80R15804 HLT-F
  By: King of Parker H.B. No. 3991
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3991:
  By:  Puente C.S.H.B. No. 3991
relating to the creation of the Rolling V Ranch Water Control and
Improvement District No. 1 of Wise County; providing authority to
impose a tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle I, Title 6, Special District Local Laws
Code, is amended by adding Chapter 9021 to read as follows:
       Sec. 9021.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
             (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
             (2)  "Director" means a board member.
             (3)  "District" means the Rolling V Ranch Water Control
and Improvement District No. 1 of Wise County.
       Sec. 9021.002.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The district is a water
control and improvement district in Wise County created under and
essential to accomplish the purposes of Section 59, Article XVI,
and Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution.
       Sec. 9021.003.  CONFIRMATION ELECTION REQUIRED. If the
creation of the district is not confirmed at a confirmation
election held under Section 9021.024 before November 4, 2009:
             (1)  the district is dissolved November 4, 2009, except
that the district shall:
                   (A)  pay any debts incurred;
                   (B)  transfer to Wise County any assets that
remain after the payment of debts; and
                   (C)  maintain the organization of the district
until all debts are paid and remaining assets are transferred; and
             (2)  this chapter expires September 1, 2014.
       Sec. 9021.004.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The
district is initially composed of the territory described by
Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
       (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
the Act creating this chapter form a closure. A mistake made in the
field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
does not affect:
             (1)  the organization, existence, or validity of the
             (2)  the right of the district to impose taxes;
             (3)  the validity of the district's bonds, notes, or
indebtedness; or
             (4)  the legality or operation of the district or the
[Sections 9021.005-9021.020 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 9021.021.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS.  (a) The temporary
board consists of:
             (1)  Brian Hull;
             (2)  Ronnie Hess;
             (3)  Steve Pike;
             (4)  Robert Stennett; and
             (5)  Craig Wade.
       (b)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
temporary directors who have qualified shall appoint a person to
fill the vacancy. If at any time there are fewer than three
qualified temporary directors, the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality shall appoint the necessary number of persons
to fill all vacancies on the board.
       (c)  Temporary directors serve until the earlier of:
             (1)  the date directors are elected under Section
9021.024; or
             (2)  the date this chapter expires under Section
DIRECTORS. As soon as practicable after all the temporary
directors have qualified under Section 49.055, Water Code, the
temporary directors shall meet at a location in the district
agreeable to a majority of the directors. If a location cannot be
agreed upon, the directors shall meet at the Wise County
Courthouse. At the meeting, the temporary directors shall elect
officers from among the temporary directors and conduct any other
district business.
temporary directors may not hold an election under Section 9021.024
until each municipality in whose corporate limits or
extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is located has:
             (1)  adopted a resolution consenting to the creation of
the district; and
             (2)  entered into a development agreement with all
owners of real property in the district.
ELECTION.  The temporary directors shall hold an election to
confirm the creation of the district and to elect five directors as
provided by Section 49.102, Water Code.
       Sec. 9021.025.  INITIAL ELECTED DIRECTORS; TERMS.  The
directors elected under Section 9021.024 shall draw lots to
determine which two shall serve until the first regularly scheduled
election of directors and which three shall serve until the second
regularly scheduled election of directors.
       Sec. 9021.026.  EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
expires November 4, 2012.
[Sections 9021.027-9021.050 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 9021.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a) The district is
governed by a board of five directors.
       (b)  Directors serve staggered four-year terms.
[Sections 9021.052-9021.100 reserved for expansion]
POWERS AND DUTIES.  The district has the powers and duties provided
by the general law of this state, including Chapters 49 and 51,
Water Code, applicable to water control and improvement districts
created under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
       Sec. 9021.102.  ROAD PROJECTS. To the extent authorized by
Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution, the district may
construct, acquire, improve, maintain, or operate macadamized,
graveled, or paved roads, or improvements in aid of those roads.
PROPERTY IN DISTRICT. The board may contract with an owner of real
property in the district to construct, acquire, finance, own,
maintain, or operate a work, project, service, or commodity
necessary for a project authorized by Section 9021.101 or 9021.102.
       Sec. 9021.104.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  The district may
be divided into two new districts only if the district:
             (1)  has no outstanding bonded debt; and
             (2)  is not imposing ad valorem taxes.
       (b)  The division procedure is prescribed by Sections 53.030
through 53.041, Water Code.
       (c)  Any new district created by the division of the district
has all the powers and duties of the district.
       (d)  Any new district created by the division of the district
may not, at the time the new district is created, contain any land
outside the area described by Section 2 of the Act creating this
       Sec. 9021.105.  DISSOLUTION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  Before
December 31, 2017, the district may not be dissolved unless the
dissolution is approved by:
             (1)  the board; and
             (2)  the governing body of each municipality in whose
corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is
       (b)  This section expires December 31, 2017.
[Sections 9021.106-9021.150 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 9021.151.  TAX TO REPAY BONDS. The district may impose
a tax to pay the principal of or interest on bonds or other
obligations issued under Section 9021.201.
[Sections 9021.152-9021.200 reserved for expansion]
OBLIGATIONS. (a) The district may issue bonds or other obligations
as provided by Chapters 49 and 51, Water Code, to finance the
construction, maintenance, or operation of a project under Section
9021.101 or 9021.102.
       (b)  The district may not issue bonds or other obligations to
finance projects authorized by Section 9021.102 unless the issuance
is approved by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the district
voters voting at an election called for that purpose.
       (c)  Bonds or other obligations issued or incurred to finance
projects authorized by Section 9021.102 may not exceed one-fourth
of the assessed value of the real property in the district.
       SECTION 2.  The Rolling V Ranch Water Control and
Improvement District No. 1 of Wise County initially includes all
the territory contained in the following area:
BEING a tract of land situated in the A.G. Harris Survey, Abstract
Number 379, the A. Moss Survey, Abstract Number 558, the Cain T.
Brush Survey, Abstract Number 93, the Cain T. Brush Survey,
Abstract Number 29, the J. Proctor Survey, Abstract Number 1143,
the J.J. Hudson Survey, Abstract Number 1080, the R.H. Steele
Survey, Abstract Number 1147, the J. Junes Survey, Abstract Number
473, the J.B. Fansworth Survey, Abstract Number 1417, the J.B.
Fansworth Survey, Abstract Number 991, the J. Moffatt Survey,
Abstract 554, the Smith County School Land Survey, Abstract Number
743, the B.H. Oats Survey, Abstract Number 667, the M.E.P. & P.
Railroad Company Survey, Abstract 1332 and the A. Black Survey,
Abstract Number 72, Wise County, Texas, and being all of those
certain tracts of land described by deeds to Chisholm 2000, LP
recorded as Second Tract in Volume 958, Page 428, Chisholm 2000, LP
recorded in Volume 962, Page 235 and Johnny Vinson recorded in
Volume 406, Page 10, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas, and a portion
of those certain tracts of land described by deeds to Johnny Vinson
recorded in Volume 321, Page 450, Chisholm 2000, LP recorded as
First Tract and Tract Three in Volume 958, Page 428, Johnny and
Eloise Vinson recorded as Tract I and Tract II in Volume 699, Page
877, and Chisholm 2000, LP recorded in Volume 958, Page 437, Deed
Records, Wise County, Texas, and being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Second Tract, said point
also being in the west right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and
being in Ramhorn Hill Road;
THENCE S 89°50'10"W, along said Ramhorn Hill Road, at 2026.64 feet
the southwest corner of said Second Tract, said point being an ell
corner in the east line of said First Tract, at 3883.66 feet an ell
corner in said east line, said point also being the northwest corner
of that certain tract of land described by deed to Sam & Juanita
Frankenfield recorded in Volume 552, Page 831, Deed Records, Wise
County, Texas, in all 3951.13 feet to a point in the approximate
Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) line of the City of Rhome,
said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left;
THENCE along said ETJ line and with said non-tangent curve to the
right, an arc distance of 3400.16 feet, through a central angle of
72°25'19", having a radius of 2690.00 feet, the long chord of which
bears S 31°34'08"W, 3178.29 feet;
THENCE S 67°46'48"W, 2447.07 feet, continuing along said ETJ line to
the beginning of a curve to the left;
THENCE continuing along said ETJ line and with said curve to the
left, an arc distance of 213.07 feet, through a central angle of
122°04'56", having a radius of 100.00 feet, the long chord of which
bears S 06°44'20"W, 174.99 feet;
THENCE S 54°18'08"E, 1723.11 feet, continuing along said ETJ line to
a point in the south line of said First Tract, said point also being
in the north line of that certain tract of land described by deed to
Walsh Ranch recorded in Volume 695, Page 747, Deed Records, Wise
County, Texas;
THENCE N 89°23'34"W, 384.46 feet along the common line of said First
Tract and said Walsh Ranch;
THENCE S 00°44'25"E, 125.37 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Walsh Ranch;
THENCE N 89°07'22"W, 3361.41 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Walsh Ranch;
THENCE N 00°00'16"W, 254.57 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Walsh Ranch;
THENCE S 89°25'46"W, 890.90 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Walsh Ranch to the southwest corner of
said First Tract, said point also being the southeast corner of that
certain tract of land described by deed to the Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) recorded in Volume 1728, Page 250, Deed
Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE N 00°25'28"E, 204.69 feet along the common line of said First
Tract and said HUD tract to the northeast corner of said HUD tract,
said point also being the easternmost southeast corner of the
aforementioned Chisholm 2000 tract;
THENCE N 66°17'53"W, along the common line of said Chisholm 2000
tract and said HUD tract at 112.39 feet the northwest corner of said
HUD tract, said point also being the northeast corner of that
certain tract of land described by deed to Rick & Margaret Taylor
recorded in Volume 1602, Page 802, Deed Records, Wise County,
Texas, in all 193.06 feet to the northwest corner of said Taylor
THENCE S 34°18'26"W, 280.03 feet along the common line of said
Chisholm 2000 tract and said Taylor tract to the southernmost
southeast corner of said Chisholm 2000 tract, said point also being
the southwest corner of said Taylor tract, and being in the north
right-of-way line of State Highway 718;
THENCE N 53°25'58"W, 283.08 feet along the south line of said
Chisholm 2000 tract and the north right-of-way line of said State
Highway 718 to the southwest corner of said Chisholm 2000 tract,
said point also being the southeast corner of that certain tract of
land described by deed to James and Doris Martin recorded as Tract
Two in Volume 634, Page 4, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE N 30°44'05"E, 131.00 feet along the common line of said
Chisholm 2000 tract and said Tract Two;
THENCE N 00°54'21"E, 52.00 feet, continuing along the common line of
said Chisholm 2000 tract and said Tract Two to the northernmost
corner of said Tract Two;
THENCE N 22°22'46"E, with the west line of said Chisholm 2000 tract,
at 30.34 feet the southeast corner of that certain tract of land
described by deed to James and Doris Martin recorded as Tract Three
in Volume 634, Page 4, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas, in all
229.87 feet to the northwest corner of said Chisholm 2000 tract,
said point also being the northeast corner of said Martin tract;
THENCE S 88°46'25"E, 409.60 feet along the north line of said
Chisholm 2000 tract, to a point in the west line of the
aforementioned First Tract, said point also being the northeast
corner of said Chisholm 2000 tract;
THENCE N 00°25'23"E, 1141.47 feet along the west line of said First
Tract to the northeast corner of that certain tract of land
described by deed to Charlie & Brenda Pryor recorded in Volume 464,
Page 624, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas, said point also being
the southeast corner of Velma Lipsey Addition, an addition to the
City of Newark recorded in Cabinet A, Page 155, Plat Records, Wise
County, Texas;
THENCE N 01°04'45"E, 861.67 feet, along the common line of said
First Tract and said Velma Lipsey Addition to the northeast corner
of said Velma Lipsey Addition;
THENCE S 55°59'07"W, 1144.41 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Velma Lipsey Addition;
THENCE N 90°00'00"W, 150.76 feet, continuing along a south line of
said First Tract;
THENCE S 00°00'00"W, 211.04 feet, continuing along a south line of
said First Tract;
THENCE N 89°44'54"W, 1269.83 feet, continuing along a south line of
said First Tract;
THENCE N 51°06'36"W, 234.69 feet, continuing along a south line of
said First Tract to a point in the east right-of-way line of FM
Highway 3433;
THENCE N 00°56'49"E, 1106.61 feet along the west line of said First
Tract and the east right-of-way line of said FM Highway 3433;
THENCE N 55°21'41"E, 30.00 feet, continuing along the west line of
said First Tract and the east right-of-way line of said FM Highway
THENCE N 06°23'23"E, 208.46 feet, continuing along the west line of
said First Tract and the east right-of-way line of said FM Highway
THENCE N 23°46'22"E, 125.50 feet, continuing along the west line of
said First Tract and the east right-of-way line of said FM Highway
3433 to a point in the south line of that certain tract of land
described by deed to Robert Alan Harvey recorded in Volume 978, Page
728, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE S 58°13'55"E, 72.20 feet along the common line of said First
Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE S 82°33'45"E, 211.36 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 54°56'15"E, 166.60 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 08°11'19"E, 677.80 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 45°59'17"E, 202.59 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 24°00'25"E, 154.39 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 00°59'26"W, 275.20 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 00°34'26"W, 496.00 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 74°24'14"E, 339.77 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 32°42'56"E, 555.59 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 37°50'53"E, 303.27 feet, continuing along the common line
of said First Tract and said Harvey tract;
THENCE N 89°46'22"E, along the common line of said First Tract and
said Harvey tract, at 6180.22 feet the southeast corner of said
Harvey tract, said point also being the easternmost southwest
corner of that certain tract of land described by deed to the Nell
Huddleston Family Trust recorded in Volume 463, Page 525, Deed
Records, Wise County, Texas, in all 7206.47 feet to an ell corner in
the north line of said First tract, said point also being the
southeast corner of said Huddleston tract;
THENCE N 00°23'46"E, 1888.92 feet along the common line of said
First Tract and said Huddleston tract to the northernmost northwest
corner of said First Tract, said point also being the northeast
corner of said Huddleston tract and the southeast corner of said
Vinson tract recorded in Volume 321, Page 450;
THENCE N 89°28'32"W, along the common line of said Vinson tract and
said Huddleston tract at 3586.06 feet the southeast corner of said
Tract Three, in all 8920.73 feet to the southwest corner of said
Chisholm 2000 tract, said point also being the northwest corner of
said Huddleston tract, and being in the east right-of-way line of
said FM Highway 3433, and being the beginning of a non-tangent curve
to the right;
THENCE along said east right-of-way line of FM Highway 3433 and with
said non-tangent curve to the right, an arc distance of 2285.59
feet, through a central angle of 23°03'26", having a radius of
5679.58 feet, the long chord of which bears N 18°37'33"E, 2270.20
THENCE N 30°01'47"E, 463.94 feet, continuing along said east
right-of-way line of FM Highway 3433 to the westernmost corner of
Chisholm Creek Subdivision, Phase I recorded in Cabinet B, Slide
515, Plat Records, Wise County, Texas and being at the intersection
of the east right-of-way Line of FM Highway 3433 and the south
right-of-way line of Chisholm Creek Parkway;
THENCE S 59°59'24"E, 312.20 feet along the south right-of-way line
of said Chisholm Creek Parkway to the beginning of a curve to the
THENCE continuing along the south right-of-way line of said
Chisholm Creek Parkway and with said curve to the left, an arc
distance of 63.51 feet, through a central angle of 18°11'39", having
a radius of 200.00 feet, the long chord of which bears S 69°05'14"E,
63.24 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to the right;
THENCE continuing along the south right-of-way line of said
Chisholm Creek Parkway and with said reverse curve to the right, an
arc distance of 42.91 feet, through a central angle of 12°17'34",
having a radius of 200.00 feet, the long chord of which bears S
72°02'16"E, 42.83 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of
said Chisholm Creek Subdivision, Phase I;
THENCE S 11°55'43"W, 240.64 feet along the west line of said Block A;
THENCE S 12°03'51"E, 364.17 feet continuing along the west line of
said Block A;
THENCE S 51°42'32"E, 287.33 feet continuing along the west line of
said Block A;
THENCE S 46°03'37"E, 301.10 feet continuing along the west line of
said Block A;
THENCE S 25°23'20"E, 70.82 feet continuing along the west line of
said Block A;
THENCE S 19°47'33"E, 268.63 feet continuing along the west line of
said Block A to the southwest corner of Lot 22, Block A;
THENCE along the south and east lines of said Chisholm Creek
Subdivision, Phase I the following calls:
N 81°21'12"E, 169.68 feet;
S 24°42'01"E, 37.87 feet;
N 65°17'59"E, 60.00 feet;
S 89°30'35"E, 182.88 feet;
N 13°37'59"W, 232.70 feet;
N 30°05'26"E, 446.01 feet;
N 59°59'24"W, 50.00 feet;
N 30°31'43"E, 60.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Chisholm
Creek Subdivision, Phase I, said point also being the southeast
corner of Chisholm Creek Subdivision, Phase II, an addition to the
City of Rhome recorded in Cabinet B, Slide 516, Plat Records, Wise
County, Texas;
THENCE N 30°17'27"E, 1053.45 feet along the east line of said
Chisholm Creek Subdivision, Phase II to its northeast corner;
THENCE N 58°44'55"W, 712.46 feet along the north line of said
Chisholm Creek Subdivision, Phase II to its northwest corner, said
point being in the east line of Chisholm Trail Campus, an addition
to the City of Rhome recorded in Cabinet B, Slide 542, Plat Records,
Wise County, Texas;
THENCE N 30°04'35"E, 302.33 feet along said east line of Chisholm
Trail Campus;
THENCE N 01°00'26"W, 620.79 feet, continuing along said east line to
the northeast corner of said Chisholm Trail Campus, said point
being in the south line of the aforementioned Tract II;
THENCE S 89°54'36"W, along the common line of said Tract II and said
Chisholm Trail Campus, at 801.13 feet the southwest corner of said
Tract II, said point also being the northwest corner of said
Chisholm Trail Campus and being in the east right-of-way line of FM
Highway 3433, at 901.93 feet the southeast corner of the
aforementioned Tract I, said point also being the northeast corner
of that certain tract of land described by deed to the Estates at
Chisholm Ridge 1996-I, LP recorded in Volume 648, Page 109, Deed
Records, Wise County, Texas, and being in the west right-of-way
line of said FM Highway 3433, in all 3017.78 feet to an ell corner in
the south line of said Tract I, said point also being the northwest
corner of said Estates tract, and being in the east line of an
unrecorded subdivision;
THENCE N 00°00'20"W, 35.29 feet along the common line of said Tract I
and said unrecorded subdivision;
THENCE S 89°59'40"W, 392.13 feet, continuing along the common line
of said Tract I and said unrecorded subdivision to the City of Rhome
ETJ line, said point also being the beginning of a non-tangent curve
to the left;
THENCE departing said common line of Tract I and the unrecorded
subdivision, along said ETJ line and with said non-tangent curve to
the left, an arc distance of 1268.57 feet, through a central angle
of 27°01'12", having a radius of 2690.00 feet, the long chord of
which bears N 30°42'55"E, 1256.84 feet to the beginning of a
non-tangent curve to the right;
THENCE continuing along said ETJ line and with said non-tangent
curve to the right, an arc distance of 2812.18 feet, through a
central angle of 59°53'53", having a radius of 2690.00 feet, the
long chord of which bears N 49°35'59"W, 2685.86 feet to a point in
the south line of that certain tract of land described by deed to
Daniel and Bernadette McEntire recorded as Tract One in Volume
1618, Page 894, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE N 88°52'06"E, 552.71 feet along the common line of said Tract
I and said Tract One;
THENCE N 05°22'25"E, 886.51 feet, continuing along the common line
of said Tract I and said Tract One to the northeast corner of said
McEntire tract, said point also being in the south line of that
certain tract of land described by deed to Maxine Thorell Griffin
recorded in Volume 469, Page 723, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE N 89°59'40"E, at 91.93 feet the southeast corner of said
Griffin tract, said point also being the southwest corner of that
certain tract of land described by deed to Geneva Thorell Burch
recorded in Volume 469, Page 719, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas,
at 284.52 the southeast corner of said Burch tract, said point also
being the southwest corner of that certain tract of land described
by deed to Carl Thorell recorded in Volume 469, Page 715, Deed
Records, Wise County, Texas, at 475.83 the southeast corner of said
Thorell tract, said point also being the southwest corner of that
certain tract of land described by deed to Jerry and Alice Lee
recorded in Volume 777, Page 529, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas,
in all 1215.86 feet to a point in County Road 4651;
THENCE N 22°28'33"E, 90.81 feet along said County Road;
THENCE N 01°03'38"W, 392.11 feet along said County Road;
THENCE N 89°35'40"E, 651.22 feet, departing said County Road to a
point in the west line of Ellis Homestead, Phase I, an addition to
the City of Rhome recorded in Cabinet B, Slide 483 & 484, Plat
Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE S 00°23'23"E, 469.62 feet along the common line of said Tract
I and said Ellis Homestead;
THENCE N 89°36'02"E, 2324.68 feet, continuing along the common line
of said Tract I and said Ellis Homestead;
THENCE N 00°15'59"W, 32.47 feet, continuing along the common line of
said Tract I and said Ellis Homestead;
THENCE N 29°31'35"E, continuing along the common line of said Tract
I and said Ellis Homestead at 1067.75 the northeast corner of said
Ellis Homestead, in all 1940.14 feet to a point in the south
right-of-way line of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 62°07'13"E, 388.05 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287 to the northwest corner of that certain tract
of land described by deed to Continental State Bank recorded as
Parcel L in Volume 737, Page 894, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE S 14°12'57"W, 408.46 feet, departing said south right-of-way
line of State Highway 287, and along the common line of said Tract I
and said Bank tract;
THENCE S 75°52'31"E, 336.85 feet, continuing along the common line
of said Tract I and said Bank tract to a point in the west
right-of-way line of FM Highway 3433;
THENCE S 30°02'40"E, 113.22 feet to the southwest corner of that
certain tract of land described by deed to Eagle-C Stores, Inc.
recorded in Volume 965, Page 470, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas,
said point also being in the east right-of-way line of FM Highway
THENCE S 67°02'33"E, 220.38 feet along the south line of said
Eagle-C tract to its southeast corner;
THENCE N 14°01'53"E, 399.40 feet along the east line of said Eagle-C
tract to a point in the south right-of-way line of said State
Highway 287;
THENCE S 67°00'28"E, 223.61 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 50°13'52"E, 104.06 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 66°52'41"E, 410.47 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 70°14'39"E, 192.10 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 70°31'24"E, 181.79 feet along said south right-of-way line
of State Highway 287 to the northeast corner of the aforementioned
Tract II;
THENCE S 00°18'45"E, along the east line of said Tract II, at 687.20
feet the southeast corner of the aforementioned Chisholm 2000, LP
tract recorded in Volume 958, Page 437, in all 2201.45 feet to the
northwest corner of that certain tract of land described by deed to
Arizona Lemonade Springs, LLLP recorded in Volume 1729, Page 391,
Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE S 34°57'01"W, 306.15 feet along the common line of said Tract
II and said Arizona tract;
THENCE S 00°13'35"E, continuing along the common line of said Tract
II and said Arizona tract at 2140.79 the southeast corner of said
Tract II in all 2334.30 feet to the southwest corner of said Arizona
tract, said point also being an ell corner in the north line of the
aforementioned Vinson tract recorded in Volume 321, Page 450;
THENCE S 89°11'19"E, 3621.78 feet along the common line of said
Arizona tract and said Vinson tract to the northeast corner of said
Vinson tract, said point also being the southeast corner of said
Arizona tract and the southernmost corner of that certain tract of
land described by deed to David Lance Smith recorded in Volume 221,
page 572, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas and the northwest corner
of that certain tract of land described by deed to Jack Hays
recorded in Volume 421, Page 65, Deed Records, Wise County, Texas;
THENCE S 00°26'03"W, 519.86 feet along the common line of said
Vinson tract and said Hays tract to the southernmost corner of said
Hays tract;
THENCE N 40°38'38"E, 2136.47 feet along the south line of said Hays
tract to the west right-of-way line of State Highway 287;
THENCE S 32°27'57"E, 3501.53 feet along said west right-of-way line
of State Highway 287 to the northernmost corner of the
aforementioned Vinson tract recorded in Volume 406, Page 10;
THENCE S 33°03'00"E, 681.20 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and the east line of said
Vinson tract to the beginning of a curve to the right;
THENCE continuing along said west right-of-way line of State
Highway 287 and said east line of the Vinson tract, and with said
curve to the right, an arc distance of 893.89 feet, through a
central angle of 09°13'14", having a radius of 5554.58 feet, the
long chord of which bears S 28°26'23"E, 892.93 feet;
THENCE S 18°25'56"E, 650.28 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and said east line of the
Vinson tract to the northeast corner of the aforementioned First
THENCE S 18°02'13"E, 462.79 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and said First Tract to the
northeast corner of the aforementioned Second Tract;
THENCE S 18°13'27"E, 1943.55 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and the east line of said
Second Tract;
THENCE S 01°41'43"W, 195.49 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and the east line of said
Second Tract;
THENCE S 26°58'37"W, 614.91 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and the east line of said
Second Tract;
THENCE S 17°59'56"E, 79.24 feet, continuing along said west
right-of-way line of State Highway 287 and the east line of said
Second Tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2942.775
acres of land, more or less.
Including all of that land beneath the existing surface
(topography) of the above described tract of land which extends
vertically downward a distance of 50 feet from all points on said
existing surface.
       SECTION 3.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
Government Code.
       (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
       (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives within the required time.
       (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
and accomplished.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.