By: Geren H.B. No. 3948
relating to ad valorem taxation administered by the comptroller;
relying on self-reports; sales disclosure by taxpayers; and the
abolition of central appraisal districts and all related functions;
providing penalties.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 2, Tax Code, is added to read as follows:
(a)  The comptroller shall operate an appraisal office in each
       (b)  The appraisal office is responsible for appraising
property in the county for ad valorem tax purposes of each taxing
unit that imposes ad valorem taxes on property in the county.
       (c)  For purposes of this title, each taxing unit with
territory in the county is considered to participate in the
appraisal office established for that county.
(a)  The chief administrator is appointed by and serves at the
pleasure of the comptroller.  A chief administrator appointed under
this section is not eligible to serve if the person held the
position of chief appraiser or executive director of a central
appraisal district 5 years preceding the effective date of this
       (b)  The chief administrator is entitled to compensation as
provided by the budget approved by the comptroller.  The chief
administrator may employ and compensate professional, clerical,
and other personnel for the appraisal office as provided by the
       (c)  The chief administrator may delegate authority to
employees of the appraisal office.
       Sec. 2.03.  BUDGET AND FINANCING.  (a)  Each year the chief
administrator shall prepare a proposed budget for the operations of
the appraisal office for the following tax year and shall submit
copies to the comptroller and to each taxing unit for which the
office appraises property.  The chief administrator shall include
in the budget a list showing each proposed position, the proposed
salary for the position, all benefits proposed for the position,
each proposed capital expenditure, and an estimate of the amount of
the budget that will be allocated to each taxing unit.  Each taxing
unit entitled to vote on the appointment of board members shall
maintain a copy of the proposed budget for public inspection at its
principal administrative office.
       (d)  Each taxing unit for which the office appraises property
is allocated a portion of the amount of the budget equal to the
proportion that the total dollar amount of property taxes imposed
in the county for which the appraisal office is established by the
unit for the tax year in which the budget proposal is prepared bears
to the sum of the total dollar amount of property taxes imposed in
the county by each participating unit for that year.
       Sec. 2.03.  RENDITION GENERALLY.  (a)  Except as provided by
subsection (b), a person shall render for taxation all tangible
real and personal property that is not otherwise exempt that the
person owns or that the person manages and controls as a fiduciary
on January 1.  A rendition statement shall contain:
             (1)  the name and address of the property owner;
             (2)  a description of the property by type or category;
             (3)  if the property is inventory, a description of
each type of inventory and a general estimate of the quantity of
each type of inventory;
             (4)  the physical location or taxable situs of the
property; and
             (5)  the property owner's good faith estimate of the
market value of the property and the historical cost when new and
the year of acquisition of the property.
       (b)  A rendition of real property remains in effect for
subsequent years and a property owner is not required to file a
rendition for subsequent years.
The comptroller shall prescribe the form and content of a real
property conveyance report filed under this subchapter.  The
comptroller may prescribe different report forms for different
kinds of property and shall ensure that each form requires the
person filing the report to provide:
             (1)  the transferor's name and address;
             (2)  the transferee's name and address;
             (3)  information necessary to identify the property and
to determine its location;
             (4)  the address to which tax notices concerning the
property should be mailed;
             (5)  the value of any personal property included in the
             (6)  the purchase price of the property;
             (7)  the date the transaction was closed; and
             (8)  the name and address of the person preparing the
       (b)  A person who files a report under this subchapter must:
             (1)  use the appropriate form prescribed by the
comptroller; and
             (2)  include all information required by the form.
       (c)  The sales price of the property shall form the person's
good faith estimate of market value and its presumed to be the
appraised value of the property.
exemption applicable to a property on January 1 terminates during
the tax year, the person who owns or acquires the property on the
date applicability of the exemption terminates shall render the
property for taxation within 30 days after the date of termination.
       (b)  If the chief administrator denies an application for an
exemption for property, the person who owns the property on the date
the application is denied shall render the property for taxation in
the manner provided by herein within 30 days after the date of
       Sec. 2.06.  REPORT OF DECREASED VALUE.  (a)  A person who
believes the assessed value of his property decreased during the
preceding tax year for any reason other than normal depreciation
may file an information report describing the property involved and
stating the nature and cause of the decrease.
       (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (d) of this section,
before determining the appraised value of property that is the
subject of a completed and timely filed report as provided by
Subsection (a) of this section, the chief administrator must view
the property to verify any reported change in appraised value and
its cause and nature.  The person who views the property shall note
on the back of the property owner's report his name, the date he
viewed the property, and his determination of any decrease in
appraised value and its cause and nature.
       (c)  The chief administrator shall deliver a written notice
to the property owner of the determination made as provided by
Subsection (b) of this section.
(a)  When required by the chief administrator, a person shall file a
report listing the name and address of each owner of property that
is in his possession or under his management on January 1 by
bailment, lease, consignment, or other arrangement.
       (b)  When required by the chief administrator, a person who
leases or otherwise provides space to another for storage of
personal property shall file an information report stating the name
and address of each person to whom he leased or otherwise provided
storage space on January 1.
       Sec. 2.08.  INSPECTION OF PROPERTY.  (a)  The chief
administrator or his authorized representative may enter the
premises of a business, trade, or profession and inspect the
property to determine the existence and market value of tangible
real or personal property having a taxable situs in the district.
       (b)  An inspection under this section must be during normal
business hours or at a time mutually agreeable to the chief
administrator or his representative and the person in control of
the premises.
       (c)  The chief administrator may request, either in writing
or by electronic means, that the property owner provide a statement
containing supporting information indicating how the value
rendered was determined.  The statement must:
             (1)  summarize information sufficient to identify the
property, including:
                   (A)  the physical and economic characteristics
relevant to the opinion of value, if appropriate; and
                   (B)  the source of the information used;
             (2)  state the effective date of the opinion of value;
             (3)  explain the basis of the value rendered.
       (d)  The property owner shall deliver the statement to the
chief administrator, either in writing or by electronic means, not
later than the 21st day after the date the chief administrator's
request is received.
       (e)  A statement provided under this section is confidential
information and may not be disclosed, except as provided herein.
       (f)  Failure to comply with this section in a timely manner
is considered to be a failure to timely render and penalties as
described herein shall be applied by the chief administrator.
       Sec. 2.09.  PUBLICIZING REQUIREMENTS.  Each year the
comptroller and each chief administrator shall publicize in a
manner reasonably designed to notify all property owners the
requirements of the law relating to filing rendition statements and
property reports and of the availability of forms.
       Sec. 2.10.  FILING DATE.  (a)  For residential real property,
rendition statements and property reports must be delivered to the
chief administrator no later than 60 days after the date of closing
of the real estate transaction and shall be submitted by a title
agent or escrow agent.
       (b)  For all other real property, rendition statements and
property reports must be delivered to the chief administrator after
January 1 and not later than April 15.
       (c)  On written request by the property owner, the chief
administrator shall extend a deadline for filing a rendition
statement or property report to May 15.  The chief administrator may
further extend the deadline an additional 15 days upon good cause
shown in writing by the property owner.
       Sec. 2.11.  RENDITION AND REPORT FORMS.  (a)  A person
required to render property or to file a report as provided by this
chapter shall use a form that complies with the appropriate form
prescribed or approved by the comptroller.
       (b)  A person filing a rendition or report shall include all
information required hereunder.
       (c)  The comptroller may prescribe or approve different
forms for different kinds of property but shall ensure that each
form requires a property owner to furnish the information necessary
to identify the property and to determine its ownership,
taxability, and situs.  In addition, a form prescribed or approved
under this subsection must contain the following statement in bold
type:  "If you make a false statement on this form you could be found
guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Section
37.10, Penal Code."
       (d)  To be valid, a rendition or report must be sworn to
before an officer authorized by law to administer an oath.  The
comptroller may not prescribe or approve a rendition or report form
unless the form provides for the person filing the form to swear
that the information provided in the rendition or report is true and
accurate to the best of the person's knowledge and belief.
       Sec. 2.12.  PLACE AND MANNER OF FILING.  A rendition
statement or property report required or authorized by this chapter
must be filed with the chief administrator for the district in which
the property listed in the statement or report is taxable.
       Sec. 2.13. SIGNATURE.  (a)  Each rendition statement or
property report required or authorized by this chapter must be
signed by an individual who is required to file the statement or
       (b)  When a corporation is required to file a statement or
report, an officer of the corporation or an employee or agent who
has been designated in writing by the board of directors or by an
authorized officer to sign in behalf of the corporation must sign
the statement or report.
       Sec. 2.14.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  (a)  Rendition
statements, real and personal property reports, attachments to
those statements and reports, and other information the owner of
property provides to the appraisal office in connection with the
appraisal of the property are confidential and not open to public
inspection.  The information they contain will be held confidential
and may not be disclosed to anyone other than an employee of the
appraisal office who appraises property except as authorized by
Subsection (b) of this section.
       (b)  Information made confidential by this section may be
             (1)  in a judicial or administrative proceeding
pursuant to a lawful subpoena;
             (2)  to the person who filed the statement or report or
the owner of property subject to the statement, report, or
information or to a representative of either authorized in writing
to receive the information;
             (3)  to the comptroller and the comptroller's employees
authorized by the comptroller in writing to receive the information
or to an assessor or a chief administrator if requested in writing;
             (4)  in a judicial or administrative proceeding
relating to property taxation to which the person who filed the
statement or report or the owner of the property that is a subject
of the statement, report, or information is a party; or
             (5)  for statistical purposes if in a form that does not
identify specific property or a specific property owner.
       (c)  A person who legally has access to a statement or report
or to other information made confidential by this section or who
legally obtains the confidential information commits a Class B
misdemeanor if he knowingly:
             (1)  permits inspection of the statement or report by a
person not authorized to inspect it by Subsection (b) of this
section; or
             (2)  discloses the confidential information to a person
not authorized to receive the information by Subsection (b) of this
       (d)  No person who directly or indirectly provides
information to the comptroller or appraisal office about real or
personal property sales prices shall be liable to any other person
as the result of providing such information.
PROPERTY OWNER.  A person who files a rendition statement for real
property with the chief administrator shall not be subject to a
penalty of fraud or intent to evade tax if the market value rendered
for real property is within 5 percent of the market value as
determined by an audit order of the comptroller.
The chief administrator shall impose an additional penalty on the
person equal to 25 percent of the total amount of taxes imposed on
the property for the tax year of the statement or report by the
taxing units participating in the appraisal district if it is
finally determined by a court that:
             (1)  the person filed a false statement or report with
the intent to commit fraud or to evade the tax; or
             (2)  the person alters, destroys, or conceals any
record, document, or thing, or presents to the chief administrator
any altered or fraudulent record, document, or thing, or otherwise
engages in fraudulent conduct, for the purpose of affecting the
course or outcome of an inspection, investigation, determination,
or other proceeding before the appraisal district.
       (b)  Enforcement of this section shall be by a proceeding
initiated by the district or county attorney of the county in which
the appraisal is established, on behalf of the appraisal district.
       (c)  In making a determination of liability under this
section, the court shall consider:
             (1)  the person's compliance history with respect to
paying taxes and filing statements or reports;
             (2)  the type, nature, and taxability of the specific
property involved;
             (3)  the type, nature, size, and sophistication of the
person's business or other entity for which property is rendered;
             (4)  the completeness of the person's records;
             (5)  the person's reliance on advice provided by the
appraisal district that may have contributed to the violation;
             (6)  any change in appraisal district policy during the
current or preceding tax year that may affect how property is
rendered; and
             (7)  any other factor the court considers relevant.
       (d)  The chief administrator may retain a portion of a
penalty collected under this section, not to exceed 20 percent of
the amount of the penalty, to cover the chief administrator's costs
of collecting the penalty.  The chief administrator shall
distribute the remainder of the penalty to each taxing unit
participating in the appraisal district that imposes taxes on the
property in proportion to the taxing unit's share of the total
amount of taxes imposed on the property by all taxing units
participating in the district.
       Sec. 2.17.  WAIVER OF PENALTY.  (a)  The chief administrator
may waive the penalty imposed if the chief administrator determines
that the person exercised reasonable diligence to comply with or
has substantially complied with the requirements of this chapter. A
written request, accompanied by supporting documentation, stating
the grounds on which penalties should be waived must be sent to the
chief administrator not later than the 30th day after the date the
person received notification of the imposition of the penalty. The
chief administrator shall make a determination of the penalty
waiver request based on the information submitted.
       (b)  the chief administrator shall notify the person of the
chief administrator's determination regarding the penalty waiver
request after considering:
             (1)  the person's compliance history with respect to
paying taxes and filing statements or reports;
             (2)  the type, nature, and taxability of the specific
property involved;
             (3)  the type, nature, size, and sophistication of the
person's business or other entity for which property is rendered;
             (4)  the completeness of the person's records;
             (5)  the person's reliance on advice provided by the
appraisal district or any other licensed professional with
experience in the real estate market that may have contributed to
the person's failure to comply and the imposition of the penalty;
             (6)  any change in appraisal district policy during the
current or preceding tax year that may affect how property is
rendered; and
             (7)  any other factors that may have caused the person
to fail to timely file a statement or report.
       Sec. 2.18.  APPRAISALS GENERALLY.  (a)  All taxable property
is appraised at its market value as of January 1. The market value
of property shall be determined based upon the good faith estimate
of value set forth in the owner's rendition.
       Sec. 2.19.  PREPARATION OF APPRAISAL RECORDS.  (a)  By May 15
or as soon thereafter as practicable, the chief administrator shall
prepare appraisal records listing all property that is taxable in
the district and stating the appraised value of each.
       Sec. 2.20.  SPECIAL APPRAISAL RECORDS.  (a)  The chief
administrator for each appraisal district shall prepare and
maintain a record of property specially appraised under Chapter 23
of this code and subject, in the future, to additional taxation for
change in use or status.
       (b)  The record for each type of specially appraised property
must be maintained in a separate document for each 12-month period
beginning June 1. The document must include the name of at least one
owner of the property, the acreage of the property, and other
information sufficient to identify the property as required by the
comptroller. All entries in each document must be kept in
alphabetical order according to the last name of each owner whose
name is part of the record.
       Sec. 2.21.  FORM AND CONTENT.  (a)  The appraisal records
shall be in the form prescribed by the comptroller and shall
             (1)  the name and address of the owner or, if the name
or address is unknown, a statement that it is unknown;
             (2)  real property;
             (3)  separately taxable estates or interests in real
property, including taxable possessory interests in exempt real
             (4)  personal property;
             (5)  the appraised value of land and, if the land is
appraised as provided by Subchapter C, D, E, or H, Chapter 23, the
market value of the land;
             (6)  the appraised value of improvements to land;
             (7)  the appraised value of a separately taxable estate
or interest in land;
             (8)  the appraised value of personal property;
             (9)  the kind of any partial exemption the owner is
entitled to receive, whether the exemption applies to appraised or
assessed value, and, in the case of an exemption authorized by
Section 11.23, the amount of the exemption;
             (10)  the tax year to which the appraisal applies; and
             (11)  an identification of each taxing unit in which
the property is taxable.
       (b)  A mistake in the name or address of an owner does not
affect the validity of the appraisal records, of any appraisal or
tax roll based on them, or of the tax imposed. The mistake may be
corrected as provided by this code.
       Sec. 2.22.  DESCRIPTION.  (a)  Property shall be described in
the appraisal records with sufficient certainty to identify it. The
description of a manufactured home shall include the correct
identification or serial number of the home or the Department of
Housing and Urban Development label number or the state seal number
in addition to the information required in Subsection (c) of this
Section. A manufactured home shall not be included in the appraisal
records unless this identification and descriptive information is
       (b)  The comptroller may adopt rules establishing minimum
standards for descriptions of property.
       (c)  Each description of a manufactured home shall include
the approximate square footage, the approximate age, the general
physical condition, and any characteristics which distinguish the
particular manufactured home.
       Sec. 2.23.  SEPARATE ESTATES OR INTERESTS.  Except as
otherwise provided by this chapter, when different persons own land
and improvements in separate estates or interests, each separately
owned estate or interest shall be listed separately in the name of
the owner of each if the estate or interest is described in a duly
executed and recorded instrument of title.
       Sec. 2.24.  LIFE ESTATES.  Real property owned by a life
tenant and remainderman shall be listed in the name of the life
INTEREST.  (a)  Property encumbered by a leasehold or other
possessory interest or by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other
interest securing payment or performance of an obligation shall be
listed in the name of the owner of the property so encumbered.
       (b)  Except as otherwise directed in writing, real property
that is subject to an installment contract of sale shall be listed
in the name of the seller if the installment contract is not filed
of record in the real property records of the county.
       (c)  This section does not apply to:
             (1)  any portion of a facility owned by the Texas
Department of Transportation that is part of the Trans-Texas
Corridor, is a rail facility or system, or is a highway in the state
highway system and that is licensed or leased to a private entity by
that department under Chapter 91, 227, or 361, Transportation Code;
             (2)  a leasehold or other possessory interest granted
by the Texas Department of Transportation in a facility owned by
that department that is part of the Trans-Texas Corridor, is a rail
facility or system, or is a highway in the state highway system.
EXEMPT PROPERTY.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
section, a leasehold or other possessory interest in real property
that is exempt from taxation to the owner of the estate or interest
encumbered by the possessory interest shall be listed in the name of
the owner of the possessory interest if the duration of the interest
may be at least one year.
       (b)  Except as provided by Subsections (b)and (c) of Section
11.11 of this code, a leasehold or other possessory interest in
exempt property may not be listed if:
             (1)  the property is permanent university fund land;
             (2)  the property is county public school fund
agricultural land;
             (3)  the property is a part of a public transportation
facility owned by an incorporated city or town and:
                   (A)  is an airport passenger terminal building or
a building used primarily for maintenance of aircraft or other
aircraft services, for aircraft equipment storage, or for air
                   (B)  is an airport fueling system facility;
                   (C)  is in a foreign-trade zone:
                         (i)  that has been granted to a joint airport
board under Chapter 129, Acts of the 65th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1977 (Article 1446.8, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
                         (ii)  the area of which in the portion of the
zone located in the airport operated by the joint airport board does
not exceed 2,500 acres; and
                         (iii)  that is established and operating
pursuant to federal law; or
                   (D)(i)  is in a foreign trade zone established
pursuant to federal law after June 1, 1991, which operates pursuant
to federal law;
                         (ii)  it is contiguous to or has access via a
taxiway to an airport located in two counties, one of which has a
population of 500,000 or more according to the federal decennial
census most recently preceding the establishment of the foreign
trade zone; and
                         (iii)  is owned, directly or through a
corporation organized under the Development Corporation Act of 1979
(Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by the same
incorporated city or town which owns the airport;
             (4)  the interest is in a part of:
                   (A)  a park, market, fairground, or similar public
facility that is owned by an incorporated city or town; or
                   (B)  a convention center, visitor center, sports
facility with permanent seating, concert hall, arena, or stadium
that is owned by an incorporated city or town as such leasehold or
possessory interest serves a governmental, municipal, or public
purpose or function when the facility is open to the public,
regardless of whether a fee is charged for admission;
             (5)  the interest involves only the right to use the
property for grazing or other agricultural purposes;
             (6)  the property is owned by the Texas National
Research Laboratory Commission or by a corporation formed by the
Texas National Research Laboratory Commission under Section
465.008(g), Government Code, and is used or is useful in connection
with an eligible undertaking as defined by Section 465.021,
Government Code; or
             (7)  the property is:
                   (A)  owned by a municipality, a public port, or a
navigation district created or operating under Section 59, Article
XVI, Texas Constitution, or under a statute enacted under Section
59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution; and
                   (B)  used as an aid or facility incidental to or
useful in the operation or development of a port or waterway or in
aid of navigation-related commerce.
       (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply to:
             (1)  any portion of a facility owned by the Texas
Department of Transportation that is part of the Trans-Texas
Corridor, is a rail facility or system, or is a highway in the state
highway system and that is licensed or leased to a private entity by
that department under Chapter 91, 227, or 361, Transportation Code;
             (2)  a leasehold or other possessory interest granted
by the Texas Department of Transportation in a facility owned by
that department that is part of the Trans-Texas Corridor, is a rail
facility or system, or is a highway in the state highway system.
       Sec. 2.27.  IMPROVEMENTS.  (a)  Except as provided by
Subsections (b) through (f), an improvement may be listed in the
name of the owner of the land on which the improvement is located.
       (b)  If a person who is not entitled to exemption owns an
improvement on exempt land, the improvement shall be listed in the
name of the owner of the improvement.
       (c)  When a person other than the owner of an improvement
owns the land on which the improvement is located, the land and the
improvement shall be listed separately in the name of the owner of
each if either owner files with the chief administrator before May 1
a written request for separate taxation on a form furnished for that
purpose together with proof of separate ownership.  After an
improvement qualifies for taxation separate from land, the
qualification remains effective in subsequent tax years and need
not be requested again.  However, the qualification ceases when
ownership of the land or the improvement is transferred or either
owner files a request to cancel the separate taxation.
       (d)  Within 30 days after an owner of land or an improvement
qualifies for separate taxation or cancels a qualification, the
chief administrator shall deliver a written notice of the
qualification or cancellation to the other owner.
       (e)  A manufactured home shall be listed together with the
land on which the home is located if:
             (1)  the statement of ownership and location for the
home issued under Section 1201.207, Occupations Code, reflects that
the owner has elected to treat the home as real property; and
             (2)  a certified copy of the statement of ownership and
location has been filed in the real property records in the county
in which the home is located.
       (f)  A manufactured home shall be listed separately from the
land on which the home is located if either of the conditions
provided by Subsection (e) is not satisfied.
A separately owned apartment or unit in a condominium as defined in
the Condominium Act shall be listed in the name of the owner of each
particular apartment or unit.  The value of each apartment or unit
shall include the value of its fractional share in the common
elements of the condominium.
       (b)  Property owned by a planned unit development
association may be listed and taxes imposed proportionately against
each member of the association if the association files with the
chief administrator before May 1 a resolution adopted by vote of a
majority of all members of the association authorizing the
proportionate imposition of taxes.  A resolution adopted as
provided by this subsection remains effective in subsequent tax
years unless it is revoked by a similar resolution.
       (c)  If property is listed and taxes imposed proportionately
as authorized by Subsection (b) of this section, the amount of tax
to be imposed on the associations's property shall be divided by the
number of parcels of real property in the development.  The quotient
is the proportionate amount of tax to be imposed on each parcel, and
a tax lien attaches to each parcel to secure payment of its
proportionate share of the tax on the association's property.
       (d)  For purposes of this section, "planned unit development
association" means an association that owns and maintains property
in a real property development project for the benefit of its
members, who are owners of individual parcels of real property in
the development and are members of the association because of that
       Sec. 2.29.  STANDING TIMBER.  (a)  Except as provided by
Subsections (b) and (c) of this section, standing timber may be
listed together with the land on which it is located in the name of
the owner of the land.
       (b)  If a person who is not entitled to exemption owns
standing timber on exempt land, the timber shall be listed
separately in the name of the owner of the timber.
       (c)  When a person other than the owner of standing timber
owns the land on which the timber is located, the land and the
timber shall be listed separately in the name of the owner of each
if either owner files with the chief administrator before May 1 a
written request for separate taxation on a form furnished for that
purpose together with proof of separate ownership.  A qualification
for separate taxation of timber expires at the end of the tax year.
       (d)  Within 30 days after an owner of land or timber
qualifies for separate taxation, the shall deliver a written notice
of the qualification to the other owner.
       Sec. 2.30.  UNDIVIDED INTERESTS.  (a)  Except as provided by
Section 25.12 of this code and by Subsection (b) of this section, a
property  owned in undivided interests may be listed jointly in the
name of all owners of undivided interests in the property or in the
name of any one or more owners.
       (b)  An undivided interest in a property shall be listed
separately from other undivided interests in the property in the
name of its owner if the interest is described in a duly executed
and recorded instrument of title and the owner files with the
appraisal office before May 1 a written request for separate
taxation on a form furnished for that purpose together with proof of
ownership and of the proportion his interest bears to the whole.  
After an undivided interest qualifies for separate taxation, the
qualification remains effective in subsequent tax years and need
not be requested again.  However, the qualification ceases when
ownership is transferred or when any owner files a request to cancel
separate taxation.
       (c)  Within 30 days after an owner qualifies for separate
taxation or cancels a qualification, the chief administrator shall
deliver a written notice of the qualification or cancellation to
the other owners.
       Sec. 2.31.  MINERAL INTEREST  (a)  Except as provided by
Subsection (b) of this section, each separate interest in minerals
in place shall be listed separately from other interests in the
minerals in place in the name of the owner of the interest.
       (b)  Separate interests in minerals in place, other that
interests having a taxable value of less than $500, shall be listed
jointly in the name of the operator designated with the railroad
commission or the name of all owners or any combination of owners if
the designated operator files with the appraisal office before May
1 a written request for joint taxation on a form furnished for that
purpose.  A qualification pursuant to this subsection for joint
taxation remains effective in subsequent tax years and need not be
requested again.  However, the qualification ceases when the
designated operator files a request to cancel joint taxation.
       (c)  If a written request for joint taxation has been filed
under Subsection (b), the notice of appraised value provided for by
Section 25.19 for the owners included in the request for joint
taxation shall be delivered to the operator, owner, or owners of the
mineral interest in whose name the mineral interest is designated
for joint taxation.  The chief administrator is not required to
deliver a separate notice of appraised value to each owner included
in the request for joint taxation.  However, the chief
administrator shall deliver a separate notice of appraised value to
an owner of an interest in the property who before May 1 files a
written request to receive a separate notice of appraised value
with the chief administrator on a form provided by the appraisal
district for that purpose.  The request is effective for each
subsequent year until revoked by the owner or until the owner no
longer owns an interest in the property.
Property that is exempt from taxation to the titleholder but is
subject on January 1 to a contract of sale to a person not entitled
to exemption shall be listed in the name of the purchaser.
       Sec. 2.33.  QUALIFYING TRUSTS.  The interest of a qualifying
trust as defined by Section 11.13(j) in a residence homestead shall
be listed in the name of the trustor of the trust.
If an exemption applicable to a property on January 1 terminates
during the tax year, the property shall be listed in the name of the
person who owns or acquires the property on the date applicability
of the exemption terminates.
       (b)  The chief administrator shall make an entry on the
appraisal records showing that taxes on the property are to be
calculated as provided by Section 26.10 of this code and showing the
date on which exemption terminated.
real property is located partially outside and partially inside a
taxing unit's boundaries, the portion inside the unit's boundaries
shall be listed separately from the remaining portion.
       Sec. 2.36.  OMITTED PROPERTY.  (a)  If the chief
administrator discovers that the real property was omitted from an
appraisal roll in any one of the five preceding years or that
personal property was omitted from an appraisal roll in one of the
two preceding years, he shall appraise the property as of January 1
of each year that it was omitted and enter the property and its
appraised value in the appraisal records.
       (b)  The entry shall show that the appraisal is for property
that was omitted from an appraisal roll in a prior year and shall
indicate the year and the appraised value for each year.
       Sec. 2.37.  SUPPLEMENTAL APPRAISAL RECORDS.  (a)  After
submission of appraisal records, the chief administrator shall
prepare supplemental appraisal records listing:
             (1)  each taxable property the chief administrator
discovers that is not included in the records already submitted,
including property that was omitted from an appraisal roll in a
prior tax year;
             (2)  property on which the appraisal review board has
not determined a protest at the time of its approval of the
appraisal records; and
             (3)  property that qualifies for an exemption under
Section 11.13(n) that was adopted by the governing body of a taxing
unit after the date the appraisal records were submitted.
       (b)  Supplemental appraisal records shall be in the form
prescribed by the comptroller and shall include the items required
by Section 25.02 of this code.
       Sec. 2.38.  APPRAISAL ROLL.  The appraisal records as
approved by the chief administrator constitute the appraisal roll
for the district.
       Sec. 2.39.  CORRECTION OF APPRAISAL ROLL.  (a)  The chief
administrator may change the appraisal roll at any time to correct a
name or address, a determination of ownership, a description of
property, multiple appraisals of a property, or a clerical error or
other inaccuracy as prescribed by board rule that does not increase
the amount of tax liability.  Before the 10th day after the end of
each calendar quarter, the chief administrator shall submit to the
appraisal review board and to the board of directors of the
appraisal district a written report of each change made under this
subsection that decreases the tax liability of the owner of the
property.  The report must include:
             (1)  a description of each property; and
             (2)  the name of the owner of that property.
       Sec. 2.40.  AUDITS.  The chief administrator shall have the
authority to conduct audits of taxpayers to determine whether the
taxpayer's good faith estimate of value is a reasonable estimate of
the market value of the property.  If the chief administrator
determines that the good faith estimate of value is not a reasonable
estimate of value, the chief administrator may add the additional
value to the appraisal roll as omitted property.
       Sec. 2.41.  TAXPAYER CHALLENGES.  The comptroller shall
adopt rules consistent with Chapter 111, Tax Code, and Section 112,
Tax Code, for taxpayer challenges to the imposition of the
appraised value of the property by the chief administrator.
       SECTION 2.  (a)  A reference in a law other than the Tax Code
to an appraisal district means the appraisal office established for
a county.
       (b)  A reference in law to the chief appraiser of an
appraisal district or to the board or directors of an appraisal
district means the chief administrator of an appraisal office.
       SECTION 3.  (a)  Chapters 5, 6, 22, 24, 41, 41A, 42 and 43 of
the Tax Code are repealed.
       (b)  Subchapters A and B of Chapter 25, Tax Code, are
       SECTION 4.  (a)  This Act takes effect January 1, 2008.
       (b)  On the effective date of this Act:
             (1)  each appraisal district, appraisal district board
of directors, and appraisal review board is abolished;
             (2)  all personnel, property, records, and funds of an
appraisal district are transferred to the Comptroller of Public
Accounts for the benefit of the appraisal office for the county for
which the appraisal district was established; and
             (3)  the comptroller is substituted for an appraisal
district in any pending action, including a protest or challenge
before an appraisal review board or an appeal or other action in a
       (c)  On the effective date of this Act, all unpaid debts
incurred by an appraisal district become debts of this state.
       SECTION 5.  The comptroller shall have rule making authority
for purposes of the effective implementation of this act.  The rules
shall be consistent with other provisions relating to the
administration of taxes by the comptroller.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect on the date on which the
constitutional amendment proposed by the 80th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2007, authorizing the legislature to allow for ad valorem
taxation be administered by the comptroller; relying on
self-reports; sales disclosure by taxpayers; abolition of central
appraisal districts and all related functions; and requiring a
statewide referendum before the legislature may impose a real
estate transfer fee or tax, takes effect, if that constitutional
amendment is approved by the voters.  If that constitutional
amendment is not approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.