80R4862 EJI-D
  By: Rodriguez H.B. No. 3627
relating to housing funds for certain disabled persons and the
creation of the person with permanent disability home loan program.
       SECTION 1.  Section 2306.111(c), Government Code, as amended
by Chapters 1367 and 1448, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2001, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
       (c)  In administering federal housing funds provided to the
state under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act
(42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.), the department shall expend the 
[at least 95 percent of these] funds for the benefit of
non-participating small cities and rural areas that do not qualify
to receive funds under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable
Housing Act directly from the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development, except that the department may elect to
spend any amount of the [. All] funds [not set aside under this
subsection shall be used] for the benefit of persons with
disabilities who live in any area of this state [areas other than
non-participating areas].
       SECTION 2.  Section 2306.111(d-1), Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (d-1)  Funds or credits are not required to be allocated
according to the regional allocation formula under Subsection (d)
             (1)  the funds or credits are reserved for
contract-for-deed conversions or for set-asides mandated by state
or federal law, including any set-asides allocated by the
department for persons with disabilities under Subsection (c); and
             (2)  each contract-for-deed allocation or set-aside
allocation equals not more than 10 percent of the total allocation
of funds or credits for the applicable program.
       SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 1372, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 1372.0225 to read as follows:
1, out of that portion of the state ceiling that is available
exclusively for reservations by issuers of qualified mortgage bonds
under Section 1372.022, $5 million shall be allotted each year and
made available exclusively to the Texas State Affordable Housing
Corporation for the purpose of issuing qualified mortgage bonds in
connection with the person with permanent disability home loan
program established under Section 2306.5624.
       SECTION 4.  Sections 2306.553(a) and (b), Government Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The public purpose of the corporation is to perform
activities and services that the corporation's board of directors
determines will promote the public health, safety, and welfare
through the provision of adequate, safe, and sanitary housing
primarily for individuals and families of low, very low, and
extremely low income and[,] for persons who are eligible for loans 
[professional educators] under the [professional educators] home
loan programs [program as] provided by Sections [Section] 2306.562,
[for fire fighters, corrections officers, county jailers, public
security officers, and peace officers under the fire fighter, law
enforcement officer, and security officer home loan program as
provided by Section] 2306.5621, [and for professional nursing
program faculty members under the professional nursing program
faculty member home loan program as provided by Section] 2306.5622,
and 2306.5624. The activities and services shall include engaging
in mortgage banking activities and lending transactions and
acquiring, holding, selling, or leasing real or personal property.
       (b)  The corporation's primary public purpose is to
facilitate the provision of housing by issuing qualified 501(c)(3)
bonds and qualified residential rental project bonds and by making
affordable loans to individuals and families of low, very low, and
extremely low income and[,] to persons who are eligible for loans
under the home loan programs provided by Sections 2306.562,
2306.5621, 2306.5622, and 2306.5624 [professional educators under
the professional educators home loan program, to fire fighters,
corrections officers, county jailers, public security officers,
and peace officers under the fire fighter, law enforcement officer,
and security officer home loan program, and to professional nursing
program faculty members under the professional nursing program
faculty member home loan program]. The corporation may make first
lien, single family purchase money mortgage loans for single family
homes only to individuals and families of low, very low, and
extremely low income if the individual's or family's household
income is not more than the greater of 60 percent of the median
income for the state, as defined by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development, or 60 percent of the area median
family income, adjusted for family size, as defined by that
department. The corporation may make loans for multifamily
developments if:
             (1)  at least 40 percent of the units in a multifamily
development are affordable to individuals and families with incomes
at or below 60 percent of the median family income, adjusted for
family size; or
             (2)  at least 20 percent of the units in a multifamily
development are affordable to individuals and families with incomes
at or below 50 percent of the median family income, adjusted for
family size.
       SECTION 5.  Subchapter Y, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2306.5624 to read as follows:
PROGRAM. (a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Home" means a dwelling in this state in which a
person with a permanent disability intends to reside as the
person's principal residence.
             (2)  "Mortgage lender" has the meaning assigned by
Section 2306.004.
             (3)  "Person with a permanent disability" means a
person who has a permanent disability under the meaning of
"disability" assigned by Section 3(2), Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12102(2)).
             (4)  "Program" means the person with permanent
disability home loan program.
       (b)  The corporation shall establish a program to provide
low-interest home mortgage loans to eligible persons with permanent
disabilities and parents, legal guardians, or conservators of
children who are persons with permanent disabilities.
       (c)  To be eligible for a loan under this section, at the time
a person files an application for the loan, the person must:
             (1)  be a person with a permanent disability or the
parent, legal guardian, or conservator of a child who is a person
with a permanent disability;
             (2)  reside in this state; and
             (3)  have an income of not more than 115 percent of area
median family income, adjusted for family size.
       (d)  The corporation may contract with other agencies of the
state or with private entities to determine whether applicants
qualify under this section as persons with permanent disabilities
or parents, legal guardians, or conservators of children who are
persons with permanent disabilities or otherwise to administer all
or part of this section.
       (e)  The board of directors of the corporation may set and
collect from each applicant any fees the board considers reasonable
and necessary to cover the expenses of administering the program.
       (f)  The board of directors of the corporation shall adopt
rules governing:
             (1)  the administration of the program;
             (2)  the making of loans under the program;
             (3)  the criteria for approving mortgage lenders;
             (4)  the use of insurance on the loans and the homes
financed under the program, as considered appropriate by the board
to provide additional security for the loans;
             (5)  the verification of occupancy of the home by the
person with a permanent disability as the person's principal
residence; and
             (6)  the terms of any contract made with any mortgage
lender for processing, originating, servicing, or administering
the loans.
       (g)  The corporation shall ensure that a loan under this
section is structured in a way that complies with any requirements
associated with the source of the funds used for the loan.
       (h)  In addition to funds set aside for the program under
Section 1372.0225, the corporation may solicit and accept funding
for the program from the following sources:
             (1)  gifts and grants for the purposes of this section;
             (2)  available money in the housing trust fund
established under Section 2306.201, to the extent available to the
             (3)  federal block grants that may be used for the
purposes of this section, to the extent available to the
             (4)  other state or federal programs that provide money
that may be used for the purposes of this section; and
             (5)  amounts received by the corporation in repayment
of loans made under this section.
       (i)  This section expires September 1, 2018.
       SECTION 6.  The Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation
             (1)  aggressively pursue funding for the person with
permanent disability home loan program required by Section
2306.5624, Government Code, as added by this Act; and
             (2)  implement the person with permanent disability
home loan program required by that section not later than September
1, 2007, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
       SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.