80R10790 TAD-F
  By: Swinford H.B. No. 3614
relating to the election, powers, and duties of the members of the
board of directors of the Midland County Hospital District.
       SECTION 1.  Section 5(g), Chapter 112, Acts of the 65th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1977, is amended to read as follows:
       (g)  The board may, on its own motion, order that board
members are to be elected in even-numbered years to serve staggered
four-year terms.  Members [The first election of board members in an
odd-numbered year that occurs at least 120 days after the date on
which an order is entered under Subsection (a) shall be held as
previously scheduled, and the members elected shall serve
three-year terms.  The subsequent election of board members
previously scheduled to be held in an even-numbered year shall be
held as scheduled, and the members elected shall serve four-year
terms.  Subsequent members] shall be elected on the November
uniform election date under Section 41.001, Election Code, [first
Saturday in May] of each even-numbered year and the members shall
serve four-year terms.
       SECTION 2.  Section 11, Chapter 112, Acts of the 65th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1977, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 11.  (a)  The board of directors is given complete
discretion as to the type, number, and location of buildings and
property required to establish and maintain an adequate hospital
system.  The hospital system may include facilities for domiciliary
care of the sick, wounded, and injured, outpatient clinics,
dispensaries, facilities for geriatric domiciliary care,
convalescent home facilities, necessary nurses' domiciliaries, and
training centers, training facilities for doctors, nurses, and
other health care disciplines, blood banks, community mental health
centers, research centers or laboratories, parking, and any other
facilities deemed necessary by the board of directors for a
hospital or hospital system and a medical facility or other health
facility included in the hospital or hospital system.  The
district, through its board of directors, is authorized to lease
property, facilities, or equipment and to enter into leases of all
or a part of its buildings and facilities with any person,
corporation, political subdivision, agency, or branch of the state
or United States, with such terms and conditions as considered to be
in the best interest of the district; provided that no lease may be
for a period in excess of 40 years from the date entered.  On the
district's behalf, the board of directors may hold, construct,
condemn, purchase, acquire, lease, add to, maintain, operate,
regulate, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of land, equipment, or
property of any nature, or a property right, hospital facility, or
hospital system on terms and conditions found by the board to be in
the best interest of the district's inhabitants.
       (b)  The board of directors may donate to another
governmental entity or to a charitable organization any surplus
personal property or equipment if the donation serves a public
purpose and is accompanied by adequate consideration.
       SECTION 3.  Section 12, Chapter 112, Acts of the 65th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1977, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 12.  The board of directors has the power to prescribe
the method and manner of making purchases and expenditures by and
for the hospital district and shall also be authorized to prescribe
all accounting and control procedures or may delegate all or any of
those powers, by the adoption of an appropriate resolution to that
effect, to the Midland Memorial Foundation or its successors, or to
an individual, corporation, agency, political subdivision, or
other entity that enters into an operating or management agreement
with the district to exercise all or any of those powers.  All
contracts by the district for construction or purchases involving
the expenditure of more than $25,000 [$10,000] may be made only
after advertising in the manner provided by Chapter 252, Local
Government Code.  The provisions of Chapter 2253, Government Code,
apply to construction contracts let by the district.  The district
may acquire equipment for use in its hospital system, including
medical facilities and health facilities, and mortgage or pledge
the property so acquired as security for the payment of the purchase
price, but any such contract shall provide for the entire
obligation of the district to be retired within five years from the
date of the contract.  Except as permitted in the preceding sentence
and as permitted by Sections 9 and 10 of this Act, the district may
incur no obligation payable from any revenues of the district,
taxes or otherwise, except those on hand or to be on hand within the
current and following fiscal year of the district.
       SECTION 4.  Section 13(a), Chapter 112, Acts of the 65th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1977, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The board of directors of the district shall name one or
more banks within its boundaries to serve as depository for the
funds of the district for a period of four [two] years.  Bids shall
be received for a depository contract after a notice is published
once, 20 days before the date to open such bids, in a newspaper of
general circulation in the district.  The depository contract shall
be awarded to [let with] the bank or banks offering the most
favorable terms and conditions for handling the district's money 
[to the district].  All funds of the district, except those invested
as provided in Section 6 of this Act and those transmitted to a bank
or banks as payment for bonds or obligations issued by the district,
shall be deposited as received with the depository bank and shall
remain on deposit; provided that nothing in this Act shall limit the
power of the board to place a portion of such funds on time deposit
or purchase certificates of deposit.
       SECTION 5.  The members of the board of directors of the
Midland County Hospital District shall adjust the terms of office
of directors to conform to the change of the election date made
under Section 5(g), Chapter 112, Acts of the 65th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1977, as amended by this Act.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.