80R10551 DLF-D
  By: Anchia H.B. No. 3908
relating to exceptions to the requirements that certain persons
register under the lobby law.
       SECTION 1.  Section 305.003, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subsections (b-3), (d), and (e) to read as follows:
       (b-3)  Subsection (a)(2) does not require a person to
register if the person spends not more than five percent of the time
for which the person is compensated or reimbursed during the
calendar quarter engaging in activity to communicate directly with
a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence
legislation or administrative action.
       (d)  A corporation, association, firm, partnership,
committee, club, organization, or other group of persons is not
required to register under this section if the expenditures made on
behalf of the entity, and compensation paid by the entity, to
communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive
branch to influence legislation or administrative action are
reported by an individual who is a registrant in accordance with
this chapter and rules of the commission.
       (e)  An expenditure made by a member of the judicial,
legislative, or executive branch acting in the member's official
capacity is not included for purposes of determining whether a
person is required to register in accordance with Subsection
       SECTION 2.  Section 305.004, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 305.004.  GENERAL EXCEPTIONS.  The following persons
are not required to register under this chapter:
             (1)  a person who owns, publishes, or is employed by a
newspaper, any other regularly published periodical, a radio
station, a television station, a wire service, or any other bona
fide news medium that in the ordinary course of business
disseminates news, letters to the editors, editorial or other
comment, or paid advertisements that directly or indirectly oppose
or promote legislation or administrative action, if the person does
not engage in further or other activities that require registration
under this chapter and does not represent another person in
connection with influencing legislation or administrative action;
             (2)  [a person whose only direct communication with a
member of the legislative or executive branch to influence
legislation or administrative action is an appearance before or
testimony to one or more members of the legislative or executive
branch in a hearing conducted by or on behalf of either the
legislative or the executive branch and who does not receive
special or extra compensation for the appearance other than actual
expenses incurred in attending the hearing
             [(3)]  a person whose only activity is to encourage or
solicit members, employees, or stockholders of an entity by whom
the person is reimbursed, employed, or retained to communicate
directly with members of the legislative or executive branch to
influence legislation or administrative action;
             (3) [(4)]  a person whose only activity to influence
legislation or administrative action is to compensate or reimburse
an individual registrant to act in the person's behalf to
communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive
branch to influence legislation or administrative action;
             (4) [(5)]  a person whose only activity to influence
legislation or administrative action is attendance at a meeting or
entertainment event attended by a member of the legislative or
executive branch if the total cost of the meeting or entertainment
event is paid by a business entity, union, or association;
             (5) [(6)]  a person whose only compensation subject to
Section 305.003(a)(2) consists of reimbursement for any wages not
earned due to attendance at a meeting or entertainment event,
travel to and from the meeting or entertainment event, admission to
the meeting or entertainment event, and any food and beverage
consumed at the meeting or entertainment event if the meeting or
entertainment event is attended by a member of the legislative or
executive branch and if the total cost of the meeting or
entertainment event is paid by a business entity, union, or
association; and
             (6) [(7)]  a person who communicates directly with a
member of the legislative or executive branch on behalf of a
political party concerning legislation or administrative action,
and whose expenditures and compensation, as described in Section
305.003, combined do not exceed $5,000 a calendar year.
       SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 305, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 305.0041 to read as follows:
required to register under this chapter in accordance with Section
305.003(a)(2) solely because the person receives compensation or
reimbursement to:
             (1)  provide oral or written comment to one or more
members of the executive branch in connection with a rulemaking
             (2)  appear before, or make another type of
communication to, one or more members of the legislative or
executive branch in connection with a hearing conducted by or on
behalf of either the legislative or executive branch;
             (3)  request a written opinion that interprets a law,
regulation, rule, policy, practice, or procedure administered by a
state agency;
             (4)  merely provide, in preparing or submitting an
application or other written document, information that:
                   (A)  is required by law, order, or subpoena; or
                   (B)  responds to a document prepared by a state
             (5)  communicate merely for the purpose of
demonstrating compliance with an audit, inspection, examination of
a financial institution, or government investigation to interpret
and determine compliance with existing laws, policies, and
             (6)  communicate to achieve compliance with existing
laws, rules, policies, and procedures, including communicating to
show qualification for an exception of general applicability that
is available under existing laws, rules, policies, and procedures;
             (7)  communicate as a member of an advisory committee
or task force, if the person is appointed to serve in that capacity
by a member of the legislative or executive branch;
             (8)  communicate to respond to a specific request for
information from a member of the legislative or executive branch,
if the request was not solicited by or on behalf of the person
providing the information;
             (9)  communicate to legal counsel of a state agency, an
administrative law judge, or a hearings examiner concerning:
                   (A)  litigation or adjudicative proceedings to
which the agency is a party; or
                   (B)  adjudicative proceedings of that agency;
             (10)  communicate to provide testimony, make an
appearance, or make any other type of communication documented as
part of a public record in a proceeding of an adjudicative nature of
the type authorized by or subject to Chapter 2001, without regard to
whether that proceeding is subject to Chapter 551;
             (11)  provide only clerical assistance to another in
connection with the other person's activities that require
registration under this chapter, such as merely typing or
delivering another person's letter to a member of the legislative
or executive branch;
             (12)  communicate as an employee or contractor of a
vendor of a product or service to a member of the executive branch
concerning a purchasing decision of a state agency if:
                   (A)  the purchase of the product or service is not
subject to competitive bidding requirements or competitive
proposal requirements or the cost of the product or service does not
otherwise exceed a maximum cost limit established by commission
rule; or
                   (B)  the product or service is on a catalog or
similar listing of prequalified products or services for purchase
by a state agency; or
             (13)  perform any combination of activities described
by Subdivisions (1)-(12).
       (b)  A registrant who performs an activity described by
Subsection (a) is not required to provide information concerning
the activity in the registrant's registration statement under
Section 305.005(f)(4) or (5)(B).
       (c)  A registrant who performs an activity described by
Subsection (a) is not required to provide information concerning
the person who reimburses, retains, or employs the registrant to
perform that activity under Section 305.005(f)(3) or (6) unless the
registrant performs, on behalf of that person, other activities
that require registration under this chapter.
       (d)  A registrant who performs an activity described by
Subsection (a) is not required to provide information concerning a
person employed or retained by the registrant for the purpose of
assisting in that activity under Section 305.005(f)(5)(A), unless
the person is also employed or retained by the registrant to assist
with other activities that require registration under this chapter.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.