By: Bohac H.B. No. 3742
relating to the requirements of official confirmation forms and
statements of residency for voters.
       SECTION 1.  Section 15.052, Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 15.052.  (a)  The officially prescribed form for a
confirmation notice must include: 3 7 Sec. 15.052. ELECTION CODE
             (1)  a statement that, if the voter fails to submit to
the registrar a written, signed response confirming the voter's
current residence on or before the 30th day after the date the
confirmation notice is mailed:
                   (A)  the voter is subject to submission of a
statement of residence before the voter may be accepted for voting
in an election held after that deadline; or
                   (B)  for a notice delivered under Section 14.023,
the voter will remain subject to submission of a statement of
residence before the voter may be accepted for voting in an
election; and
             (2)  a warning that the voter's registration is subject
to cancellation if the voter fails to confirm the voter's current
residence either by notifying the registrar in writing or voting on
a statement of residence before November 30 following the second
general election for state and county officers that occurs after
the date the confirmation notice is mailed.
       (b)  The official confirmation notice response form must be
postage prepaid and preaddressed for delivery to the registrar.
       (c)  The official confirmation notice response form must
have the same requirements as a application to register to vote Sec.
13.002. The registrar may prescribe a different design from that
prescribed by the secretary of state for an official form, if
approved by the secretary.
       SECTION 2.  Section 63.0011, Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 63.0011.  (a)  Before a voter may be accepted for
voting, an election officer shall ask the voter if the voter's
residence address on the precinct list of registered voters is
current and whether the voter has changed residence within the
       (b)  If the voter's residence address is not current because
the voter has changed residence within the county, the voter may
vote, if otherwise eligible, in the election precinct in which the
voter is registered if the voter resides in the county in which the
voter is registered and, if applicable:
             (1)  resides in the political subdivision served by the
authority ordering the election if the political subdivision is
other than the county; or
             (2)  resides in the territory covered by the election
in a less-than-countywide election ordered by the governor or a
county authority.
       (c)  Before being accepted for voting, the voter must execute
and submit to an election officer a statement including:
             (1)  a statement that the voter satisfies the
applicable residence requirements prescribed by Subsection (b);
             (2)  the voter's residence address or, if the residence
has no address, the address at which the voter receives mail and a
concise description of the location of the voter's residence;
             (3)the month, day, and year of the voter's birth; and
             (4)  the date the statement is submitted to the
election officer.
             (2)  The Statement of residence must have the same
requirements as a application to register to vote Sec. 13.002.
       (d)  The voter registrar shall provide to the general
custodian of election records a sufficient number of statements of
residence for use in each election.
       (e)  The voter registrar shall retain each statement of
residence on file with the voter's voter registration application.
       SECTION 3.  This act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect on September 1, 2007.