80R8386 PAM-F
  By: Corte H.B. No. 3753
relating to procurement methods of certain water utility systems
for the design, construction, and operation of certain facilities.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 271, Local Government Code, is amended
by adding Subchapter J to read as follows:
       Sec. 271.181.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
             (1)  "Architect" means an individual registered as an
architect under Section 1051.001, Occupations Code.
             (2)  "Desalination facility" means a water
desalination project and all related wells and water supply,
treatment, drainage, discharge, distribution, or conveyance
facilities, and buildings or structures that are incidental to the
construction, operation, and maintenance of the water desalination
             (3)  "Design-build contract" means a single contract
with a design-build firm for the design and construction or the
design, construction, and operation of a desalination facility.
             (4)  "Design-build firm" means a partnership,
corporation, or other legal entity or team that includes an
engineer or architect and builder qualified to engage in building
construction in Texas.
             (5)  "Engineer" means an individual licensed as an
engineer under Chapter 1001, Occupations Code.
             (6)  "Water system" means a municipally owned water or
wastewater system with a governing board appointed by the governing
body of the municipality.
       Sec. 271.182.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a) Any provision
in the charter of a home-rule municipality or regulation, if any, of
a water system that requires the use of competitive sealed
proposals or prescribes procurement procedures and that is in
conflict with this subchapter controls over this subchapter unless
the governing body of the municipality or water system, as
appropriate, elects to have this subchapter supersede the charter
or regulation.
       (b)  The purchasing requirements of Section 361.426, Health
and Safety Code, apply to purchases by a water system made under
this subchapter.
       (c)  Except as provided by this section, to the extent of any
conflict, this subchapter prevails over any other law relating to
the design, construction, or operation of a desalination facility
except a law relating to contracting with historically
underutilized businesses.
       Sec. 271.183.  NOTICE REQUIREMENTS. For a contract entered
into by a water system under the methods provided by this
subchapter, the water system shall publish notice of the time and
place the proposals, or the responses to a request for
qualifications, will be received and opened. The notice must be
published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in
which the water system's central administrative office is located
or the county in which the greatest amount of the water system's
territory is located once each week for at least two weeks before
the date of the deadline for receiving proposals or responses. If
there is not a newspaper of general circulation in that county, the
notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in
the county nearest the county seat of the county in which the water
system's central administrative office is located or the county in
which the greatest amount of the water system's territory is
       Sec. 271.184.  DELEGATION. The governing board of a water
system may, as it considers appropriate, delegate its authority
under this subchapter regarding an action authorized or required by
this subchapter to be taken by a water system to a designated
person, representative, or committee.
DESIGN-BUILD. (a) A water system may use the design-build method
for the design, construction, rehabilitation, alteration,
operation, or repair of a desalination facility if the governing
board of the water system determines that the design-build method
provides the best value for the water system. In using this method
and in entering into a contract for the services of a design-build
firm, the contracting water system and the design-build firm shall
follow the procedures provided by this subchapter and Sections
271.113(b) and 271.114.
       (b)(1)  The water system shall evaluate and select a
design-build firm in two phases.
             (2)  In phase one, the water system shall prepare a
request for qualifications as provided by Section 271.186 and
evaluate each offeror's experience, technical competence, and
capability to perform, the past performance of the offeror's team
and members of the team, and other appropriate factors submitted by
the team or firm in response to the request for qualifications,
except that cost-related or price-related evaluation factors are
not permitted.  The water system may interview any of the offerors
that submit a response to the request for qualifications.  The water
system may qualify a maximum of five offerors on the basis of
demonstrated competence and qualifications to participate in the
second phase of the evaluation and selection process.
             (3)  In phase two, the water system shall request
proposals from the offerors qualified to participate in this phase
under Subsection (b)(2).  The request for proposals must include
the selection criteria stated in the request for qualifications.  
The water system may request additional information regarding
demonstrated competence and qualifications, considerations of the
safety and long-term durability of the desalination facility, the
feasibility of implementing the desalination facility as proposed,
the ability of the offeror to meet schedules, the overall cost of
the desalination facility, the anticipated operations and
maintenance budget at various levels, and any other information
that may assist the water system in evaluating and selecting a
design-build firm.  Each proposal submitted by an offeror under
this phase must include a technical proposal that includes
preliminary design drawings, a project schedule, and a lump-sum
contract price for all services provided under the contract.  The
water system may interview and negotiate with any respondent to the
request for proposals before and after the submission of a response
to the request and before the award to provide clarification and
assure full understanding of and responsiveness to the requirements
for the request for proposals.  Offerors must be accorded fair and
equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion with
or clarification by the water system. In conducting any
discussions under this subdivision regarding price, information
regarding price may not be disclosed to competing offerors.
Revision of a request for proposal is permitted under this
subdivision after the initial submission and before the award to
allow an offeror to submit a best and final proposal.  The water
system shall select the design-build firm that submits the final
proposal offering the best value for the water system.
       (c)  The water system may:
             (1)  cancel a request for qualifications or a request
for proposals; or
             (2)  reject any proposal in whole or in part.
       Sec. 271.186.  REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS.  The water system
shall prepare a request for qualifications that may include:
             (1)  general information on the desalination facility
             (2)  project scope;
             (3)  proposed budget;
             (4)  project schedule;
             (5)  any known special systems;
             (6)  the maximum number of design-build firms to be
qualified to participate in the second phase of the evaluation and
selection process; and
             (7)  other information that may assist potential
design-build firms in submitting proposals for the project.
All proposals submitted under this subchapter are property of the
water system.
       (b)  Before the execution of a contract under this
subchapter, only the name of a design-build firm qualified to
participate in phase two is available for public disclosure and all
other information received by the water system in response to a
request for qualifications or the request for proposals is
       (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), information
contained in a proposal is open to public inspection not later than
the seventh day after the date the water system executes a contract
with a design-build firm under this subchapter.
       (d)  If a design-build firm requests, the water system will
consider trade secrets or any other proprietary information
contained in a proposal confidential to the extent permitted by
       Sec. 271.188.  PERFORMANCE OR PAYMENT BOND. A payment or
performance bond is not required for, and may not provide coverage
for, the portion of a design-build contract under this subchapter
that includes design services only. If a fixed contract amount or
guaranteed maximum price has not been determined at the time a
design-build contract is awarded, the penal sums of the performance
and payment bonds delivered to the water system must each be in an
amount equal to the project budget, as specified in the request for
qualifications or request for proposals. The design-build firm
shall deliver the bonds not later than the 10th day after the date
the design-build firm executes the contract unless the design-build
firm furnishes a bid bond or other financial security acceptable to
the water system to ensure that the design-build firm will furnish
the required performance and payment bonds when a guaranteed
maximum price is established.
       SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
a contract for which a request for proposals or a request for
qualifications is first published or distributed on or after the
effective date of this Act.  A contract for which a request for
proposals or a request for qualifications is first published or
distributed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
law in effect at the time the request is published or distributed,
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.