By: Eiland H.B. No. 3839
relating to premium tax credit for certain investments.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 3 of the Insurance Code is
amended to add new Chapter 228A to read as follows:
       Sec. 228A.001.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
             (1)  "Allocation date" means the date on which
certified investors are allocated premium tax credits.
             (2)  "Certified capital" means cash invested by a
certified investor that fully funds the purchase price of an equity
interest in a certified insurance-capital company or a qualified
debt instrument issued by that company.
             (3)  "Certified insurance-capital company" means a
partnership, corporation, or trust or limited liability company,
whether organized on a profit or nonprofit basis, that:
                   (A)  has as its business activity the investment
of cash in a qualified insurance carrier or carriers; and
                   (B)  is certified as meeting the criteria of this
             (4)  "Certified investor" means an insurance company or
other person that has state premium tax liability and that
contributes certified capital pursuant to an allocation of premium
tax credits under this chapter.
             (5)  "Early stage carrier" means an insurance carrier
or proposed insurance carrier described by Section 228A.152.
             (6)  First Tier Coastal County" means:
                   (A)  Aransas County;
                   (B)  Brazoria County;
                   (C)  Calhoun County;
                   (D)  Cameron County;
                   (E)  Chambers County;
                   (F)  Galveston County;
                   (G)  Jefferson County;
                   (H)  Kennedy County;
                   (I)  Kleberg County;
                   (J)  Matagorda County;
                   (K)  Nueces County;
                   (L)  Refugio County;
                   (M)  San Patricio County; or
                   (N)  Willacy County.
             (7)  "Person" means an individual or entity, including
a corporation, general or limited partnership, or trust or limited
liability company.
             (8)  "Premium tax credit allocation claim" means a
claim for allocation of premium tax credits.
             (9)  "Qualified insurance carrier" means a business
described by Section 228A.201.
             (10)  "Qualified debt instrument" means a debt
instrument issued by a certified insurance-capital company, at par
value or a premium, that:
                   (A)  has an original maturity date that is a date
on or after the fifth anniversary of the date of issuance;
                   (B)  has a repayment schedule that is not faster
than a level principal amortization over five years; and
                   (C)  does not have interest, distribution, or
payment features that are related to:
                         (i)  the profitability of the company; or
                         (ii)  the performance of the company's
investment portfolio.
             (11)  "Qualified investment" means the investment of
cash by a certified insurance-capital company in a qualified
insurance carrier for the purchase of any debt, debt participation,
or hybrid security.
             (12)  "Second Tier Coastal County" means:
                   (A)  Bee County;
                   (B)  Brooks County;
                   (C)  Fort Bend County;
                   (D)  Goliad County;
                   (E)  Hardin County;
                   (F)  Harris County;
                   (G)  Hildago County;
                   (H)  Jackson County;
                   (I)  Jim Wells County
                   (J)  Liberty County;
                   (K)  Live Oak County;
                   (L)  Orange County;
                   (M)  Victoria County; or
                   (N)  Wharton County
             (13)  "State premium tax liability" means:
                   (A)  any liability incurred by any person under
Chapter 221, 222, 223, or 224; or
                   (B)  if the tax liability imposed under Chapter
222, 223, or 224 is eliminated or reduced, any tax liability imposed
on an insurer or other person that had premium tax liability under
Subchapter A, Chapter 4, or Article 9.59 as those laws existed on
January 1, 2003.
       Sec. 228A.002.  DEFINITION OF AFFILIATE.  In this chapter,
"affiliate" of another person means:
             (1)  a person that is an affiliate for purposes of
Section 823.003;
             (2)  a person that directly or indirectly:
                   (A)  beneficially owns 10 percent or more of the
outstanding voting securities or other voting or management
interests of the other person, whether through rights, options,
convertible interests, or otherwise; or
                   (B)  controls or holds power to vote 10 percent or
more of the outstanding voting securities or other voting or
management interests of the other person;
             (3)  a person 10 percent or more of the outstanding
voting securities or other voting or management interests of which
are directly or indirectly:
                   (A)  beneficially owned by the other person,
whether through rights, options, convertible interests, or
otherwise; or
                   (B)  controlled or held with power to vote by the
other person;
             (4)  a partnership in which the other person is a
general partner;
             (5)  an officer, director, employee, or agent of the
other person; or
             (6)  an immediate family member of an officer,
director, employee, or agent described by Subdivision (5).
       The comptroller shall administer this chapter in a manner
consistent with section 228 provided that the commissioner shall
administer the licensing of any qualified insurance carrier
described by Section 228A.201 and adopt carrier licensing rules
under section 228A.052.
       The comptroller shall adopt rules and forms as necessary to
implement this subchapter, including rules that:
             (1)  establish the application procedures for
certified insurance-capital companies; and
             (2)  facilitate the transfer or assignment of premium
tax credits by certified investors.
       (a)  The commissioner shall adopt rules and forms as
necessary to implement this chapter, including rules that:
             (1)  require as a condition of licensure that qualified
insurance carriers implement catastrophe management plans to
ensure the payment of insured claims resulting from no less than two
reasonably anticipated probable maximum loss events;
             (2)  require that qualified insurance carriers offer
coverage for wind exposure at actuarially justified rates beginning
no later than the third annual anniversary from the date the carrier
obtained its certificate of authority to operate in Texas;
             (3)  require that qualified insurance carriers offer
coverage for flood insurance on a direct basis, or facilitate the
procurement of flood insurance offered through a federal flood
insurance program, no later than the third annual anniversary from
the date the carrier obtained its certificate of authority to
operate in Texas;
             (4)  establish initial capitalization requirements
that shall not be less than $10 million in initial capital for
qualifying insurance carriers;
             (5)  establish the percentage maximum limitation of
business that may be written outside of Tier 1 and Tier 2 coastal
counties, which in no event may exceed 50% of the qualified
insurance carriers business;
             (6)  require the filing of rate information; and,
             (7)  provide for penalties that are in addition and
cumulative of the penalties provided by this chapter that require
the disgorgement of capital and surplus to replenish the state's
general revenue if a qualified insurance carrier receives an
investment of certified capital but fails to use that capital to
write a substantial amount of insurance business in one or more Tier
1 or Tier Coastal County or counties.
       (b)  The rules adopted by the commissioner pursuant to
subsection (2) shall provide for a five-year transition period that
incepts with the carrier's third anniversary date that
incrementally increase the amount of wind coverage required to be
offered by the end of the transition period.
       Sec 228A.054.  REPORTS TO LEGISLATURE.
       (a)  The comptroller shall prepare a biennial report
concerning the results of the implementation of this chapter.  The
report must include:
             (1)  the number of certified insurance-capital
companies holding certified capital under this subchapter;
             (2)  the amount of certified capital invested in each
certified insurance-capital company;
             (3)  the amount of certified capital the certified
insurance-capital company invested in qualified insurance carriers
as of January 1, 2008, and the cumulative total for each subsequent
             (4)  the total amount of tax credits granted under this
chapter for each year that credits have been granted;
             (5)  the performance of each certified
insurance-capital company with respect to renewal and reporting
requirements imposed under this chapter;
             (6)  with respect to the qualified insurance carriers
in which certified insurance-capital companies have invested:
                   (A)  the total number of jobs created by the
investment and the average wages paid for the jobs; and
                   (B)  the total number of jobs retained as a result
of the investment and the average wages paid for the jobs; and
                   (C)  the certified insurance-capital companies
that have been decertified or that have failed to renew the
certification and the reason for any decertification.
       (b)  The commissioner shall prepare a biennial report
concerning the results of the implementation of this subchapter.  
The report must include:
             (1)  the number and identity of the qualified insurance
carriers created under this subchapter;
             (2)  the amount of premiums sold to Texas consumers and
insured property value covered by qualified insurance carriers;
             (3)  information related to the rates charged consumers
by qualified insurance carriers; and
             (4)  information related to the capital adequacy and
catastrophe management programs implemented by qualified insurance
       (c)  The comptroller and commissioner shall file the reports
with the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the
house of representatives not later than December 15 of each
       Sec. 228A.055.  PROMOTION OF PROGRAM.
       The Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office shall
promote the program established under this chapter in the Texas
Business and Community Economic Development Clearinghouse.
       (a)  An applicant for certification must file the
application in the form prescribed by the comptroller.  The
application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee
of $7,500.
       (b)  The application must include an audited balance sheet of
the applicant, with an unqualified opinion from an independent
certified public accountant, as of a date not more than 35 days
before the date of the application.
       Sec. 228A.102.  QUALIFICATION.
       To qualify as a certified insurance-capital company:
             (1)  the applicant must have, at the time of
application for certification, an equity capitalization of at least
$500,000 in unencumbered cash or cash equivalents;
             (2)  at least two principals or persons employed to
manage the funds of the applicant must have at least four years of
experience in the venture capital industry; and
             (3)  the applicant must satisfy any additional
requirement imposed by the comptroller by rule.
       (a)  An insurer, group of insurers, or other persons who may
have state premium tax liability or the insurer's or person's
affiliates may not directly or indirectly:
             (1)  manage a certified insurance-capital company;
             (2)  beneficially own, whether through rights,
options, convertible interests, or otherwise, more than 10 percent
of the outstanding voting securities of a certified
insurance-capital company; or
             (3)  control the direction of investments for a
certified insurance-capital company.
       (b)  Subsection (a) applies without regard to whether the
insurer or other person or the affiliate of the insurer or other
person is authorized by or engages in business in this state.
       (c)  Subsections (a) and (b) do not preclude an insurer,
certified investor, or any other party from exercising its legal
rights and remedies, including interim management of a certified
insurance-capital company, if authorized by law, with respect to a
certified insurance-capital company that is in default of the
company's statutory or contractual obligations to the insurer,
certified investor, or other party.
       (d)  This chapter does not limit an insurer's ownership of
nonvoting equity interests in a certified insurance-capital
       228A.104.  ACTION ON APPLICATION.
       (a)  The comptroller shall:
             (1)  review the application, organizational documents,
and business history of each applicant; and
             (2)  ensure that the applicant satisfies the
requirements of this chapter.
       (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date an
application is filed, the comptroller shall:
             (1)  issue the certification; or
             (2)  refuse to issue the certification and communicate
in detail to the applicant the grounds for the refusal, including
suggestions for the removal of those grounds.
       To continue to be certified, a certified insurance-capital
company must make qualified investments according to the schedule
established by Section 228A.151.
       (a)  Each certified insurance-capital company shall report
to the comptroller as soon as practicable after the receipt of
certified capital:
             (1)  the name of each certified investor from whom the
certified capital was received, including the certified investor's
insurance premium tax identification number;
             (2)  the amount of each certified investor's investment
of certified capital and premium tax credits; and
             (3)  the date on which the certified capital was
       (b)  Not later than January 31 of each year, each
certified-insurance capital company shall report to the
             (1)  the amount of the company's certified capital at
the end of the preceding year;
             (2)  whether or not the company has invested more than
25 percent of the company's total certified capital in a single
             (3)  each qualified investment that the company made
during the preceding year and, with respect to each qualified
investment, the number of employees of the qualified insurance
carrier at the time the qualified investment was made; and
       (4)  any other information required by the comptroller,
including any information required by the comptroller to comply
with Section 228A.053.
       (c)  Not later than April 1 of each year, each certified
insurance-capital company shall provide to the comptroller an
annual audited financial statement that includes the opinion of an
independent certified public accountant.  The audit must address
the methods of operation and conduct of the business of the company
to determine whether:
             (1)  the company is complying with this chapter and the
rules adopted under this chapter;
             (2)  the funds received by the company have been
invested as required within the time provided by Section 228A.151;
             (3)  the company has invested the funds in qualified
insurance carriers and other specifically authorized investments.
       Sec. 228A.107.  RENEWAL FEE; LATE FEE; EXCEPTION.
       (a)  Not later than January 31 of each year, each certified
insurance-capital company shall pay a nonrefundable renewal fee of
$5,000 to the comptroller.
       (b)  If a certified insurance-capital company fails to pay
the renewal fee on or before the date specified by Subsection (a),
the company must pay, in addition to the renewal fee, a late fee of
$5,000 to continue the company's certification.
       (c)  A renewal fee is not required within six months of the
date on which a certified insurance-capital company's initial
certification is issued under Section 228A.104(b).
       Any offering material involving the sale of securities of the
certified insurance-capital company must include the following
"By authorizing the formation of a certified insurance-capital
company, the State of Texas does not endorse the quality of
management or the potential for earnings of the company and is not
liable for damages or losses to a certified investor in the company.
Use of the word "certified" in an offering does not constitute a
recommendation or endorsement of the investment by the comptroller
of public accounts.  If applicable provisions of law are violated,
the State of Texas may require forfeiture of unused premium tax
credits and repayments of used premium tax credits."
       Sec. 228A.151.  SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENT.
       (a)  Before the third anniversary of a certified
insurance-capital company's allocation date, the company must make
qualified investments in one or more qualified insurance carriers
in an amount cumulatively equal to at least 30 percent of the
company's certified capital, subject to section 228A.152(b).
       (b)  Before the fifth anniversary of a certified
insurance-capital company's allocation date, the company must make
qualified investments in one or more qualified insurance carriers
in an amount cumulatively equal to at least 50 percent of the
company's certified capital, subject to section 228A.152(b).
       (a)  In this section, "early stage carrier" means a qualified
insurer or proposed insurer that:
             (1)  is involved, at the time of a certified insurance
capital company's first investment, in activities related to the
organization of the carrier, such as its original incorporation or
development of a proposed business model;
             (2)  was initially organized less than two years before
the date of the certified insurance-capital company's first
investment; or
             (3)  during the fiscal year immediately preceding the
year of the certified insurance-capital company's first investment
had, gross revenues of not more than $2 million as determined in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
       (b)  A certified insurance-capital company must place 50
percent of the amount of qualified investments required by Section
228A.151 in early stage carriers.
       A certified insurance-capital company may invest up to 50
percent of the amount of qualified investments in an existing
qualified insurance carrier or carriers that do not qualify as
early stage carriers under section 228A.152.
       A certified insurance-capital company shall invest any
certified capital not invested in qualified investments only in:
             (1)  cash deposited with a federally insured financial
             (2)  certificates of deposit in a federally insured
financial institution;
             (3)  investment securities that are:
                   (A)  obligations of the United States or agencies
or instrumentalities of the United States; or
                   (B)  obligations that are guaranteed fully as to
principal and interest by the United States;
             (4)  debt instruments rated at least "A" or the
equivalent by a nationally recognized credit rating organization,
or issued by, or guaranteed with respect to payment by, an entity
whose unsecured indebtedness is rated at least "A" or the
equivalent by a nationally recognized credit rating organization,
and which indebtedness is not subordinated to other unsecured
indebtedness of the issuer or the guarantor;
             (5)  obligations of this state or a municipality or
political subdivision of this state; or
             (6)  any other investment approved in advance in
writing by the comptroller.
       (a)  The aggregate cumulative amount of all qualified
investments made by a certified insurance-capital company after the
company's allocation date shall be considered in the computation of
the percentage requirements under this subchapter.
       (b)  A certified insurance-capital company may invest
proceeds received from a qualified investment in another qualified
investment, and that investment counts toward any requirement of
this chapter with respect to investments of certified capital.
A certified insurance-capital company may not make a qualified
investment at a cost to the company that is greater than 50 percent
of the company's total certified capital at the time of investment.
       (a)  In this section, "qualified distribution" means any
distribution or payment from certified insurance-capital by a
certified capital company in connection with:
             (1)  the reasonable costs and expenses of forming,
syndicating, managing, and operating the company, provided that the
distribution or payment is not made directly or indirectly to a
certified investor, including:
                   (A)  reasonable and necessary fees paid for
professional services, including legal and accounting services,
related to the company's formation and operation; and
                   (B)  an annual management fee in an amount that
does not exceed 2.5 percent of the company's certified capital; and
             (2)  a projected increase in federal or state taxes,
including penalties and interest related to state and federal
income taxes, of the company's equity owners resulting from the
earnings or other tax liability of the company to the extent that
the increase is related to the ownership, management, or operation
of the company.
       (b)  A certified insurance-capital company may make a
qualified distribution at any time.  To make a distribution or
payment other than a qualified distribution, a company must have
made qualified investments in an amount cumulatively equal to 100
percent of the company's certified capital.
       (c)  If a business in which a qualified investment is made
relocates the business 's principal business operations to another
state during the term of the certified insurance capital company's
investment in the business, the cumulative amount of qualified
investments made by the certified insurance-capital company for
purposes of satisfying the requirements of Subsection (b) only is
reduced by the amount of the certified insurance-capital company's
qualified investments in the business that has relocated.
       (d)  Subsection (c) does not apply if the business
demonstrates that the business has returned the business's
principal business operations to this state not later than the 90th
day after the date of the relocation.
       Sec. 228A.158.  REPAYMENT OF DEBT.
       Notwithstanding Section 228A.157(b), a certified
insurance-capital company may make repayments of principal and
interest on the company's indebtedness without any restriction,
including repaying the company's indebtedness on which certified
investors earned premium tax credits.
       (a)  In this chapter, "qualified insurance carrier" means a
carrier that complies with this section at the time of a certified
insurance-capital company's first investment in the business.
       (b)  A qualified insurance carrier must:
             (1)  be legally domiciled in this state and intend to
remain domiciled in this state after receipt of the certified
insurance-capital company's investment;
             (2)  have the carrier 's principal business operations
located in this state and intend to maintain business operations in
this state after receipt of the certified insurance-capital
company's investment;
             (3)  be licensed by the commissioner as a property and
casualty insurance company, subject to section 822, subsection
228A.202 and rules adopted under section 228A.053 or, in the case of
an early stage carrier, apply for a such a license within 12 months
of receipt of any funding from a certified insurance-capital
company; and
             (4)  receive matching capital funds from private
sources, which may be in the form of a surplus debenture, that match
dollar-for-dollar all investments of certified capital received
from certified insurance-capital companies.
       (c)  A qualified insurance carrier must agree to use the
qualified investment to:
             (1)  to write commercial and personal property
insurance in one or more Tier 1 and Tier 2 Coastal County or
             (2)  in the case of a proposed or start-up carrier,
support the establishment or creation of a carrier to conduct the
business of insurance in one or more Tier 1 and Tier 2 Coastal
County or counties; and
             (3)  support business operations in this state and the
economic development of the state and its seacoast.
       (d)  an early stage carrier or qualified insurance carrier is
exempt from the rate filing requirements of Subchapters C and D of
Chapter 2251, except that such carrier shall file with the
department a schedule of the amounts the carrier charges a
policyholder or an applicant for a policy, regardless of the term
the carrier uses to refer to those charges, including "rate",
"policy fee", "inspection fee", or "initial charge".
       (e)  A qualified insurance carrier must:
             (1)  employ at least 80 percent of the carrier's
employees in this state; or
             (2)  pay 80 percent of the carrier's payroll to
employees in this state.
       (a)  A qualified insurance carrier shall at all times be
primarily engaged in the business of selling commercial and
personal property insurance in one or more Tier 1 and Tier 2 Coastal
County or counties and is prohibited from selling more than 50
percent of its insurance business in other counties.
       (b)  The failure to comply with subsection (a) may result in
penalties under section 228.303 and the recapture and forfeiture of
premium tax credits under section 228.351.
If, before the 90th day after the date a certified
insurance-capital company makes an investment in a qualified
insurance carrier, the qualified insurance carrier moves its
principal business operations from this state, the investment may
not be considered a qualified investment for purposes of the
percentage requirements under this chapter.
       (a)  A certified insurance-capital company may, before
making an investment in an entity, request a written opinion from
the comptroller as to whether the entity in which the company
proposes to invest is a qualified insurance carrier or an early
stage carrier.
       (b)  The Department of Insurance shall provide information
requested by the comptroller necessary for making a determination
as to whether an entity meets the definition of a qualified
insurance carrier or an early stage carrier, as applicable.
       (c)  Not later than the 30th business day after the date of
the receipt of a request under Subsection (a), the comptroller
             (1)  determine whether the entity meets the definition
of a qualified insurance carrier or an early stage carrier, as
applicable, and notify the certified insurance-capital company of
the determination and provide an explanation of the determination;
             (2)  notify the company that an additional 15 days will
be needed to review the request and make the determination.
       (c)  If the comptroller fails to notify the certified
insurance-capital company with respect to the proposed investment
within the period specified by Subsection (c), the entity in which
the company proposes to invest is considered to be a qualified
insurance carrier or an early stage carrier, as appropriate, which
determination will be solely for the tax credits contemplated under
section 228A.251 and for no other reason.
       (a)  A business that is classified as a qualified business at
the time of the first investment in the business by a certified
insurance-capital company:
             (1)  remains classified as a qualified business; and
             (2)  may receive follow-on investments from any
certified insurance-capital company.
       (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a follow-on
investment made under Subsection (a) is a qualified investment even
though the business may not meet the definition of a qualified
business at the time of the follow-on investment.
       (c)  A follow-on investment does not qualify as a qualified
investment if, at the time of the follow-on investment, the
qualified business no longer has the business's principal business
operations in this state.
       Sec. 228A.251.  PREMIUM TAX CREDIT.
       (a)  A certified investor who makes an investment of
certified capital shall earn in the year of investment a vested
credit against state premium tax liability equal to 100 percent of
the certified investor's investment of certified capital, subject
to the limits imposed by this chapter.
       (b)  Beginning with the tax report due March 1, 2009, for the
2008 tax year, a certified investor may take up to 25 percent of the
vested premium tax credit in any taxable year of the certified
investor.  The credit may not be applied to estimated payments due
in 2008.
       Sec. 228A.252.  LIMIT ON PREMIUM TAX CREDIT.
       (a)  The credit to be applied against state premium tax
liability of a certified investor in any one year may not exceed the
state premium tax liability of the investor for the taxable year.
       (b)  A certified investor may carry forward any unused credit
against state premium tax liability indefinitely until the premium
tax credits are used.
       (a)  A certified investor must prepare and execute a premium
tax credit allocation claim on a form provided by the comptroller.
       (b)  The certified insurance-capital company must have filed
the claim with the comptroller on the date on which the comptroller
accepted premium tax credit allocation claims on behalf of
certified investors under the comptroller's rules.
       (c)  The premium tax credit allocation claim form must
include an affidavit of the certified investor under which the
certified investor becomes legally bound and irrevocably committed
to make an investment of certified capital in a certified
insurance-capital company in the amount allocated even if the
amount allocated is less than the amount of the claim, subject only
to the receipt of an allocation under Section 228A.255.
       (d)  A certified investor may not claim a premium tax credit
under Section 228A.251 for an investment that has not been funded,
without regard to whether the certified investor has committed to
fund the investment.
       (a)  The total amount of certified capital for which premium
tax credits may be allowed under this chapter for all years in which
premium tax credits are allowed is $200 million.
       (b)  The total amount of certified capital for which premium
tax credits may be allowed for all certified investors under this
chapter may not exceed the amount that would entitle all certified
investors in certified capital companies to take total credits of
$50 million in a year.
       (c)  A certified insurance-capital company and the company's
affiliates may not file premium tax credit allocation claims in
excess of the maximum amount of certified capital for which premium
tax credits may be allowed as provided by this section.
       (a)  If the total premium tax credits claimed by all
certified investors exceeds the total limits on premium tax credits
established by Section 228A.254(a), the comptroller shall allocate
the total amount of premium tax credits allowed under this chapter
to certified investors in certified capital companies on a pro rata
basis in accordance with this section.
       (b)  The pro rata allocation for each certified investor
shall be the product of:
             (1)  a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of
the premium tax credit allocation claim filed on behalf of the
investor and the denominator of which is the total amount of all
premium tax credit allocation claims filed on behalf of all
certified investors; and
             (2)  the total amount of certified capital for which
premium tax credits may be allowed under this chapter.
       (c)  The maximum amount of certified capital for which
premium tax credit allocation may be allowed on behalf of single
certified investor and the investor 's affiliates, whether by one
or more certified insurance-capital companies, may not exceed the
greater of:
             (1)  $10 million; or
             (2)  15 percent of the maximum aggregate amount
available under Section 228A.254(a).
       In any case under this code or another insurance law of this
state in which the assets of a certified investor are examined or
considered, the certified capital may be treated as an admitted
asset, subject to the applicable statutory valuation procedures.
       (a)  A certified investor may transfer or assign premium tax
credits only in compliance with the rules adopted under Section
       (b)  The transfer or assignment of a premium tax credit does
not affect the schedule for taking the premium tax credit under this
       A certified investor is not required to reduce the amount of
premium tax included by the investor in connection with ratemaking
for an insurance contract written in this state because of a
reduction in the investor's premium tax derived from premium tax
credits granted under this chapter.
       Sec. 228A.259.  RETALIATORY TAX.
       A certified investor claiming a credit against state premium
tax liability earned through an investment in a company is not
required to pay any additional retaliatory tax levied under Chapter
281 as a result of claiming that credit.
       (a)  The comptroller shall conduct an annual review of each
certified insurance-capital company to:
             (1)  ensure that the company:
                   (A)  continues to satisfy the requirements of this
chapter; and
                   (B)  has not made any investment in violation of
this chapter; and
             (2)  determine the eligibility status of the company's
qualified investments.
       (b)  Each certified insurance-capital company shall pay the
cost of the annual review according to a reasonable fee schedule
adopted by the comptroller.
       (a)  A material violation of Section 228A.105, 228A.106,
228A.107, 228A.151, 228A.152, 228A.153, 228A.154, 228A.155,
228A.156, 228A.202, or 228A.204 is grounds for decertification of a
certified insurance-capital company.
       (b)  If the comptroller determines that a certified
insurance-capital company is not in compliance with a law listed in
Subsection (a), the comptroller shall notify the company's officers
in writing that the company may be subject to decertification after
the 120th day after the date the notice is mailed unless the
             (1)  corrects the deficiencies; and
             (2)  returns to compliance with that law.
       (c)  The comptroller may decertify a certified insurance
capital company, after opportunity for hearing, if the comptroller
finds that the company is not in compliance with a law listed in
Subsection (a) at the end of the period established by Subsection
       (d)  Decertification under this section is effective on
receipt of notice of decertification by the certified
insurance-capital company.
       (e)  The comptroller shall notify any appropriate state
agency of a decertification of a certified insurance-capital
       Sec. 228A.303.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.
       (a)  The comptroller may impose an administrative penalty on
a certified insurance-capital company that violates this chapter.
       (b)  The amount of the penalty may not exceed $25,000.  Each
day a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for the
purpose of imposing the penalty.  The amount of the penalty shall be
based on:
             (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
             (2)  the economic harm caused by the violation;
             (3)  the history of previous violations;
             (4)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
             (5)  efforts to correct the violation; and
             (6)  any other matter that justice may require.
       (c)  A certified insurance-capital company assessed a
penalty under this chapter may request a redetermination as
provided by Chapter 111, Tax Code.
       (d)  The attorney general may sue to collect the penalty.
       (e)  A proceeding to impose the penalty is a contested case
under Chapter 2001, Government Code.
       (a)  Decertification of a certified insurance-capital
company may, in accordance with this section, cause:
             (1)  the recapture of premium tax credits previously
claimed by the company's certified investors; and
             (2)  the forfeiture of future premium tax credits to be
claimed by the investors.
       (b)  Decertification of a certified insurance-capital
company on or before the third anniversary of the company's
allocation date causes the recapture of any premium tax credits
previously claimed and the forfeiture of any future premium tax
credits to be claimed by a certified investor with respect to the
       (c)  For a certified insurance-capital company that meets
the requirements for continued certification under Section
228A.151(a) and subsequently fails to meet the requirements for
continued certification under Subsection (b) of that section:
             (1)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
taken by a certified investor on or before the third anniversary of
the allocation date is not subject to recapture or forfeiture; and
             (2)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
taken by a certified investor after the third anniversary of the
company 's allocation date is subject to recapture or forfeiture.
       (d)  For a certified insurance-capital company that has met
the requirements for continued certification under Section
228A.151 and is subsequently decertified:
             (1)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
taken by a certified investor on or before the fifth anniversary of
the allocation date is not subject to recapture or forfeiture; and
             (2)  any premium tax credit to be taken after the fifth
anniversary of the allocation date is subject to forfeiture only if
the company is decertified on or before the fifth anniversary of the
company 's allocation date.
       (e)  For a certified insurance-capital company that has
invested an amount cumulatively equal to 100 percent of the
company's certified capital in qualified investments, any premium
tax credit claimed or to be claimed by a certified investor is not
subject to recapture or forfeiture under this section.
       The comptroller shall send written notice to the address of
each certified investor whose premium tax credit is subject to
recapture or forfeiture, using the address shown on the investor's
last premium tax filing.
       (a)  A certified insurance-capital company may agree to
indemnify, or purchase insurance for the benefit of, a certified
investor for losses resulting from the recapture or forfeiture of
premium tax credits under Section 228A.351.
       (b)  Any guaranty, indemnity, bond, insurance policy, or
other payment undertaking made under this section may not be
provided by more than one certified investor of the certified
insurance-capital company or affiliate of the certified investor.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of the two-thirds of all the members elected to each house,
as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.