of such taxes shall be
ordered by the Board of Directors and shall be held and conducted as
provided herein for elections for the issuance of bonds and the levy
of taxes in support thereof. When so levied such taxes, as well as
taxes hereinafter provided to be levied in support of bond
indebtedness, shall constitute a lien on the property against which
such taxes are levied and assessed, and limitations shall not bar
the collection and enforcement thereof.
       (w)  To do any and all acts and things necessary or
convenient to the exercise of the powers, rights, privileges or
functions conferred upon or permitted the District by any other
       SECTION 3.  Section 14, Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1953, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 14.  [Awarding Construction or Purchase] Contracts.
The District may negotiate, enter, and modify a contract in
accordance with general law applicable to a municipality or to a
district created under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution
[Any contract requiring an expenditure of more than Twenty-five
Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars shall not be made until after
publication of a notice to bidders once each week for two weeks
before awarding the contract. Such notice shall be sufficient if it
states the time and place when and where the bids will be opened,
the general nature of the work to be done, or the material,
equipment or supplies to be purchased, and states when and upon what
terms copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained. The
publication shall be in a newspaper published in the District
designated by the Board of Directors].
       SECTION 4.  Section 13, Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1953, as amended by this Act, applies
only to a suit filed on or after the effective date of this Act. A
suit filed before that date is governed by the law in effect on the
date the suit is filed, and that law is continued in effect for that
       SECTION 5.  Section 14, Chapter 243, Acts of the 53rd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1953, as amended by this Act, applies
only to a contract entered into on or after the effective date of
this Act.  A contract entered into before that date is governed by
the law in effect on the date of the contract, and that law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.