80R5878 JTS-F
  By: Rose H.B. No. 3570
relating to the regulation of quarries; providing penalties.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 382, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Section 382.067 to read as follows:
       Sec. 382.067.  LIMITATIONS ON CERTAIN ROCK CRUSHERS.  (a)  
This section applies only to a rock crusher:
             (1)  for which:
                   (A)  an application for a permit under Section
382.0518 was received by the commission on or before July 1, 2003;
                   (B)  a permit under Section 382.0518 was not
issued before September 1, 2005; and
             (2)  that is located over an aquifer designated as a
sole source aquifer under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42
U.S.C. Section 300f et seq.).
       (b)  A person may not operate a rock crusher under a permit
under Section 382.0518 that is located less than one mile from a
building used as a single or multifamily residence, school, or
place of worship at the time the application for a permit to operate
the crusher was filed with the commission.  The measurement of
distance for purposes of this section shall be taken from the point
on the rock crusher that is nearest to the residence, school, or
place of worship toward the point on the residence, school, or place
of worship that is nearest the rock crusher.
       (c)  The commission may not authorize a person to operate a
rock crusher under a permit by rule.
       SECTION 2.  The heading to Subtitle C, Title 5, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 3.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Chapter 391 to read as follows:
       Sec. 391.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
             (1)  "Aggregates" includes any commonly recognized
construction material originating from a quarry or pit by the
disturbance of the surface, including dirt, soil, rock asphalt,
clay, granite, gravel, gypsum, marble, sand, shale, stone, caliche,
limestone, dolomite, rock, riprap, or other nonmineral substance.
             (2)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
             (3)  "Operator" means any person proposing the creation
of a quarry or engaged in and responsible for the physical operation
and control of a quarry.
             (4)  "Pit" means an open excavation not less than five
feet below the adjacent and natural ground level from which
aggregates have been or are being extracted for commercial sale.
             (5)  "Quarry" means the site where aggregates are being
or have been removed or extracted for commercial sale from the earth
to form the pit, including the entire excavation, stripped areas,
and haulage ramps and land adjacent to those areas on which the
plant processing the raw materials is located.  The term does not
                   (A)  land owned or leased by the operator that is
not used in the production of aggregates; or
                   (B)  a mining or reclamation activity regulated
under Chapter 134, Natural Resources Code.
       Sec. 391.002.  APPLICABILITY.  This chapter applies to a
quarry only if the quarry operation includes a rock crusher:
             (1)  for which:
                   (A)  an application for a permit under Section
382.0518 was received by the commission on or before July 1, 2003;
                   (B)  a permit under Section 382.0518 was not
issued before September 1, 2005; and
             (2)  that is located over an aquifer designated as a
sole source aquifer under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42
U.S.C. Section 300f et seq.).
       Sec. 391.003.  PERMIT REQUIRED. An operator may not create
or begin operating a quarry unless the operator has obtained a
quarry permit under this chapter from the commission.
       Sec. 391.004.  APPLICATION PROCEDURE. (a)  An application
for a quarry permit must include:
             (1)  a site plan that contains:
                   (A)  a site map detailing the proposed permit
                   (B)  the location and identity of all affected and
unaffected areas;
                   (C)  a description of the location of the quarry,
including the distance and direction from the nearest:
                         (i)  stream and groundwater source;
                         (ii)  state and county road;
                         (iii)  intersection;
                         (iv)  dwelling;
                         (v)  school;
                         (vi)  place of worship; and
                         (vii)  commercial or institutional building
that is neither owned nor leased by the operator;
                   (D)  the ingress and egress routes for materials
to be transported on public roadways;
                   (E)  a general description of the anticipated
stages in which the quarry will be mined;
                   (F)  subject to Subsection (e), a report from an
independent hydrologist, professional geoscientist, or
professional engineer retained by the operator on the groundwater
or surface water in the quarried area, including any
recommendations by the hydrologist, geoscientist, or engineer to
prevent a detrimental effect on the groundwater and surface water;
                   (G)  if a report is required under Paragraph (F),
a description of how the operator will address the recommendations
made in the hydrologist's report;
             (2)  if blasting will be conducted in the quarry, a
blasting plan that contains:
                   (A)  a description of the blasting equipment and
procedures to be used at the site; and
                   (B)  a description of the procedures and plans for
the recording and retention of blasting records for each blast that
is to be conducted at the site; and
             (3)  proof that the operator holds a permit under
Section 382.0518 for the rock crusher located at the quarry.
       (b)  A quarry permit application fee of $1,000 must accompany
the application.
       (c)  If the commission denies an application, not later than
the 60th day after the date the commission received the
application, the commission shall notify the applicant in writing
of the commission's decision, specifying any defects in the
application.  An applicant denied a permit under this subsection
may submit a modified application.
       (d)  A proceeding to consider a quarry permit application or
to issue a quarry permit is not a contested case for purposes of
Chapter 2001, Government Code.
       (e)  An application for a permit under this section for a
quarry that does not have groundwater or surface water in the
quarried area is not required to include a report under Subsection
(a)(1)(F) or a description of how the operator will address
recommendations under Subsection (a)(1)(G).
       Sec. 391.005.  PERMIT EXPIRATION AFTER NONUSE.  A permit
issued to create or begin operating a quarry expires on the fifth
anniversary of the date that the permit was issued if quarry
operations have not begun at the permit area before that date.
       Sec. 391.006.  PERMIT AMENDMENT.  (a)  A quarry operator must
obtain a permit amendment:
             (1)  before a quarry may be expanded to an adjacent
tract of land; or
             (2)  if emissions from a rock crusher associated with
the quarry increase substantially, as determined by the commission.
       (b)  An applicant for a permit amendment must submit an
application that contains the information required by Section
CONSERVATION DISTRICT.  On receipt of an application for a quarry
permit, the commission shall send notice of the application to:
             (1)  each state senator and state representative who
represents the area in which the quarry will be located;
             (2)  the county judge and county commissioners of each
county in which the quarry will be located; and
             (3)  each groundwater conservation district in which
the quarry will be located, if applicable.
       Sec. 391.008.  TRAFFIC SAFETY.  (a)  The operator of a quarry
shall adhere to all Texas Department of Transportation rules
relating to the safe movement of normal highway traffic, including
those rules governing the construction and maintenance of private,
public, and commercial access driveways.
       (b)  A quarry operator shall work with the Texas Department
of Transportation to ensure the construction of any road or
driveway improvement necessary for the safe operation of vehicles
at quarry entrances and exits.
       Sec. 391.009.  BLASTING RECORD.  (a)  If blasting is
conducted in a quarry, the operator of the quarry shall maintain a
blasting record that includes the following information:
             (1)  the exact location, time, and date of the
             (2)  the weather conditions during the blast;
             (3)  the seismograph or vibration monitor reading,
including the exact location of the seismograph or vibration
monitor and its distance from the blast; and
             (4)  the name of the person taking the seismograph or
vibration monitor reading.
       (b)  The operator shall maintain the blasting records of a
detonation, including the seismograph or vibration monitor
readings, for not less than two years after the date of the
       (c)  The operator shall maintain the blasting records at the
quarry site.
       (d)  The operator shall make the blasting records available
for inspection by the commission.
       Sec. 391.010.  CIVIL PENALTY; INJUNCTION.  (a)  
Notwithstanding Section 7.102, Water Code, an operator who violates
this chapter is liable to the state for a civil penalty in the
amount of $1,000 for each violation.  Each day a violation continues
is a separate violation.
       (b)  At the request of the commission, the attorney general
shall bring suit for injunctive relief to restrain a continuing
violation of this chapter or to recover a civil penalty as provided
by Subsection (a) or for both injunctive relief and recovery of a
civil penalty.
       SECTION 4.  Section 5.013(a), Water Code, is amended to read
as follows:
       (a)  The commission has general jurisdiction over:
             (1)  water and water rights including the issuance of
water rights permits, water rights adjudication, cancellation of
water rights, and enforcement of water rights;
             (2)  continuing supervision over districts created
under Article III, Sections 52(b)(1) and (2), and Article XVI,
Section 59, of the Texas Constitution;
             (3)  the state's water quality program including
issuance of permits, enforcement of water quality rules, standards,
orders, and permits, and water quality planning;
             (4)  the determination of the feasibility of certain
federal projects;
             (5)  the adoption and enforcement of rules and
performance of other acts relating to the safe construction,
maintenance, and removal of dams;
             (6)  conduct of the state's hazardous spill prevention
and control program;
             (7)  the administration of the state's program relating
to inactive hazardous substance, pollutant, and contaminant
disposal facilities;
             (8)  the administration of a portion of the state's
injection well program;
             (9)  the administration of the state's programs
involving underground water and water wells and drilled and mined
             (10)  the state's responsibilities relating to regional
waste disposal;
             (11)  the responsibilities assigned to the commission
by Chapters 361, 363, 382, 391, and 401, Health and Safety Code;
             (12)  the administration of the national flood
insurance program;
             (13)  administration of the state's water rate program
under Chapter 13 of this code; and
             (14)  any other areas assigned to the commission by
this code and other laws of this state.
       SECTION 5.  Subchapter L, Chapter 5, Water Code, is amended
by adding Section 5.517 to read as follows:
WITHOUT PERMIT.  The commission shall issue an emergency order
under this subchapter suspending operations of a quarry or other
facility that:
             (1)  is required to obtain a permit under Chapter 391,
Health and Safety Code; and
             (2)  is operating without the necessary permit.
       SECTION 6.  Section 7.052, Water Code, is amended by adding
Subsection (b-1) and amending Subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (b-1)  The amount of the penalty for operating a quarry that
is required to obtain a permit under Chapter 391, Health and Safety
Code, and that is operating without the required permit is $10,000.  
Each day that a continuing violation occurs is a separate
       (d)  Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (b) and
(b-1), each day that a continuing violation occurs may be
considered a separate violation.  The commission may authorize an
installment payment schedule for an administrative penalty
assessed under this subchapter, except for an administrative
penalty assessed under Section 7.057.
       SECTION 7.  The changes in law made by Section 5.517, Water
Code, as added by this Act, and Section 7.052, Water Code, as
amended by this Act, apply only to a violation that occurs on or
after the effective date of this Act.  A violation that occurs
before that date is governed by the law in effect at the time the
violation occurred, and the former law in continued in effect for
that purpose.
       SECTION 8.  (a)  The Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality shall be prepared to accept applications for permits under
Chapter 391, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, not later
than March 1, 2008.
       (b)  A person is not required to hold a permit to create or
operate a quarry under Chapter 391, Health and Safety Code, as added
by this Act, before June 1, 2008.
       SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.