relating to extending the termination of a reinvestment zone |
created under the Tax Increment Financing Act. |
SECTION 1.01 Section 311.011, Texas Tax Code is amended, by |
amending Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
Sec. 311.011. PROJECT AND FINANCING PLANS. (a) The board |
of directors of a reinvestment zone shall prepare and adopt a |
project plan and a reinvestment zone financing plan for the zone and |
submit the plans to the governing body of the municipality or county |
that created the zone. The plans must be as consistent as possible |
with the preliminary plans developed for the zone before the |
creation of the board. |
(b) The project plan must include: |
(1) a map showing existing uses and conditions of real |
property in the zone and a map showing proposed improvements to and |
proposed uses of that property; |
(2) proposed changes of zoning ordinances, the master |
plan of the municipality, building codes, other municipal |
ordinances, and subdivision rules and regulations, if any, of the |
county, if applicable; |
(3) a list of estimated nonproject costs; and |
(4) a statement of a method of relocating persons to be |
displaced as a result of implementing the plan. |
(c) The reinvestment zone financing plan must include: |
(1) a detailed list describing the estimated project |
costs of the zone, including administrative expenses; |
(2) a statement listing the kind, number, and location |
of all proposed public works or public improvements in the zone; |
(3) an economic feasibility study; |
(4) the estimated amount of bonded indebtedness to be |
incurred; |
(5) the time when related costs or monetary |
obligations are to be incurred; |
(6) a description of the methods of financing all |
estimated project costs and the expected sources of revenue to |
finance or pay project costs, including the percentage of tax |
increment to be derived from the property taxes of each taxing unit |
that levies taxes on real property in the zone; |
(7) the current total appraised value of taxable real |
property in the zone; |
(8) the estimated captured appraised value of the zone |
during each year of its existence; and |
(9) the duration of the zone. |
(d) The governing body of the municipality or county that |
created the zone must approve a project plan or reinvestment zone |
financing plan after its adoption by the board. The approval must |
be by ordinance, in the case of a municipality, or by order, in the |
case of a county, that finds that the plan is feasible and conforms |
to the master plan, if any, of the municipality or to subdivision |
rules and regulations, if any, of the county. |
(e) The board of directors of the zone at any time may adopt |
an amendment to the project plan consistent with the requirements |
and limitations of this chapter. The amendment takes effect on |
approval by the governing body of the municipality or county that |
created the zone. That approval must be by ordinance, in the case |
of a municipality, or by order, in the case of a county. If an |
amendment reduces or increases the geographic area of the zone, |
increases the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, |
increases or decreases the percentage of a tax increment to be |
contributed by a taxing unit, increases the total estimated project |
costs, extends the termination date of the zone, or designates |
additional property in the zone to be acquired by the municipality |
or county, the approval must be by ordinance or order, as |
applicable, adopted after a public hearing that satisfies the |
procedural requirements of Sections 311.003(c) and (d). |
(f) In a zone designated under Section 311.005(a)(5) that is |
located in a county with a population of 3.3 million or more, the |
project plan must provide that at least one-third of the tax |
increment of the zone be used to provide affordable housing during |
the term of the zone. |
(g) An amendment to the project plan or the reinvestment |
zone financing plan for a zone does not apply to a school district |
that participates in the zone unless the governing body of the |
school district by official action approves the amendment, if the |
amendment: |
(1) has the effect of directly or indirectly |
increasing the percentage or amount of the tax increment to be |
contributed by the school district; or |
(2) requires or authorizes the municipality or county |
creating the zone to issue additional tax increment bonds or notes. |
SECTION 1.02. Chapter 311, Texas Tax Code is amended, by |
adding Section 311.021 to read as follows: |
(a) The governing body of a municipality by ordinance or the |
governing body of a county by order may extend the date for |
termination of a reinvestment zone. |
SECTION 1. The changes in law made by this Act apply to |
ordinances or orders adopted or approved by the governing body of a |
municipality or a county on or before the effective date of this |
Act. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |