H.B. No. 3837
  relating to regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of
  uranium exploration.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 131.001, 131.002, and 131.003, Natural
  Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 131.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
  Texas Uranium Exploration, Surface Mining, and Reclamation Act.
         Sec. 131.002.  DECLARATION OF POLICY.  The legislature finds
  and declares that:
               (1)  the extraction of minerals by surface mining
  operations is a basic and essential activity making an important
  contribution to the economic well-being of the state and nation;
               (2)  proper reclamation of land explored for minerals
  and surface-mined land is necessary to prevent undesirable land and
  water conditions that would be detrimental to the general welfare,
  health, safety, and property rights of the citizens of this state;
               (3)  surface mining takes place in diverse areas where
  the geologic, topographic, climatic, biological, and social
  conditions are significantly different and that reclamation
  operations and the specifications for reclamation operations must
  vary accordingly;
               (4)  it is not always possible to explore for or to
  extract minerals required by our society without disturbing the
  [surface of the] earth and producing waste materials, and the very
  character of certain types of surface mining operations
  occasionally precludes complete restoration of the affected land to
  its original condition;
               (5)  unregulated surface mining may destroy or diminish
  the utility of land for commercial, industrial, residential,
  recreational, agricultural, and forestry purposes by causing
  erosion and landslides, by contributing to floods, by polluting the
  water, by destroying fish and wildlife habitats, by impairing
  natural beauty, by damaging the property of citizens, by creating
  hazards dangerous to life and property, by degrading the quality of
  life in local communities, and by counteracting governmental
  programs and efforts to conserve soil, water, and other natural
  resources, which results are declared to be inimical to the public
  interest and destructive to the public health, safety, welfare, and
  economy of the State of Texas;
               (6)  due to its unique character or location, some land
  within the state may be unsuitable for all or certain types of
  surface mining operations;
               (7)  reclamation of land explored for minerals and
  surface-mined land as provided by this chapter will allow the
  mining of valuable minerals in a manner designed for the protection
  and subsequent beneficial use of land; and
               (8)  the requirements of this chapter for reclamation
  and maintenance of affected land are necessary for the public
  health and safety and thus constitute a valid application of the
  police power of this state.
         Sec. 131.003.  PURPOSES.  It is declared to be the purpose of
  this chapter:
               (1)  to prevent the adverse effects to society and the
  environment resulting from unregulated surface mining operations
  as defined in this chapter;
               (2)  to assure that the rights of surface landowners
  and other persons with a legal interest in the land or appurtenances
  to the land are protected from unregulated surface mining
               (3)  to assure that surface mining operations are not
  conducted where reclamation as required by this chapter is not
               (4)  to assure that exploration and surface mining
  operations are conducted in a manner that will prevent unreasonable
  degradation of land and water resources; and
               (5)  to assure that reclamation of all explored land
  and surface-mined land is accomplished as contemporaneously as
  practicable with the exploration or surface mining, recognizing
  that the exploration for and extraction of minerals by responsible
  [mining] operations is an essential and beneficial economic
         SECTION 2.  Section 131.004(10), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (10)  "Surface mining permit" or "permit" means the
  written certification by the commission that the named operator may
  conduct the surface mining operations described in the
  certification during the term of the surface mining permit and in
  the manner established in the certification. These terms do not
                     (A)  a discharge permit issued by the commission
  pursuant to Subchapter H of this chapter; or
                     (B)  an exploration permit issued by the
  commission pursuant to Subchapter I of this chapter.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 131.021, 131.022, 131.034, 131.048, and
  131.301, Natural Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 131.021.  GENERAL AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION.  In seeking
  to accomplish the purposes of this chapter, the commission shall
  have the authority:
               (1)  to adopt and amend rules pertaining to
  exploration, surface mining, and reclamation operations consistent
  with the general intent and purposes of this chapter;
               (2)  to issue permits pursuant to the provisions of
  this chapter;
               (3)  to conduct hearings pursuant to the provisions of
  this chapter;
               (4)  to issue orders requiring an operator to take
  actions that are necessary to comply with this chapter and with
  rules adopted under this chapter;
               (5)  to issue orders modifying previous orders;
               (6)  to issue a final order revoking the permit of an
  operator who has failed to comply with an order of the commission to
  take action required by this chapter or rules adopted under this
               (7)  to order the immediate cessation of an ongoing
  exploration or surface mining operation if the commission finds
  that the operation creates an imminent danger to the health or
  safety of the public, or is causing or can reasonably be expected to
  cause significant imminent environmental harm to land, air, or
  water resources, and to take other action or make changes in a
  permit that are reasonably necessary to avoid or alleviate these
               (8)  to hire employees, adopt standards for employment
  of these persons, and hire and authorize the hiring of outside
  contractors to assist in carrying out the requirements of this
               (9)  to enter on and inspect, in person or by its
  agents, an exploration or a surface mining operation that is
  subject to the provisions of this chapter to assure compliance with
  the terms of this chapter;
               (10)  to conduct, encourage, request, and participate
  in studies, surveys, investigations, research, experiments,
  training, and demonstrations by contract, grant, or otherwise;
               (11)  to prepare reports and to require persons who
  hold exploration or surface mining permits [permittees] to prepare
               (12)  to collect and disseminate to the public
  information considered reasonable and necessary for the proper
  enforcement of this chapter;
               (13)  to accept, receive, and administer grants, gifts,
  loans, or other funds made available from any source for the
  purposes of this chapter;
               (14)  to enter into contracts with state boards and
  agencies that have pertinent expertise to obtain professional and
  technical services necessary to carry out the provisions of this
  chapter; and
               (15)  to perform other duties and acts required by and
  provided for in this chapter.
         Sec. 131.022.  JURISDICTION OF COMMISSION.  (a) The
  commission is the mining and reclamation authority for the State of
  Texas and has exclusive jurisdiction for establishing reclamation
  requirements for mining and exploration operations in this state,
  except for in situ recovery processes.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 131.354, the commission
  has exclusive jurisdiction and is solely responsible for the
  regulation of all exploration activities.
         Sec. 131.034.  EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES.  The commission shall
  promulgate rules governing uranium exploration activity [in the
  manner provided in Sections 131.026 through 131.031 of this code
  for the conduct of exploration activities].
         Sec. 131.048.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Information submitted to
  the commission concerning mineral deposits, including test
  borings, core samplings, geophysical logs, or trade secrets or
  privileged commercial or financial information relating to the
  competitive rights of the applicant for an exploration permit or
  surface mining permit and specifically identified as confidential
  by the applicant, if not essential for public review as determined
  by the commission, shall not be disclosed by any member, agent, or
  employee of the commission.
         Sec. 131.301.  DISCHARGE RULES, ORDERS, AND PERMITS.  To
  prevent the pollution of surface and subsurface water in the state,
  the commission has the exclusive authority to [shall] adopt rules
  and may issue orders and permits relating to the discharge or runoff
  of waste or any other substance or material from any permitted 
  uranium exploration activity. Notwithstanding any provision of any
  other section of this chapter, a rule adopted, order issued, or
  permit issued [issuable] by the commission under this subchapter
  shall be [issued,] administered[,] and enforced solely in the
  manner provided by [in] this subchapter by the[, in such] rule,
  order, or permit, or by [in] Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         SECTION 4.  Section 131.261(a), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  On the basis of any inspection, if the commission or its
  authorized representative or agent determines that a condition or
  practice exists or that a permittee is in violation of a requirement
  of this chapter or a permit condition required by this chapter, and
  that this condition, practice, or violation also creates an
  imminent danger to the health or safety of the public or is causing
  or can reasonably be expected to cause significant imminent harm to
  land, air, or water resources, a member of the commission shall
  immediately order a cessation of exploration or surface mining
  operations on the portion of the area relevant to the condition,
  practice, or violation.
         SECTION 5.  Sections 131.262(a) and (b), Natural Resources
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  On the basis of an inspection, if the commission or its
  authorized representative or agent determines that a permittee is
  in violation of a requirement of this chapter or a permit condition
  required by this chapter, but the violation does not create an
  imminent danger to the health or safety of the public or is not
  causing or reasonably expected to cause significant imminent harm
  to land, air, or water resources, the commission shall issue a
  notice to the permittee or the permittee's [his] agent setting a
  reasonable time not to exceed 30 days for the abatement of the
  violation. The commission may authorize an extension of the period
  of time for the abatement of the violation, for good cause as
  determined by a written finding by the commission.
         (b)  If, on expiration of the period of time as originally
  set or subsequently extended, [for good cause shown, and on written
  finding of the commission,] the commission finds that the violation
  has not been abated, it may order a cessation of exploration or
  surface mining operations on the portion of this area relevant to
  the violation. However, if requested by the operator, a hearing
  must be held prior to a commission finding or order.
         SECTION 6.  Chapter 131, Natural Resources Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
         Sec. 131.351.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. (a)  If this
  subchapter conflicts with other law, this subchapter controls.
         (b)  Sections 131.037, 131.038, 131.039, 131.040, 131.041,
  131.042, 131.043, 131.044, and 131.045 do not apply to exploration
  activity subject to an exploration permit issued under this
         Sec. 131.352.  EXPLORATION PERMITS. (a) A person may not
  conduct exploration activity unless the person holds an exploration
  permit issued by the commission.
         (b)  An exploration permit issued by the commission may
  contain provisions and conditions necessary to implement the
  policies of this subchapter. The commission shall adopt rules
  governing the amendment, revocation, transfer, or suspension of an
  exploration permit.
         (c)  A person may conduct exploration activities under an
  exploration permit issued by the commission until the term expires
  or may apply for a new exploration permit issued under this
  subchapter if:
               (1)  the person has been exploring under an exploration
  permit issued before June 1, 2007; or
               (2)  the person has a pending application on file
  before June 1, 2007, and is issued the exploration permit after that
         (d)  On expiration of an exploration permit held by a person
  described by Subsection (c)(1) or (2), the person may apply for an
  exploration permit renewal under this subchapter.
         Sec. 131.353.  SCOPE OF EXPLORATION PERMIT. (a)  An
  exploration permit may govern all activities associated with
  determining the location, quantity, or quality of uranium deposits.
         (b)  An exploration permit must contain provisions to
               (1)  locating, drilling, plugging, and abandoning
  exploration holes;
               (2)  casing exploration holes for use in the
  exploration process;
               (3)  using cased exploration wells for rig supply
  purposes; and
               (4)  plugging and abandoning cased exploration wells.
         (c)  Except as provided by Section 131.354, a cased
  exploration well subject to an exploration permit issued under this
  subchapter is exempt from regulation by another agency,
  governmental entity, or political subdivision if the well is:
               (1)  used for exploration; or
               (2)  used for rig supply purposes.
         Sec. 131.354.  COMMISSION JURISDICTION. (a)  The commission
  has jurisdiction over uranium exploration holes and cased
  exploration wells completed under an exploration permit issued
  under this subchapter until:
               (1)  exploration holes and cased exploration wells are
  properly plugged and abandoned; or
               (2)  cased exploration wells are:
                     (A)  registered with the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality; or
                     (B)  included in an area permit issued by the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under Chapter 27, Water
         (b)  A well described by Section 131.353(c) is subject to a
  groundwater conservation district's rules regarding registration
  of wells if:
               (1)  the well is located in the groundwater
  conservation district and the well is used for monitoring purposes;
               (2)  the cumulative amount of water produced from the
  wells located inside the area subject to the exploration permit and
  completed under the exploration permit issued under this subchapter
  exceeds 40 acre feet in one year.
         (c)  A well described by Section 131.353(c) is subject to a
  groundwater conservation district's rules for registration,
  production, and reporting if:
               (1)  the well is located in the groundwater
  conservation district and the well is used for rig supply purposes;
               (2)  the cumulative amount of water produced from the
  wells located inside the area subject to the exploration permit and
  completed under the exploration permit issued under this subchapter
  exceeds 40 acre feet in one year.
         (d)  Each month, the holder of an exploration permit
  governing a well described by Section 131.353(c) and located in a
  groundwater conservation district shall report to the district the
  total amount of water produced from each well described by Section
  131.353(c) and located inside the area subject to the exploration
         (e)  Each groundwater conservation district shall use the
  number of acres described in the exploration permit in determining
  any district production requirements.
         Sec. 131.355.  APPLICATION FEES. (a)  The commission may
  impose an application fee to recover the costs of administering
  this subchapter.
         (b)  Section 131.231 does not apply to a fee imposed under
  this subchapter.
         Sec. 131.356.  NOTIFICATION BY COMMISSION. (a)  At the time
  the commission receives an application for an exploration permit,
  the commission shall provide written notice of the exploration
  permit application to:
               (1)  each groundwater conservation district in the area
  in which the permitted exploration will occur;
               (2)  the mayor and health authority of each
  municipality in the area in which the permitted exploration will
               (3)  the county judge and health authority of each
  county in the area in which the permitted exploration will occur;
               (4)  each member of the legislature who represents the
  area in which the proposed exploration will occur.
         (b)  At the time the commission issues an exploration permit
  under this subchapter, the commission shall provide written notice
  of the exploration permit to:
               (1)  each groundwater conservation district in the area
  in which the permitted exploration will occur;
               (2)  the mayor and health authority of each
  municipality in the area in which the permitted exploration will
               (3)  the county judge and health authority of each
  county in the area in which the permitted exploration will occur;
               (4)  each member of the legislature who represents the
  area in which the proposed exploration will occur.
  INFORMATION. (a) A person issued an exploration permit under this
  subchapter that authorizes exploration in a groundwater
  conservation district shall provide to the district:
               (1)  pre-exploration water quality information from:
                     (A)  each existing well located in the district
  that is tested by the person before exploration; and
                     (B)  the following wells, as applicable:
                           (i)  each existing well located inside the
  area subject to the exploration permit, if there are fewer than 10
  existing wells located inside that area; or
                           (ii)  10 existing wells that are distributed
  as evenly as possible throughout the area subject to the
  exploration permit, if there are at least 10 existing wells located
  inside that area;
               (2)  pre-mining water quality information from:
                     (A)  each existing well in the jurisdiction of the
  groundwater conservation district that the person tests during
  exploration; and
                     (B)  cased exploration wells completed under the
  exploration permit issued under this subchapter; and
               (3)  well logs that do not contain confidential
  information as described by Section 131.048.
         (b)  A person may take not more than 90 days after the person
  receives the final information to perform standard quality control
  and quality assurance procedures before submitting the information
  as required by Subsection (a).
         (c)  If the commission issues to a person an exploration
  permit under this subchapter that governs wells described by
  Section 131.353(c) that are located inside a groundwater
  conservation district, the person shall provide to the district:
               (1)  the person's name, address, and telephone number;
               (2)  the following information with regard to the wells
  described by Section 131.353(c):
                     (A)  well completion information for each well in
  the district;
                     (B)  the location of each well in the district,
  including a legal description and the acreage of the property where
  the well is located;
                     (C)  verification that each well will be used for
  an industrial purpose; and
                     (D)  the type and capacity of the pump used in each
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 3837 was passed by the House on May
  11, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 139, Nays 0, 1 present, not
  voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.
  No. 3837 on May 25, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 134, Nays 0,
  2 present, not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 3837 was passed by the Senate, with
  amendments, on May 22, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays
  Secretary of the Senate   
  APPROVED: __________________