80R10919 JPL-F
  By: Herrero H.B. No. 3738
relating to the establishment and operation of personal bond
       SECTION 1.  Sections 1 through 4, Article 17.42, Code of
Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 1.  (a)  Any of the following [county, or any judicial
district with jurisdiction in more than one county, with the
approval of the commissioners court of each county in the
district,] may establish a personal bond office:
             (1)  a county;
             (2)  a judicial district with jurisdiction in more than
one county, with the approval of the commissioners court of each
county in the district; or
             (3)  the judge or judges of a county in whose courts
criminal offenses that are punishable as Class A or B misdemeanors
or felonies are prosecuted.
       (b)  A personal bond office shall:
             (1)  [to] gather and review information about an
accused that may have a bearing on whether the accused [he] will
comply with the conditions of a personal bond and report the [its]
findings of the office to the court before which the case is
             (2)  supervise all defendants released on bond or
personal bond or any other type of pretrial release, including
defendants awaiting a hearing on a motion to revoke community
             (3)  provide any pretrial services necessary to assist
the court in the pretrial supervision of defendants released on
bond; and
             (4)  monitor defendants' compliance with any conditions
of bond imposed by the court.
       Sec. 2.  (a)  The commissioners court, judicial district, or
judges, as applicable, that establish [of a county that establishes
the office or the district and county judges of a judicial district
that establishes] the office may employ a director of the office.
       (b)  The director may employ the staff authorized by the
commissioners court of the county, [or] the commissioners court of
each county in the judicial district, or the judges that establish
the office.
       Sec. 3.  If a judicial district establishes an office and if
the fees collected under this article are not sufficient to pay the
costs of the office, each county in the district shall pay its pro
rata share of the costs of administering the office according to its
       Sec. 4.  (a)  If a court releases an accused on personal bond
on the recommendation of a personal bond office, the court shall
assess a personal bond fee of:
             (1)  $20 or three percent of the amount of the bail
fixed for the accused, whichever is greater, in a county that has
not established a drug court program under Chapter 469, Health and
Safety Code; or
             (2)  $20 or five percent of the amount of the bail fixed
for the accused, whichever is greater, in a county that has
established a drug court program under Chapter 469, Health and
Safety Code.
       (a-1)  The court may waive the fee or assess a lesser fee
under Subsection (a) if good cause is shown.
       (b)  In a county that has not established a drug court
program under Chapter 469, Health and Safety Code, fees [Fees]
collected under this article may be used solely to defray expenses
of the personal bond office, including defraying the expenses of
       (b-1)  In a county that has established a drug court program
under Chapter 469, Health and Safety Code, 60 percent of the fees
collected under this article must be used to defray expenses of the
personal bond office, including expenses of extradition, and 40
percent of the fees collected under this article must be used to
defray the expenses of the drug court program.
       (c)  Fees collected under this article shall be:
             (1)  deposited in the county treasury, or if the office
serves more than one county, in the county treasury of the county
with the greatest population; and
             (2)  used to pay for the costs of the office and, if
applicable, of the drug court program [the fees shall be
apportioned to each county in the district according to each
county's pro rata share of the costs of the office].
       SECTION 2.  Chapter 469, Health and Safety Code, is amended
by adding Section 469.008 to read as follows:
       Sec. 469.008.  OTHER FUNDING SOURCES.  A county that
establishes a drug court program under this chapter and does not
have a personal bond office shall assess a personal bond fee of $20
or five percent of the amount of bail fixed for an accused,
whichever is greater. The fees collected under this section must be
used to defray the expenses of the drug court program.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.