By: Menendez H.B. No. 3872
relating to the eligibility of certain applications for low income
housing tax credits
       SECTION 1.  Section 2306.6703, Government Code, as amended
by Chapters 330 and 1106, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2003, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 2306.6703.  INELIGIBILITY FOR CONSIDERATION.  (a)  An
application is ineligible for consideration under the low income
housing tax credit program if:
             (1)  at the time of application or at any time during
the two-year period preceding the date the application round
begins, the applicant or a related party is or has been:
                   (A)  a member of the board; or
                   (B)  the director, a deputy director, the director
of housing programs, the director of compliance, the director of
underwriting, or the low income housing tax credit program manager
employed by the department;
             (2)  the applicant proposes to replace in less than 15
years any private activity bond financing of the development
described by the application, unless:
                   (A)  the applicant proposes to maintain for a
period of 30 years or more 100 percent of the development units
supported by housing tax credits as rent-restricted and exclusively
for occupancy by individuals and families earning not more than 50
percent of the area median income, adjusted for family size; and
                   (B)  at least one-third of all the units in the
development are public housing units or Section 8 project-based
units; or
             (3)  unless the applicant obtains approval of the
development from the governing body of the appropriate municipality
or county containing the development, the applicant proposes to
develop [construct] a new construction development that is located
one linear mile or less from a development that:
                   (A)  serves the same type of household as the new
development[, regardless of whether the developments serve
families, elderly individuals, or another type of household];
                   (B)  has received an allocation of housing tax
credits for new construction at any time during the three-year
period preceding the date the application round begins; and
                   (C)  has not been withdrawn or terminated from the
low income housing tax credit program; [or]
             (4)  the development is located in a municipality or,
if located outside a municipality, a county that has more than twice
the state average of units per capita supported by housing tax
credits or private activity bonds, unless the applicant:
                   (A)  obtains [has obtained prior] approval of the
development from the governing body of the appropriate municipality
or county containing the development; and
                   (B)  provides, not later than the 30th day before
the date the board first meets to consider applications for an
allocation of housing tax credits, [has included in the
application] a written statement of support from that governing
body referencing this section and authorizing an allocation of
housing tax credits for the development.
       (b)  Subsections (a)(2), (3), and (4) do [Subsection (a)(3)
does] not apply to a development:
             (1)  that is using:
                   (A)  federal HOPE VI funds or other similar funds 
received through the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development to assist in the preservation, through same-site
reconstruction or rehabilitation, of distressed federally assisted
                   (B)  locally approved funds received from a public
improvement district or a tax increment financing district;
                   (C)  funds provided to the state under the
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C.
Section 12701 et seq.); [or]
                   (D)  funds provided to the state and participating
jurisdictions under the Housing and Community Development Act of
1974 (42 U.S.C. Section 5301 et seq.);
             (2)  that is located in a county with a population of
less than one million[;
             [(3)  that is located outside of a metropolitan
statistical area; or
             [(4)  that a local government where the project is to be
located has by vote specifically allowed the construction of a new
development located within one linear mile or less from a
development under Subsection (a)].
       SECTION 2.  Section 2306.6711(f), Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (f)  The board may allocate housing tax credits to
developments [more than one development] in a single community that
are or will be less than one linear mile apart, as defined by
department rule, in the same calendar year only if:
             (1)  the community is located in a county with a
population of one million or less;
             (2)  at least one allocation involves the
rehabilitation of existing developments, with not more than one new
construction allocation; or
             (3)  the developments each serve a different type of
household from the other [the developments are or will be located
more than one linear mile apart].  [This subsection applies only to
communities contained within counties with populations exceeding
one million.]
       SECTION 3.  It is the intent of the legislature that the
passage by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, of another
bill that amends Chapter 2306, Government Code, and the amendments
made by this Act shall be harmonized, if possible, as provided by
Section 311.025(b), Government Code, so that effect may be given to
each.  If the amendments made by this Act to Chapter 2306,
Government Code, and the amendments made to Chapter 2306,
Government Code, by any other bill are irreconcilable, it is the
intent of the legislature that this Act prevail, regardless of the
relative dates of enactment of this Act and the other bill or bills,
but only to the extent that any differences are irreconcilable.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.