80R9795 SMH-D
  By: Menendez H.B. No. 3875
relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation for certain
organizations constructing or rehabilitating low-income housing.
       SECTION 1.  Sections 11.1825(c), (s), (v), (w), (x), and
(y), Tax Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b), an owner of real
property that is not an organization described by that subsection
is entitled to an exemption from taxation of property under this
section if the property otherwise qualifies for the exemption and:
             (1)  the owner is:
                   (A) [(1)]  a limited partnership of which an
organization that meets the requirements of Subsection (b) controls
100 percent of the general partner interest; or
                   (B) [(2)]  an entity the parent of which is an
organization that meets the requirements of Subsection (b); or
             (2)  the Bond Review Board approved an allocation of
private activity bonds to finance in whole or in part the
construction or rehabilitation of the property and the property is
                   (A)  in a county with a population of less than
75,000; or
                   (B)  in an area that:
                         (i)  is not located in a standard
metropolitan statistical area; and
                         (ii)  has an area median family income, as
established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development, that is less than the statewide area median family
income, as established by that department.
       (s)  Unless otherwise provided by the governing body of a
taxing unit [any part of which is located in a county with a
population of at least 1.4 million] under Subsection (x), if
applicable, the amount of the exemption under this section from
taxation is 50 percent of the appraised value of the property.
       (v)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section:
             (1) [,]  an organization may not receive an exemption
from taxation by a taxing unit any part of which is located in a
county with a population of at least 1.4 million unless the
exemption is approved by the governing body of the taxing unit in
the manner provided by law for official action; and
             (2)  an organization may not receive an exemption from
taxation by a taxing unit for property described by Subsection
(c)(2) unless the exemption is approved by the governing body of the
taxing unit in the manner provided by law for official action.
       (w)  To receive an exemption under this section from taxation
by a taxing unit for which the approval of the governing body of the
taxing unit is required by Subsection (v), an organization must
submit to the governing body of the taxing unit a written request
for approval of the exemption from taxation of the property
described in the request. If the request is for approval of an
exemption for property described by Subsection (c)(2), the request
must state the term for which the exemption is requested, which may
not exceed the term of the bonds described by that subsection.
       (x)  Not later than the 60th day after the date the governing
body of the taxing unit receives a written request under Subsection
(w) for an exemption under this section, the governing body shall:
             (1)  if the request is for approval of an exemption for
property other than property described by Subsection (c)(2):
                   (A)  approve the exemption in the amount provided
by Subsection (s);
                   (B) [(2)]  approve the exemption in a reasonable
amount other than the amount provided by Subsection (s); or
                   (C) [(3)]  deny the exemption if the governing
body determines that:
                         (i) [(A)]  the taxing unit cannot afford the
loss of ad valorem tax revenue that would result from approving the
exemption; or
                         (ii) [(B)]  additional housing for
individuals or families meeting the income eligibility
requirements of this section is not needed in the territory of the
taxing unit; or
             (2)  if the request is for approval of an exemption for
property described by Subsection (c)(2):
                   (A)  approve the exemption for a specified term in
a fixed amount or in variable amounts in each tax year of the term
and may impose additional qualifications for receiving the
exemption in any tax year; or
                   (B)  deny the exemption if the governing body
determines that:
                         (i)  the taxing unit cannot afford the loss
of ad valorem tax revenue that would result from approving the
exemption; or
                         (ii)  additional housing for individuals or
families meeting the income eligibility requirements of this
section is not needed in the territory of the taxing unit.
       (y)  Not later than the fifth day after the date the
governing body of the taxing unit takes action under Subsection
(x), the taxing unit shall issue a letter to the organization
stating the governing body's action and, if the governing body
denied the exemption, stating whether the denial was based on a
determination under Subsection (x)(1)(C)(i) or (ii) or
(x)(2)(B)(i) or (ii), as applicable, [(x)(3)(A) or (B)] and the
basis for the determination. The taxing unit shall send a copy of
the letter by regular mail to the chief appraiser of each appraisal
district that appraises the property for the taxing unit. The
governing body may charge the organization a fee not to exceed the
administrative costs of processing the request of the organization,
approving or denying the exemption, and issuing the letter required
by this subsection. If the chief appraiser determines that the
property qualifies for an exemption under this section and the
governing body of the taxing unit approves the exemption, the chief
appraiser shall grant the exemption in the amount approved by the
governing body.
       SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to ad valorem taxes imposed
for a tax year beginning on or after the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2008.