By: Menendez H.B. No. 3879
relating to the powers and duties of defense base development
authorities; modifying the power of eminent domain.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 379B, Local Government Code, is amended
by adding Section 379B.0041 to read as follows:
       Sec. 379B.0041.  INLAND PORT AND TRADE POWERS.  (a)  The
authority may establish and operate an inland port and related port
facilities to engage in world trade.
       (b)  The authority may participate in national and
international agreements advancing world trade at the port.
       SECTION 2.  Section 379B.0045, Local Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 379B.0045.  EMINENT DOMAIN.  (a)  An authority or an
authority whose subject property is within the territorial limits
of a municipality may exercise the power of eminent domain to
acquire property in [or adjacent to] the base property or in an area
surrounding the base only in the manner provided by Chapter 21,
Property Code.
       (b)  Before the authority initiates an eminent domain
proceeding to acquire property, the board must:
             (1)  adopt a master development and redevelopment plan
for the property in [or adjacent to] the base property or in an area
surrounding the base and incorporate and approve the plan as part of
the master plan of the municipality in which the base property is
located; and
             (2)  find, after conducting a public hearing, that:
                   (A)  notice of the hearing was published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the municipality in which the
base property is located not later than the 15th day before the date
of the hearing;
                   (B)  the property lies in a redevelopment project
designated under Section 379B.009 [378.009, as added by Chapter
1221, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999]; and
                   (C)  the use of eminent domain is necessary to
acquire the property to carry out the essential objectives of the
master development and redevelopment plan as approved by the
       SECTION 3.  Chapter 379B, Local Government Code, is amended
by adding Section 379B.0085 to read as follows:
(a)  As an exception to Chapter 551, Government Code, and other
law, if the president or vice president of a board, or chairperson
or vice chairperson of a board committee, is physically present at a
meeting of the board or committee, any number of the other members
of the board or committee may attend the meeting by use of telephone
conference call, video conference call, or other similar
telecommunication device.  This subsection applies for purposes of
constituting a quorum, for purposes of voting, and for any other
purpose allowing a board or committee member to otherwise fully
participate in any board or committee meeting.  This subsection
applies without exception with regard to the subject of the meeting
or topics considered by the members.
       (b)  A meeting held by use of telephone conference call,
video conference call, or other similar telecommunication device:
             (1)  is subject to the notice requirements applicable
to other meetings;
             (2)  must specify in the notice of the meeting the
location of the meeting at which the president, vice president,
chairperson, or vice chairperson will be physically present;
             (3)  must be open to the public and audible to the
public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the
location of the meeting at which the president, vice president,
chairperson, or vice chairperson will be physically present; and
             (4)  must provide two-way audio communication between
all board or committee members attending the meeting during the
entire meeting, and if the two-way audio communication link with
any member attending the meeting is disrupted at any time, the
meeting may not continue until the two-way audio communication link
is reestablished.
       SECTION 4.  Subsection (a), Section 379B.009, Local
Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The board may designate as a redevelopment project a
project that relates to:
             (1)  the development of base property and the
surrounding areas; or
             (2)  the development of property directly related to
the purposes or goals of the authority [the development of a defense
base in the territory of the municipality that established the
authority and areas surrounding that base].
       SECTION 5.  The change in law made by Section 379B.0085,
Local Government Code, as added by this Act, applies only to a
meeting of the board of directors of a defense base development
authority or a meeting of a board committee that occurs on or after
the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.