By: Dunnam H.B. No. 3661
relating to the governor's flag.
       SECTION 1.  Section 401.104, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 401.104.  GOVERNOR'S FLAG.  (a)  The governor's 
[governor may adopt a] flag is the 1839 pilot flag of the Republic
of Texas [for the governor's official use].
       (b)  The governor's flag consists of a rectangle with a
width-to-length ratio of two to three containing:
             (1)  one white horizontal stripe and one red horizontal
stripe, each constituting one-fourth of the entire width of the
flag, and one blue horizontal stripe constituting one-half the
entire width of the flag, arranged with white at the top, blue in
the middle, and red at the bottom; and
             (2)  a white, regular five-pointed star in the center
of the blue stripe, oriented so that one point of the star points
directly upward, and of a size that the diameter of a circle passing
through the five points of the star is equal to three-fourths of the
width of the blue stripe.
       (c)  The red and blue colors of the governor's flag are the
same colors used in the state flag.
       (d)  When displayed permanently mounted on a staff, as for
indoor or parade use, the governor's flag may be decorated with gold
fringe and the staff may be decorated with gold cords and tassels.
       (e)  When the flag of the governor is displayed on a staff,
the staff should be at least 2-1/2 times as long as the flag's
hoist, and the flag should be attached to the staff's peak. The
staff's finial should be either a lone star or a spearhead.
       (f)  The governor may prescribe any changes relating to the
description or display of the flag of the governor that the governor
considers appropriate [By executive order published in the Texas
Register, the governor shall provide a description of a flag
adopted under this section].
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.