80R10825 DAK-F
  By: Dunnam H.B. No. 3660
relating to the authority of certain counties to impose a county
hotel occupancy tax with voter approval.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 352, Tax Code, is amended by adding
Section 352.0021 to read as follows:
       Sec. 352.0021.  TAX AUTHORIZED; RATIFICATION ELECTION.  (a)  
Subject to Subsection (e), the commissioners court of a county that
has a population of 20,000 or less and that is bordered by the
Brazos and Navasota Rivers, by the adoption of an order or
resolution, may impose a tax on a person who, under a lease,
concession, permit, right of access, license, contract, or
agreement, pays for the use or possession or for the right to the
use or possession of a room that is in a hotel, costs $2 or more each
day, and is ordinarily used for sleeping.
       (b)  The order or resolution imposing the tax must state the
rate of the tax to be imposed.  The tax rate may not exceed the rate
authorized by Section 352.003(a).
       (c)  The price of a room in a hotel does not include the cost
of food served by the hotel and the cost of personal services
performed by the hotel for the person except for those services
related to cleaning and readying the room for use or possession.
       (d)  The tax does not apply to a person who is a permanent
resident under Section 156.101.
       (e)  If the commissioners court of a county authorized by
Subsection (a) to impose the tax adopts an order or resolution
imposing the tax and setting the tax rate, the registered voters of
the county at an election held for that purpose must determine
whether to approve the adopted tax rate.
       (f)  The commissioners court shall order that an election be
held in the county on a date that is not less than 30 or more than 90
days after the date on which it adopted the tax rate.  At the
election, the ballots shall be prepared to permit voting for or
against the proposition:  "Approving the county hotel occupancy tax
at a rate of ____ percent of the price paid for a room in a hotel."
       (g)  If a majority of the votes cast in the election favor the
proposition, the tax is imposed at the rate that was adopted by the
commissioners court.  If the proposition is not approved, the tax is
not effective.
       (h)  Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to an
election under this section.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.