80R12352 RMB-F
  By: Smith of Harris H.B. No. 4016
relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility
District No. 508; providing authority to impose a tax and issue
bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle F, Title 6, Special District Local Laws
Code, is amended by adding Chapter 8219 to read as follows:
       Sec. 8219.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
             (1)  "Board" means the board of directors of the
             (2)  "Director" means a member of the board.
             (3)  "District" means the Harris County Municipal
Utility District No. 508.
       Sec. 8219.002.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The district is a
municipal utility district in Harris County created under and
essential to accomplish the purposes of Section 59, Article XVI,
Texas Constitution.
       Sec. 8219.003.  CONFIRMATION ELECTION REQUIRED. If the
creation of the district is not confirmed at a confirmation
election held under Section 8219.024 before September 1, 2011:
             (1)  the district is dissolved September 1, 2011,
except that:
                   (A)  any debts incurred shall be paid;
                   (B)  any assets that remain after the payment of
debts shall be transferred to Harris County; and
                   (C)  the organization of the district shall be
maintained until all debts are paid and remaining assets are
transferred; and
             (2)  this chapter expires September 1, 2014.
       Sec. 8219.004.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a)  The
district is initially composed of the territory described by
Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
       (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
the Act creating this chapter form a closure. A mistake made in the
field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
does not affect:
             (1)  the organization, existence, or validity of the
             (2)  the right of the district to impose taxes;
             (3)  the validity of the district's bonds, notes, or
indebtedness; or
             (4)  the legality or operation of the district or the
[Sections 8219.005-8219.020 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8219.021.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS.  (a)  On or after
September 1, 2007, a person who owns land in the district may submit
a petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
requesting that the commission appoint as temporary directors the
five persons named in the petition.
       (b)  The commission shall appoint as temporary directors the
five persons named in the first petition received by the commission
under Subsection (a).
       (c)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
commission shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
       (d)  Temporary directors serve until the earlier of:
             (1)  the date directors are elected under Section
8219.024; or
             (2)  the date this chapter expires under Section
DIRECTORS. As soon as practicable after all the temporary
directors have qualified under Section 49.055, Water Code, the
temporary directors shall meet at a location in the district
agreeable to a majority of the directors. At the meeting, the
temporary directors shall elect officers from among the temporary
directors and conduct any other district business.
temporary directors may not hold an election under Section 8219.024
until each municipality in whose corporate limits or
extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is located, if any, has
adopted a resolution consenting to the creation of the district.
ELECTION. The temporary directors shall hold an election to
confirm the creation of the district and to elect five directors as
provided by Section 49.102, Water Code.
       Sec. 8219.025.  INITIAL ELECTED DIRECTORS; TERMS. The
directors elected under Section 8219.024 shall draw lots to
determine which two shall serve until the first regularly scheduled
election of directors under Section 8219.052 and which three shall
serve until the second regularly scheduled election of directors.
       Sec. 8219.026.  EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
expires September 1, 2014.
[Sections 8219.027-8219.050 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8219.051.  DIRECTORS; TERMS. (a)  The district is
governed by a board of five directors.
       (b)  Directors serve staggered four-year terms.
       Sec. 8219.052.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. On the uniform
election date in May of each even-numbered year, the appropriate
number of directors shall be elected.
[Sections 8219.053-8219.100 reserved for expansion]
DUTIES.  The district has the powers and duties provided by the
general law of this state, including Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code,
applicable to municipal utility districts created under Section 59,
Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
       Sec. 8219.102.  ROAD PROJECTS. (a)  To the extent authorized
by Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution, the district may
construct, acquire, improve, maintain, or operate macadamized,
graveled, or paved roads or turnpikes, or improvements in aid of
those roads or turnpikes, inside the district.
       (b)  A road project must meet all applicable construction
standards, zoning and subdivision requirements, and regulatory
ordinances or orders of each municipality in whose corporate limits
or extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is located.  If the
district is located outside the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a
municipality, a road project must meet all applicable construction
standards, zoning and subdivision requirements, and regulatory
ordinances of each county in which the district is located.
       (c)  The district may not undertake a road project unless
each municipality in whose corporate limits or extraterritorial
jurisdiction the district is located consents by ordinance or
       Sec. 8219.103.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  The district may
be divided into two new districts only if the district:
             (1)  has no outstanding bonded debt; and
             (2)  is not imposing ad valorem taxes.
       (b)  The division procedure is prescribed by Sections 53.030
through 53.041, Water Code.
       (c)  Any new district created by the division of the district
has all the powers and duties of the district.
       (d)  At the time of creation, any new district created by the
division of the district may not contain any land outside the area
described by Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
ORDINANCES OR RESOLUTIONS. The district shall comply with all
applicable requirements of any ordinance or resolution adopted by
the city council of the City of Baytown.
[Sections 8219.105-8219.150 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8219.151.  TAX TO REPAY BONDS. The district may impose
a tax to pay the principal of or interest on bonds or other
obligations issued under Section 8219.201.
[Sections 8219.152-8219.200 reserved for expansion]
OBLIGATIONS. (a) The district may issue bonds or other obligations
as provided by Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code, to finance the
construction, maintenance, or operation of a project under Section
8219.101 or 8219.102.
       (b)  The district may not issue bonds or other obligations to
finance projects authorized by Section 8219.102 unless the issuance
is approved by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the district
voters voting at an election called for that purpose.
       (c)  Bonds or other obligations issued or incurred to finance
projects authorized by Section 8219.102 may not exceed one-fourth
of the assessed value of the real property in the district.
       SECTION 2.  Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 508
includes all the territory contained in the following area:
FIELD NOTES of a 428.7763 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO, 65, Harris County, Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 428.7763 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
EQUAL 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe found for the Northeast corner
of a 1.5116 acre tract of land called Tract 2 conveyed to Jack A.
Howard, et al, by Robert O. Busch, et al, by Deed dated March 15,
1978, and recorded at County Clerk's File No F530458 of the Official
Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas, and in the
South right-of-way line of State Highway No. 146, 200 foot wide
right-of-way. Said point being the Northwest corner and POINT OF
BEGINNING of this tract and having a State Plane Coordinate Value of
N equal 13,830,522.01 and E equal 3,247,084.46.
       THENCE: North 65°41'29" East along a Northwest line of this
tract of land and the South right-of-way line of Highway No. 146 for
a distance of 1179.61 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the North
corner of this tract of land, at the intersection of the South
right-of-way Highway No. 146 and a curve in the Southwest
right-of-way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, 180 foot wide
right-of-way, 11.56848 acre tract of land called Parcel 2 as
conveyed to Missouri Pacific Railroad Company by Ashbel Smith Land
Company, by Deed dated January 9, 1967, and recorded Volume 6644 at
Page 486 of' the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. From this
corner a 2 inch iron pipe found bears North 02°09'50" West a distance
of 1.717 feet;
       THENCE: In an Easterly direction along the Northeast line of
this tract of land, the Southwest right-of-way line of Missouri
Pacific Railroad and said curve to the left, concave Northeast;
said curve having a central angle of 63°19'19", a radius of 652.96
feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 56°17'46" East
685.47 feet, for an arc length of 721.63 feet to a point in a 12 inch
oak tree for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 02°01'57" East along a West line of' this tract
of land, and an East line of Missouri Pacific Railroad a distance of
30.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for a Northwest corner of
this tract of land, and an interior corner of Missouri Pacific
Railroad, 100 fact wide right-of-way at this point;
       THENCE: South 87°58'03" East along the North line of this
tract of land, and the South right-of-way line of Missouri Pacific
Railroad a distance of 1107.25 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the Northeast corner of this tract of land, and the Northwest corner
of a 192.9755 acre tract of land conveyed to Hazelwood Enterprises,
Incorporated by Ashbel Smith Land LTD, by Deed dated June 30, 1995,
and recorded under County Clerk's File No R462464 of the Official
Public Records of Real Property of Harris County. Texas;
       THENCE: In a Southerly direction with the East line of this
tract of land, and the West line of said 192.9755 acre tract of land
the following courses and distances:
South 04°16'13" East for a distance of 832.57 feet to a 1/2 inch
sucker rod, found;
South 14°37'06" West for a distance of 799.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod, found;
South 30°58'10" East for a distance of 577.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod, found;
South 55°20'10" West for a distance of 924.01 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, found;
South 12°12'35" West for a distance of 598.86 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, found;
South 08°25'45" East for a distance of 780.82 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, found;
South 03°03'30" West for a distance of 360.18 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod, found;
South 28°22'50" West for a distance of 548.81 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod found for an angle corner of this tract of land in the West line
of said 192.9755 acre tract of land, and the Northernmost Northeast
corner of a 25.12 acre tract of land conveyed to Hazelwood
Enterprises, Incorporated by Ashbel Smith Land Company, by Deed
dated May 31, 1996, and recorded under County Clerk's File No.
5378741 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris
County. Texas.
       THENCE: North 70°40'00" West along a Southwest line of this
tract of land and the Westernmost North line of said 25.12 acre
tract of land for a distance of 1005.91 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod
found for an interior corner of this tract of land and the Northwest
corner of said 25.12 acre tract of land;
       THENCE: South 19°20'00" West along a Southeast line of this
tract of land and the West line of said 25.12 tract of land for a
distance of 1008.68 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an
interior corner of this tract of land and the Southwest corner of
said 25.12 acre tract of land;
       THENCE: South 70°40'00" East with a Northeast line of this
tract of land and the South line of said 25.12 acre tract of land for
a distance of 819.36 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an angle
corner of this tract of land, and an angle corner of said 25.12 acre
tract of land;
       THENCE: South 82°38'38" East with a North tine of this tract
of land, and the South line of said 25.12 acre tract of land a
distance of 202.89 feet 'to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
Southeast corner of this tract of land and the Southeast corner of
said 25.12 acre tract of land, in the North right-of-way line of
Evergreen Road, 60 foot wide right-of-way;
       THENCE: South 48°15'58" West with a Southeast line of this
tract of land, and the Northwest right-of-way of Evergreen Road for
a distance of 254.23 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave North;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve in a Westerly direction
with the South line of this tract of land and the North right-of-way
line of Evergreen Road, said curve having a central angle of
61°23'35", a radius of 439.58 feet and a chord bearing and distance
of South 78°58'46" West 448.80 feet, for an arc length of 439.58 feet
to ˝ inch iron rod, with cap, set for the TERMINATION POINT of said
       THENCE: North 70°18'02" West along a Southwest line of this
tract of land and the Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road
for a distance of 426.43 feet to a ˝ inch iron rod found for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Northeast;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve, in a Northwesterly
direction, with a Southwest line of this tract of land and the
Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve having a
central angle of 11°26'15" a radius of 1225.96 feet, and a chord
bearing and distance of North 64°34'06" West 244.32 feet, for an arc
length of 244.73 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 58°51'56" West along a Southwest line of this
tract of land, and the North right-of-way line of Evergreen Road for
a distance of 982.39 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for
the BEGINNING PO1NT of a curve to the right, concave Northeast;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve, in a Northwesterly
direction, with a Southwest line of this tract of land and the
Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve having a
central angle of 15°59'48", a radius of 789.20 feet, and a chord
bearing and distance of North 50°50'40" West 219.63 feet, for an arc
length of 220.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 42°52'16" West along a Southwest line of this
tract or land and the Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road
for a distance of 685.33 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to left, concave Southwest;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Northerly direction, with a Southwest line of this tract of land and
the Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve
having a central angle of' 03°08'33", a radius of 6814.28 feet, and a
chord bearing and distance of North 44°27'42" West 313.68 feet, for
an arc length of 373.73 feet, to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 46°00'58" West along a Southwest line of this
tract of land and the Northeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road
for a distance of 531.26 feet to a ˝ inch iron rod, with cap, set far
the Southwest corner of this tract of land and the Southeast corner
of an 80 acre tract of land conveyed to Bill W. Nance by Alvie Wright
Nance, by Deed dated October 22, 1996, and recorded under County
Clerk's File No. S210455 of the Official Public Records of Real
Property of Harris County, Texas;
       THENCE: North 50°36'12" East along the West line of this tract
of land and the East line of said 80 acre tract of land, and at 2.37
feet pass a 4 inch pipe fence corner post, continuing along said
line and a barb wire fence a total distance of 536.04 feet to a 2
inch iron pipe found for an angle corner of this tract of land and an
angle corner of said 80 acre tract of land;
       THENCE: in a Northerly direction along the West line of this
tract of land and the East line of said 80 acre tract of land, and a
barb wire fence line the following courses and distances:
North 54°45'13" West for a distance of 293.16 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, with cap, set;
North 16°15'01" East for a distance of 1171.99 feet to a 2 inch iron
pipe, found;
North 43°11'17" East for a distance of 341.17 feet to a 2 inch iron
pipe, found;
North 18°00'45" East for a distance of 481.29 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, with cap, set;
North 15°59'25" East for a distance of 927.59 feet to a 2-1/2 inch
metal post found for an angle corner in the West line of this tract
of land at the Northeast corner of said 80 acre tract of land, and
the Southeast corner of said 1.5116 acre tract of land.
       THENCE: North 16°07'47" East along the West line of this tract
of land and the East line of said 1.5116 acre tract of land, and a
barb wire a distance of 677.44 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,
containing with these boundaries, 428.7763 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 190.8900 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County, Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, at al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 190.8900 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
EQUAL 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe found at the intersection of
the West right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road (80-feet wide
right-of-way) and the East right-of-way line of Evergreen Road (60
feet wide right-of-way). Said point being the Northwest corner of
and POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract and having a State Plane
Coordinate Value of N equals 13,828,122.96 and E equals
       THENCE: South 08°10'50" East along the North line of the tract
and the West right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 85.95 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave Northeasterly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the North line of this tract and the
Southwest right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road, said
curve having a central angle of 38°51'08", a radius of 619.37 feet,
and a chord bearing and distance of South 27°40'00" East 411.99
feet, for an arc length of 419.99 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found
for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 47°02'38" East along the North line of the tract
and the South right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 490.40 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe found in the Southeast
line of said 1541 acres and the West line of that certain 410 acre
tract conveyed to The Robert A, Welch Foundation by Norbert
Dittrich, Trustee, by Deed dated June 8, 1992 and recorded under
County Clerk's File No. N729870 of the Official Public Records of
Real Property of Harris County, Texas. Said point being the
Northeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: In a Southwesterly direction along the East line of
this tract, the Southeast line of said 1541 acres and the West line
of said 410 acres and a barb wire fence the following courses and
distances of fence corner posts:
South 33°25'24" West for a distance of 955.62 feet;
South 32°14'47" West for a distance of 684.55 feet;
South 32°22'20" West for a distance of 412.82 feet;
South 33°08'42" West for a distance of 278.12 feet:
South 34°18'57" West for a distance of 65.89 feet;
South 32°17'21" West for a distance of 124.76 feet:
South 31°18'43' West for a distance of 415.86 feet;
South 31°33'17" West for a distance of 241.24 feet;
South 33°06'08" West, at 367.43 feet pass a 1/2 inch iron rod found
for reference, in all, a total distance of 567.33 feet to a point
for the Southeast corner of this tract of land, the South or
Southeast corner of the residue said 1541 acre tract of land, and
the Southwest corner of the residue of said 410 acre tract of land
in the North Shoreline of Tabbs Bay;
       THENCE: In a Westerly direction along the South and Southwest
line of this tract of land, the South and Southwest line of' said
1541 acre tract of land, and the North Shoreline of' Tabbs Bay the
following courses and distances:
North 88°55'46" West for a distance of 327.11 feet;
South 86°35'57" West for a distance of 148.88 feet;
North 87°05'17" West for a distance of 285.39 feet;
South 89°03'13" West for a distance of 35.54 feet;
South 84°36'10" West for a distance of 18.55 feet;
North 72°28'01" West for a distance of 41.41 feet;
South 85°17'36" West for a distance of 51.85 feet:
North 82°22'14" West for a distance of 42.01 feet:
South 82°42'08" West for a distance of 75.63 feet;
North 88°16'47" West for a distance of 43.61 feet;
North 68°24'25" West for a distance of 52.81 feet;
South 85°33'17" West for a distance of 87.28 feet;
South 74°44'54" West for a distance of 28.35 feet:
North 87°23'01" West for a distance of 29.42 feet;
South 86°03'26" West for a distance of 51.34 feet;
South 88°24'42" West for a distance of 33.26 feet;
North 69°22'43" West for a distance of 44.51 feet;
North 74°20'25" West for a distance of' 57.40 feet;
North 63°20'40" West for a distance of 28.91 feet;
North 88°47'18" West for a distance of 30.74 feet;
North 69°54'34" West for a distance of 34.90 feet;
North 84°06'55" West for a distance of 66.96 feet;
North 85°29'49" West for a distance of 71.50 feet;
North 85°27'53" West for a distance of 21.90 feet;
North 78°52'23" West for a distance of 28.69 feet;
North 83°56'17" West for a distance of 51.04 feet;
North 61°59'42" West for a distance of 52.02 feet;
South 84°22'50" West for a distance of 52.82 feet;
South 88°51'08" West for a distance of 23.16 feet;
North 61°55'47" West for a distance of 38.94 feet;
North 49°55'23" West for a distance of 44.19 feet;
North 53°52'07" West for a distance of 12.97 feet;
North 81°44'56" West for a distance of 160.87 feet;
South 83°22'26" West for a distance of 29.15 feet;
South 68°48'25" West for a distance of 40.13 feet;
South 78°25'18" West for a distance of 30.32 feet;
North 88°51'04" West for a distance of 34.86 feet;
North 71°01'36" West for a distance of 25.20 feet;
South 74°33'00" West for a distance of 62.54 feet;
South 75°39'42" West for a distance of 46.99 feet;
South 73°28'30" West for a distance of 46.94 feet;
North 75°04'30" West for a distance of 34.48 feet;
North 87°18'57" West for a distance of 26.99 feet;
North 74°44'40" West for a distance of 53.85 feet;
North 69°43'09" West for a distance of 37.71 feet:
North 76°50'23" West for a distance of 68.75 feet;
North 18°05'39" West for a distance of 16.96 feet;
North 82°30'06" West for a distance of 23.95 feet;
North 68°38'12" West for a distance of 43.51 feet;
North 87°02'28" West for a distance of 28.75 feet;
South 77°12'34" West for a distance of 98.93 feet;
South 62°52'32" West for a distance of 30.51 feet;
South 86°33'31" West for a distance of 29.97 feet;
North 78°47'14" West for a distance of 21.04 feet;
North 65°15'48" West for a distance of 30.37 feet;
North 69°11'45" West for a distance of 18.49 feet;
South 69°39'39" West for a distance of 36.68 feet;
South 44°46'25" West for a distance of 19.88 feet:
North 88°42'18" West for a distance of 30.71 feet;
North 35°25'16" West for a distance of 25.84 feet;
North 43°56'57" West for a distance of 66.81 feet;
North 69°33'39" West for a distance of 25.53 feet;
South 82°37'29" West for a distance of 32.79 feet;
South 70°41'47' West for a distance of 45.48 feet;
South 73°51'11" West for a distance of 77.25 feet;
North 69°04'53" West for a distance of 23.64 feet;
South 82°49'35" West for a distance of 54.79 feet;
North 63°43'38" West for a distance of 47.25 feet;
North 69°52'09" West for a distance of 40.92 feet;
North 63°51'20" West for a distance of 76.57 feet;
South 77°58'21" West for a distance of 44.95 feet;
South 71°04'19" West for a distance of 38.47 feet;
South 89°21'31" West for a distance of 46.09 feet;
South 81°16'49" West for a distance of 51.75 feet;
North 64°51'22" West for a distance of 52.66 feet;
North 45°29'59" West for a distance of 36.32 feet;
North 50°01'36" West for a distance of 44.70 feet;
North 40°32'20" West for a distance of 57.82 feet;
North 56°04'30" West for a distance of 29.64 feet;
North 42°13'38" West for a distance of 83.32 feet;
North 45°36'12" West for a distance of 131.28 feet;
North 60°56'34" West for a distance of 24.55 feet;
North 73°49'18" West for a distance of 39.81 feet;
South 86°37'37" West for a distance of' 66.30 feet;
South 82°06'35" West for a distance of 57.98 feet;
North 84°53'44" West for a distance of 67.61 feet;
South 86°51'43" West for a distance of 113.65 feet;
South 82°24'27" West for a distance of 64.78 feet;
North 85°47'51" West for a distance of 54.21 feet;
North 53°44'00" West for a distance of 59.11 feet;
North 67°10'24" West for a distance of 98.13 feet;
North 60°26'48" West for a distance of 108.63 feet;
North 77°04'26" West for a distance of 56.72 feet;
North 70°41'28" West for a distance of 48.39 feet;
North 24°38'47" West for a distance of 37.48 feet;
North 35°28'37" West for a distance of 60.82 feet;
North 34°40'28" West for a distance of 63.44 feet;
North 32°16'15" West for a distance of 92.67 feet;
North 28°14'50" West for a distance of 24.39 feet;
North 18°58'56" West for a distance of 50.36 feet;
North 10°46'04" West for a distance of 52.33 feet;
North 02°54'52" East for a distance of 92.52 feet;
North 02°17'41" East for a distance of 71.56 feet;
North 22°57'48" West for a distance of 15.77 feet;
North 40°34'54" West for a distance of 49.13 feet;
North 00°04'44" West for a distance of 31.28 feet;
North 33°49'16" East for a distance of 10.19 feet;
North 14°16'04" West for a distance of 14.83 feet;
North 37°19'44" East for a distance of' 12.06 feet;
North 17°19'51" West for a distance of 27.29 feet;
North 46°04'59" West for a distance of 9.73 feet;
North 28°11'03" West for a distance of 36.31 feet;
North 01°10'05" West for a distance of 34.88 feet;
North 33°00'35" West for a distance of 61.63 feet;
North 27°24'44" West for a distance of 76.44 feet;
North 28°44'12" West for a distance of 34.52 feet;
North 24°57'18" West for a distance of 37.96 feet;
North 39°02'25' West for a distance of 66.35 feet;
North 31°40'07" West for a distance of 158.77 feet;
North 43°30'37" West for a distance of 17.49 feet;
North 49°45'41" West for a distance of 32.48 feet;
North 33°36'44" West for a distance of 33.43 feet;
North 10°32'00" East for a distance of 23.90 feet;
North 70°51'15" East for a distance of 14.81 feet;
North 31°01'35" West for a distance of 36.45 feet;
North 30°25'37" East for a distance of 19.39 feet;
North 10°22'13" West for a distance of 10.63 feet;
South 61°43'13" West for a distance of 30.52 feet;
North 87°01'08" West for a distance of 30.34 feet;
North 64°12'23" West for a distance of 24.85 feet;
North 45°33'24" West for a distance of 35.74 feet;
North 26°03'22" West for a distance of 32.67 feet;
North 02°35'50" West for a distance of 33.54 feet;
North 42°06'40" East for a distance of 41.08 feet;
North 48°28'11" West for a distance of 79.08 feet;
South 52°31'51" West for a distance of 17.51 feet;
South 89°49'31" West for a distance of 17.06 feet;
North 66°53'15" West for a distance of 24.01 feet;
North 51°13'13" West for a distance of 31.90 feet;
North 33°33'59" West for a distance of 30.59 feet;
North 16°06'29" West for a distance of 30.81 feet;
North 57°46'29" West for a distance of 44.83 feet;
North 51°23'12" West for a distance of 25.36 feet;
North 66°31'12" West for a distance of 19.82 feet;
North 17°58'04" East for a distance of 16.75 feet;
North 60°22'04" West for a distance of 21.01 feet;
South 77°07'22" West for a distance of 12.47 feet;
North 55° 58'18" West for a distance of 25.69 feet;
North 53°47'21" West for a distance of 50.05 feet;
North 43°20'04" West for a distance of 40.19 feet;
North 20°26'42" West for a distance of 27.18 feet to a point for the
Westernmost Southwest corner of this tract, the West corner of the
residue of said 1514 acres and a southeast corner of the residue of
said 80 acre tract of land;
       THENCE: North 50°36'12" East along the Westernmost West line
of this tract of land, the Northwest line of said 1541 acre tract of
land, and the Southeast line of said 80 acre tract of land a
distance of 94.70 feet to a ˝ inch iron rod found for the most
Westernmost Northwest corner to this tract in the South
right-of-way line of Evergreen Road;
       THENCE: South 46°00'58" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract of land and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen
Road for a distance of 538.58 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Southwest;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Westernmost North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen Road. said curve
having a central angle of 03°08'34", a radius of 6754.28 feet, and a
chord bearing and distance of South 44°27'43" East 370.43 feet, for
an arc length of 370.47 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 42"52'16" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract of land and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen
Road for a distance of 685.33 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the BEGINNING POINT of' a curve to the left, concave Northeast;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Westernmost North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve
having a central angle of 15°59'18", a radius of 849.20 feet, and a
chord bearing and distance of South 50°50'46" East 236.32 feet, and
an arc length of 237.09 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMIP4AT ION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 58°51'56" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract of land and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen
Road for a distance of 982.39 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave Northeast;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Westernmost North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve
having a central angle of 11°26'17", a radius of 1285.96 feet, and a
chord bearing and distance of South 64°34'10" East 256.29 feet, for
an arc length of 256.72 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 70°18'02" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract of land and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen
Road for a distance of 426.43 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap
set for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Westernmost North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of Evergreen Road, said curve
having a central angle of 61°23'44", a radius of 499.58 feet, and a
chord bearing and distance of North 78 East 510.08 feet, for an arc
length of 535.33 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 48°15'58" East along the Northernmost West line
of this tract and the Southeast right-of-way line of Evergreen Road
for a distance of 5222.61 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing within these boundaries 190.8900 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 105.3973 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County. Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 105.3973 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
       BEGINNING at a 2" iron pipe found in the Southeast line of
said 1541 acre tract of land, in the Northwest line of a 410 acre
tract of land conveyed to The Robert A. Welch Foundation by Norbert
Dittrich, Trustee, by Deed dated June 8, 1992, and recorded at
County Clerk's File No. N729870 of the Official Public Records of
Real Property of Harris County, Texas, and in the Northeast
right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road, 80 foot wide
right-of-way. Said point being the Southernmost corner and POINT OF
BEGINNING of this tract and having a State Plane Coordinate Value of
N equal 13,827,408.02 and X equal 3,253,482.51;
       THENCE: North 47°02'38" West along a Southwest line of this
tract of land, and the Northeast right-of-way line of Tri-Cities
Beach Road for a distance of 474.76 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found
for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave
       THENCE: Along and around said curve in a Northwesterly
direction, along a Southwest line of this tract and the Northeast
right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road, said curve having
a central angle of 38°48'48", a radius of 539.37 feet, and a chord
bearing and distance of North 27°41'37" West 358.43 feet, for an arc
length of 365.38 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 08°10'50" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 815.83 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an angle
point in said line;
       THENCE: North 08°13'35" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-cities Beach Road for a
distance of 1680.03 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the
intersection of said line with the South right-of-way line of the
Missouri Pacific Railroad 100 feet wide right-of-way, Parcel 3, as
conveyed to Missouri Pacific Railroad Company by Ashbel Smith Land
Company, by Deed dated January 9, 1967, and recorded in Volume 6644
at Page 486 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Said point
being the Northwest corner of this tract;
       THENCE: South 87°58'03" East along the North line of this
tract and the South line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad and at
2411.02 feet pass a 1/2 inch iron rod found for reference, in all, a
total distance of 2430.98 feet to a point for the Northeast corner
of this tract of land, in the East line of said 1541 acre tract of
land, and in the West bank of Cedar Bayou;
       THENCE: Along and with shoreline meanders of the West bank of
Cedar Bayou as follows:
South 24°24'02" West for a distance of 24.75 feet;
South 01°59'45" West for a distance of 96.24 feet;
South 44°41'16" West for a distance of 46.43 feet;
North 79°21'49" West for a distance of 28.26 feet;
North 57°40'48" West for a distance of 120.36 feet;
North 65°38'56" West for a distance of 53.98 feet;
North 75°08'02" West for a distance of 54.92 feet;
South 87°18'17" West for a distance of 46.73 feet;
South 79°42'49" West for a distance of 59.34 feet;
South 77°26'03" West for a distance of 41.44 feet;
South 50°08'54" West for a distance of 18.06 feet;
North 68°50'09" West for a distance of 41.75 feet;
South 83°15'11" West for a distance of 34.74 feet;
South 45°09'40" West for a distance of 40.62 feet;
South 89°18'25" West for a distance of 42.57 feet;
South 02°32'53" East for a distance of 15.05 feet;
South 77°11'14" East for a distance of 47.77 feet;
South 10°46'28" East for a distance of 5.50 feet;
South 41°47'44" West for a distance of 13.78 feet;
South 71°29'19" West for a distance of 18.47 feet;
South 83°05'08" West for a distance of 49.36 feet;
South 73°08'56" West for a distance of 28.39 feet;
South 41°26'26" West for a distance of 18.88 feet;
South 52°36'24" East for a distance of 9.73 feet;
North 55°20'13" East for a distance of 20.78 feet;
North 76°42'34" East for a distance of 49.73 feet;
North 88°31'24" East for a distance of 27.44 feet;
North 74°32'40" East for a distance of 29.09 feet;
North 78°39'34" East for a distance of 30.53 feet;
North 63°08'33" West for a distance of 24.75 feet;
North 39°43'16" West for a distance of 17.22 feet;
North 24°46'01" East for a distance of 20.52 feet;
South 71°00'09" East for a distance of 39.06 feet;
South 13°32'52" West for a distance of 20.38 feet;
South 03°21'10" West for a distance of 35.93 feet;
North 49°51'43" East for a distance of 50.54 feet;
North 71°05'06" East for a distance of 40.09 feet;
South 10°57'22" West for a distance of 21.44 feet;
South 00°34'42" West for a distance of 22.75 feet to a point in the
North bank of Pine Gully;
       THENCE: South 48°15'47" East across Pine Gully a distance of
26.20 feet to a point in the South bank of Pine Gully;
       THENCE: Along and with the shoreline meanders the following
courses and distances:
South 76°57'51" East for a distance of 40.83 feet;
South 69°20'28" East for a distance of 68.77 feet;
South 75°03'37" East for a distance of 66.16 feet;
South 61°48'31" East for a distance of 21.09 feet;
South 32°40'33" East for a distance of 18.51 feet;
South 17°03'03" East for a distance of 25.40 feet;
South 35°42'17" East for a distance of 24.85 feet;
South 54°12'01" East for a distance of 41.57 feet;
South 86°17'29" West for a distance of 11.43 feet;
North 65°52'22" West for a distance of 40.99 feet;
North 41°40'18" West for a distance of 55.10 feet;
North 51°01'48" West for a distance of 58.46 feet;
South 79°59'53" West for a distance of 74.57 feet;
North 71°33'18" West for a distance of 29.86 feet;
North 51°11'36" West for a distance of 21.65 feet;
South 58°16'59" West for a distance of 27.42 feet;
South 85°03'49" West for a distance of 44.99 feet;
South 00°06'33 West for a distance of 15.42 feet;
South 76°08'13" West for a distance of 96.88 feet;
South 67°21'25" West for a distance of 43.08 feet;
North 85°04'33" West for a distance of 41.62 feet;
South 47°39'25" West for a distance of 18.52 feet;
South 72°17'58" West for a distance of 30.26 feet;
South 60°49'49" West for a distance of 103.92 feet;
South 09°47'13" East for a distance of 8.61 feet;
South 85°50'40" East for a distance of 12.79 feet;
North 55°06'54" East for a distance of 30.72 feet;
North 70°42'41" East for a distance of 17.37 feet;
North 59°48'03" East for a distance of 50.66 feet;
South 09°59'02" West for a distance of 11.73 feet;
South 74°54'48" East for a distance of 15.01 feet;
North 82°04'22" East for a distance of 48.20 feet;
North 40°41'27" East for a distance of 30.60 feet;
North 82°52'20" East for a distance of 25.55 feet;
South 48°16'24" East for a distance of 12.27 feet;
North 36°55'23" East for a distance of 14.52 feet;
North 76°52'37" East for a distance of 33.58 feet;
South 49°47'44" East for a distance of 27.24 feet;
North 81°45'50" East for a distance of 80.07 feet;
South 71°37'24" East for a distance of 72.33 feet;
North 62°39'05" East for a distance of 17.74 feet;
South 35°08'28" East for a distance of 51.90 feet;
South 76°11'40" East for a distance of 67.70 feet;
South 46°46'19" East for a distance of 132.06 feet;
North 74°38'49" East for a distance of 84.98 feet;
North 47°26'22" East for a distance of 99.31 feet;
South 75°58'10" East for a distance of 46.13 feet;
South 71°03'35" East for a distance of 37.80 feet to a point for the
East corner of this tract of land, the East corner of said 1541 acre
tract of land, the Northwest corner of said 410 acre tract of land,
and in the West Bank of Cedar Bayou;
       THENCE: South 32°30'56" West along the Southeast line of this
tract of land, the Southeast line of said 1541 acre tract of land,
and the West line of said 410 acre tract of land, at 10.00 feet pass
a 1/2 inch iron rod found for reference, in all, a total distance of
1152.69 feet to a fence post for an angle point in the Southeast
line of this tract of land, an angle point in the Southeast line of
said 1541 acre tract of land, and an angle point in the West line of
said 410 acre tract of land;
       THENCE: In a Southerly direction with the Southeast line of
this tract of land, the Southeast line of' said 1541 acre tract of
land, and the West line of said 410 acre tract of land the following
courses and distances to fence posts:
South 32°36'52" West for a distance of 648.27 feet
South 31°57'45" West for a distance of 1304.54 feet to the PLACE OF
BEGINNING, containing within boundaries, 105.3973 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 0.7928 of an acre tract of land situated in the
and being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County. Texas. This 0.7928 of an acre tract
of land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as
follows, to wit:
EQUALS 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a 1 inch iron rod found in the Northwest
right-of-way line of State Highway No. 146 (200 feet wide
right-of-way) in a West line of said 1541 acres, at the Southeast
corner of that certain 1.1282 acre tract of land conveyed by Robert
0. Busch, et al to Jack A. Edwards, et al, by Deed dated March 15,
1978 and recorded under County Clerk's File No. F530458 of the Deed
Records of Harris County. Texas. Said point being the Southernmost
corner and POINT OF BEG INNING of this tract and having a State
Plane Coordinate Value of N equals 13,830,773.15 and E equals
       THENCE: North 15°31'26" East along the West line of this
tract, a West line of said 1541 acres and the East line of said
1.1282 acres for a distance of 385.32 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod,
with cap, set in the West right-of-way line of South Main Street (80
feet wide right-of-way) for the Northernmost corner of this tract;
       THENCE: South 22°13'15" East along the East line of this tract
and the West right-of-way line of said South Main Street for a
distance of 292.83 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set in the
intersection of said West right-of-way line of South Main Street
with the Northwest right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146
for the Southeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: South 64°54'03" West along the South line of this
tract and the Northwest right-of-way line of said State Highway No.
146 for a distance of 236.17 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing within these boundaries 0.7928 of acre of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 13.9524 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE. ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County, Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, at al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 13.9524 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
       BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe found at the intersection of
the Northwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 146 (200 feet
wide right-of-way) with the West right-of-way of the Missouri
Pacific Railroad (Parcel No. 1 containing 3.66104 acres conveyed by
Ashbel Smith Land Company to Missouri Pacific Railroad Company by
Deed dated January 9, 1967 and recorded in Volume 6644 at Page 486
of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas). Said point being the
Southeast corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract and having a
State Plane Coordinate Value of N equals 13,831,189.38 and E equals
       THENCE: South 65°37'44" West along the South line of this
tract and the Northwest right-of-way line of said State Highway No.
146 for a distance of 696.48 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap,
set at the intersection of said line with the East right-of-way line
of South Main Street (80 feet wide right-of-way). Said point being
the Southwest corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 22°13'15" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said South Main Street for a
distance of 394.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, set in a West line of
said 1541 acres for an angle point in the West line of this tract at
the Southernmost corner of that certain 8.71 acre tract conveyed by
Diana Shelton to Charles M. Shelton (undivided 1/2 interest) by
Deed dated February 22 1994 and recorded under County Clerk's File
No. P720769 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of
Harris County, Texas);
       THENCE: North 15°53'55" East along the West line of this
tract, a West line of said 1541 acres and the East line of said 8.71
acres for a distance of 1129.89 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with
cap, set in the South right-of-way tine of South Alexander Drive
(120 feet wide right-of-way) for the Northwest corner of this tract
and the Northeast corner of said 8.71 acres;
       THENCE: South 88°07'11" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of said South
Alexander Drive for a distance of 172.74 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe
found at the intersection or said line with the West right-of-way
line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad;
       THENCE: South 00°22'43" East along the Northernmost East line
of this tract and the West right-of-way line of said Missouri
Pacific Railroad for a distance of 167.73 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, with cap, set for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left,
concave Easterly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Northernmost East line of this
tract and the West right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad, said curve having a central angle of 17°26'52", a radius
of 1195.93 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 08°59'47"
East 362.78 feet, for an arc length of 364.18 feet to a fence corner
post found for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve, an interior
corner of said Missouri Pacific Railroad and an exterior corner of
this tract;
       THENCE: South 71°27'32" West along the Southernmost North
line of this tract and an exterior line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad for a distance of 30.00 feet to a fence corner post found
for an interior corner of this tract and an exterior corner of said
Missouri Pacific Railroad; said point being the BEGINNING POINT of
a curve to the left, concave Easterly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Southeasterly direction, along the Southernmost East line of this
tract and the West right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad, said curve having a central angle of 06°30'36", a radius
of 1225.93 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 20°59'43"
East 139.22 feet, for an arc length of 139.29 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
rod, with cap, set for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 24°15'01" East along the Southernmost East line
of this tract and the West right-of-way line of said Missouri
Pacific Railroad for a distance of 540.50 feet to the PLACE OF
BEGINNING and containing within these boundaries 13.9524 acres of
FIELD NOTES of a 28.5456 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County. Texas. and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, arid recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of' the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 28.5456 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes arid bounds as
follows, to-wit:
EQUALS 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set at the
intersection of the Northwest right-of-way line of State Highway
No. 146 (200 feet wide right right-of-way) with the East
right-of-way of the Missouri Pacific Railroad (Parcel No. 1
containing 3.66104 acres conveyed by Ashbel Smith Land Company of
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company Deed dated January 9, 1967 and
recorded in Volume 6644 at Page 486 of the Deed Records of Harris
County, Texas). Said point being the Southwest corner and POINT OF
BEGINNING of this tract and having a State Plane Coordinate Value of
N equals 13,831,254 and E equals 3,248,223,73;
       THENCE: North 24°15'03" West along the Southernmost West line
of this tract and the East right-of-way line of said Missouri
Pacific Railroad for a distance of 540.66 feet to a 1/2 inch iron,
with cap, set for the BEGINNING POINT of curve to the right, concave
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Northwesterly direction, along the Southernmost West line of this
tract and the East right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad, said curve having a central angle of 06°37'49", a radius
of 1065.93 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of North 20°56'07"
West 123.28 feet, for an arc length of 123.35 feet to a fence corner
post found for an interior corner of this tract and an exterior
corner of said Missouri Pacific Railroad;
       THENCE: South 71°27'32" West along the Westernmost South line
of this tract and an exterior line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad
for a distance of 30.00 feet to a fence corner post found for an
exterior corner of this tract and an interior corner of said
Missouri Pacific Railroad; said point being the BEGINNING POINT of
a curve to the right, concave Easterly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Northerly direction, along the Northernmost West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad,
said curve having a central angle of 17°22'22", a radius of 1095.93
feet and a chord bearing of' North 08°57'32" West 331.03 feet, for
and arc length of 332.30 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set
for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 00°22'43" West along the Northernmost West line
of this tract and the East right-of-way line of said Missouri
Pacific Railroad for a distance of 164.82 feet to a fence corner
post found at the intersection of said line with the South
right-of-way line of Alexander Drive (120 feet wide right-of-way)
for the Northwest corner of this tract;
THENCE: South 88°36'31" East along the South right-of-way line of
South Alexander Drive and the North line of this tract for- a
distance of 742.80 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found
for an angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 88°51'51" East along the South right-of-way of
South Alexander Drive and the North line of this tract for a
distance of 648.31 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found
for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Southerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, along the
North line of' this tract and the South right-of-way line of said
South Alexander Drive, in and Easterly direction, said curve having
a central angle of 07°23'27", a radius of 2804.76 feet, and a chord
bearing and distance of South 84°50'16" East 361.55 feet. for an arc
length of 361.80 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
Northeast corner of this tract at the intersection of the South
right-of-way line of South Alexander Drive with a West right-of-way
line of State Highway No. 146;
       THENCE: South 18°20'49" East along the East line of this tract
and a West right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146, for a
distance of 156.45 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap. set for the
Southeast corner of this tract and an interior corner of said State
Highway No, 146 right-of-way. Said point being in a curve to the
right, concave Northerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Westerly direction, along the South line of this tract and the North
right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146, said curve having a
central angle of 07°12'01", a chord bearing and distance of South
48°00'47" West 476.69 feet, for an arc length of 477.00 feet to a 1/2
inch iron rod, with cap, set for the TERMINATION POINT of said
       THENCE: South 59°19'20" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146
for a distance of 478.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set
for an angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 65°20'11" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146
for a distance of 756.46 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing within these boundaries 28.5456 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 27.8347 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County. Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County. Texas. This 27.8347 acre tract of
land is mare particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
EQUAL 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a concrete right-of-way monument found at the
intersection of the North right-of-way line of Spur 55
(right-of-way width varies) and the East right-of line of State
Highway 146 (right-of-way width varies). Said point being
Westernmost Southwest corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract
arid having a State Plane Coordinate Value of N equals
13,832,328.10 and E equals 3,250,340.20. Said point being in a
curve to the left, concave Westerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Northerly direction, along the West line of this tract and the East
right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146, said curve having a
central angle of 15°57'18", a radius of 1629.2 feet, and a chord
bearing and distance of North 23°06'38" East 452.39 feet, for an arc
length of 453.85 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found for
the TERMINATION POINT of said curve:
       THENCE: North 10°06'20" East along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146, for a
distance of 97.12 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
Northwest corner of this tract and the Southwest corner of that
certain 33.00 acre tract of land conveyed by Ashbel Smith
Management Company, et al, to Goose Creek Consolidated Independent
School District by Deed dated June 5, 1991 and recorded under County
Clerk's File No, N174232 of the Official Public Records of Real
Property of Harris County, Texas:
       THENCE: South 73°11'36" East along the North line of this
tract and the South line of said 33.00 acre tract for a distance of
1795.57 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set in the West
right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road (80 foot wide
right-of-way) for the Southeast corner of said 33.00 acres and the
Northeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: South 08°04'39" East along the Northernmost East line
of this tract and the West right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities
Beach Road for a distance of 572.67 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with
cap, set for the Easternmost Southeast corner of this tract at the
intersection of the West right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road
with the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55;
       THENCE; South 49°20'06" West along the Southernmost East line
of this tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 104.30 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
Southernmost Southeast corner of this tract and an angle point in
the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55;
       THENCE: North 73°15'09" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a distance
of 118.36 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an angle
point in said line;
       THENCE: North 74°30'59" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a distance
of 1813.52 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
Southernmost Southwest corner of this tract and an angle point in
the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55;
       THENCE: North 23°25'09" West along the Southernmost West line
of this tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 135.34 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing
within these boundaries 27.8347 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 83.3193 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO, 65, Harris County, Texas. and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al. by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 83,3193 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by motes and bounds as follows,
EQUALS 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a concrete right-of-way monument found in the
East right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road (80 feet wide
right-of-way). Said point being an angle point in the West line of
this tract and being the POINT OF BEGINNING of' this tract. Said
point having a State Plane Coordinate Value of N equals
13,831,689.42 and E equals 3,252,474,58;
       THENCE: North 10°56'24" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 601.03 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for an angle
point in said line;
       THENCE: North 88°04'39" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 972.77 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
Northwest corner of this tract in the North line of said 1541 acres.
Said point being the Southwest corner of Roseland Oaks Subdivision,
Section 2, as recorded under File No. 1577564 of the Map Records of
Harris County, Texas;
       THENCE: Along and with the meanders of the North line of this
tract, the North line of' said 1541 acres, the South line of
Roseland Oaks. Section 2, and the South line of Roseland Oaks
Subdivision, Section 1, as recorded under File No. 1456171 of the
Map Records of Harris County, Texas, as follows:
South 73°22'38" East for a distance of 621.81 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod, found;
South 73°16'15" East for a distance of 442.60 feet to a 1 inch
galvanized iron pipe found;
South 71°31'38" East for a distance of 1468.39 feet to a 1/2 inch
iron, with cap, set for the Southwest corner of that certain 21.960
acre tract of land conveyed by Rosie A. Kilgore to the City or
Baytown by Deed dated March 25, 1955 and recorded in Volume 2932 at
Page 243 or the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, for an angle
point in the North line of this tract;
       THENCE: South 71°19'55" East along the North line of this
tract, the North line of said 1541 acres, the South line of Roseland
Oaks, Section 1, and the South line of said 21.960 acres and at
1292.64 feet pass a 1/2 inch rod, with cap, set for reference, in
all, a total distance of 1392.64 feet to a point on the West bank of
Cedar Bayou for the Northeast corner of this tract, the Southeast
corner of said 21.960 acres and the Northeast corner of the residue
of said 1541 acres;
       THENCE: South along the East me of this tract, the East line
of the residue of said 1541 acres and the West bank of Cedar Bayou
for a distance of 42.63 feet to point for an angle point in said
       THENCE: South 17°54'00" West along the East line of this
tract, the East line of the residue of said 1541 acres and the West
bank of Cedar Bayou for a distance of 211.38 feet to a point for an
angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 48°41'39" West along the East line of this
tract, the East line of the residue of said 1541 acres and the West
bank of Cedar Bayou for a distance of 49.20 feet to a point for the
Southeast corner of this tract at the intersection of said line with
the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55;
       THENCE: South 83°25'51" West along the Easternmost South line
of this tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 and at
100.00 feet pass a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for reference,
in all, a total a distance of 919.19 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod,
with cap, set for an interior corner of said Spur 55 and an exterior
corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 06°34'09" West along a West line of this tract
and an East line of said Spur 55 for a distance of 125.00 feet to a
1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an interior corner of this
tract and an exterior corner of said Spur 55;
       THENCE: South 83°25'51" West along the Westernmost South line
of this tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 500.00 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found
for an angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 72°59'34" West along the Westernmost South line
of this tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 689.95 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Northerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Westerly direction, along the Westernmost South line of this tract
and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55, said curve having a
central angle of 25°08'26", a radius of 2864.79 feet, a chord
bearing and distance of North 85°52'51" West 1246.96 feet, for an
arc length of 1257.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for
the TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: North 73°01'25" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a distance
of 25.71 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found at the
intersection of the North right-of-way line of Spur 55 with the East
right-of-way line of Tri -Cities Beach Road for the Southwest
corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 23°51'57" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 88.78 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing
within these boundaries 83.3193 acres of land.
FIELD NOTES of a 38.7469 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County. Texas, and
being out of' and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, This 38.7469 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
       BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set at the
intersection of the East right-of-way line of Tri-Cities Beach Road
(80 feet wide right-of-way) and the North right-of-way line of the
Missouri Pacific Railroad 5.70241 acre tract (100 feet wide
right-of-way). Said 5.70241 acres being that same land (Parcel No.
3) conveyed by Ashbel Smith Land Company to Missouri Pacific
Railroad Company by Deed dated January 9, 1967 and recorded in
Volume 6644 at Page 486 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas.
Said point being the Southwest corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of this
tract. Said point having a State Plane Coordinate Value of N equals
13,830,619.74 and E equals 3,252,598.25;
       THENCE: North 08°22'07" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 95.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for an angle
point in said line;
       THENCE; North 05°23'44" West along the West line of this tract
and the East right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 600.78 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument
(leaning) found at the Intersection of said line with the South
right-of-way line of Spur 55 (right-of-way width varies). Said
point being the Northwest corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 38°03'56" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 84.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an
angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 73°25'59" West along the Westernmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55 for a
distance of 188.07 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave Northerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in an
Easterly direction, along the Westernmost North line of this tract
and the South right-of-way line of Spur 55, said curve having a
radius of 21°20'08", a radius of 2864.79 feet, a chord bearing and
distance of South 83°56'40" East 1060.63 feet, for an arc length of
1066.78 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for the
TERMINATION POINT of said curve;
       THENCE: South 86°07'52" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of Spur 55, for a
distance of 689.95 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found
for an angle point in said line;
       THENCE: North 83°25'51" East along the Westernmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of Spur 55, for a
distance of 500.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an
interior corner of this tract and an exterior corner of said Spur
       THENCE: North 06°34'09" West along an interior line of this
tract and an exterior line of said Spur 55, for a distance of 125.00
feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an exterior corner of
this tract and an interior corner of said Spur 55;
       THENCE: North 83°25'51" East along the Easternmost North line
of this tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55, and
at 362.29 feet pass a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for
reference, in all, a total distance for a distance of 462.29 feet to
a point an the West bank of Cedar Bayou in the East line of the
residue of said 1541 acres for the Northeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: Along and with the meanders of the West bank of Cedar
Bayou, as follows:
South 50°45'08" West for a distance of 182.57 feet;
South 40°57'23' West for a distance of 98.73 feet;
South 34°15'19" West for a distance of 150.35 feet;
South 30°30'09" West for a distance of 98.08 feet;
South 25°48'09" West for a distance of 160.12 feet;
South for a distance of 104.39 feet;
South 00°34'03" East for a distance of 158.50 feet to a point at the
intersection of said line with the North right-of-way line of said
Missouri Pacific Railroad for the Southeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 87°58'03" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad and at 100.00 feet pass a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set
for reference, in all, a total distance of 2457.38 feet to the PLACE
OF BEGINNING and containing within these boundaries 38.7469 acres
FIELD NOTES of a 89.6754 acre tract of land situated in the WILLIAM
SCOTT LOWER LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 65, Harris County, Texas, and
being out of and a part of a 1541 acre tract of land conveyed to
Ashbel Smith Land Company by B.W. Armstrong, et al, by Deed dated
November 29, 1935, and recorded in Volume 996 at Page 379 of the
Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. This 89.6754 acre tract of
land is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows,
EQUALS 0.9998389.
       BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe found at the intersection of
the Southeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 146 (200 feet
wide right-of-way) and the North right-of-way line of the Missouri
Pacific Railroad 11.56848 acre tract (160 feet wide right-of-way
width at this point). Said 11.56848 acres being that same land
(Parcel No. 2) conveyed by Ashbel Smith Land Company to Missouri
Pacific Railroad Company by Deed dated January 9, 1967 and recorded
in Volume 6644 at Page 486 of the Deed Records of Harris County,
Texas. Said point being the Southwest corner and POINT OF BEGINNING
of this tract and having a State Plane Coordinate Value of N equals
13,831,072.26 and E equals 3,248,305.47;
       THENCE: North 65°43'08" East along the West line of this tract
and the Southeast right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146
for a distance of 1148.10 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument
found for an angle point in said line;
       THENCE: North 62°02'22" East along the West line of this tract
and the Southeast right-of-way line of said State Highway Na. 146
for a distance of 503.56 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument
found for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a
Northeasterly direction, along the West line of this tract and the
Southeast right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 146, said
curve having a central angle of 15°10'22", a radius of 1629.82 feet,
and a chord bearing and distance of North 50°52'59" East 430.34
feet, for an arc length of 431.60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with
cap, set for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve at the intersection
of the Southeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 146 and the
South right-of-way line of Spur 55 (right-of-way width varies).
Said point being the Northwest corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 76°31'08" East along the North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55, for a
distance of 201.35 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an
angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 72°00'44" East along the North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55, for a
distance of 1847.92 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an
angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 73°15'09" East along the North line of this
tract and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55, for a
distance of 210.88 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for an
angle point in said line;
       THENCE: South 40°39'54" East along the North me of this tract
and the South right-of-way line of said Spur 55, for a distance of
163.16 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set at the
intersection of said line with the West right-of-way line of
Tri-Cities Beach Road (80 feet wide right-of-way) for the Northeast
corner of this tract;
       THENCE: South 08°04'39" East along the East line of this tract
and the West right-of-way line of said Tri-Cities Beach Road for a
distance of 727.23 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod, with cap, set at the
intersection of said line with the North right-of-way line of said
Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way (100 feet wide right-of-way
at this point) for the Southeast corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 87°58'03" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad for a distance of 3266.56 feet to a fence corner post found
for an interior corner of said Missouri Pacific Railroad and an
exterior corner of this tract;
       THENCE: North 02°01'57" East. along an interior line of this
tract and an exterior line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad for a
distance of 30.00 feet to a fence corner post found for an interior
corner of this tract and an exterior corner of said Missouri Pacific
       THENCE: North 87°58'03" West along the South line of this
tract and the North right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific
Railroad for a distance of 496.04 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Northerly;
       THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a
Northwesterly direction, along the South line of this tract and the
North right-of-way line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad, said
curve having a central angle of 63°05'42", a radius of 492.96 feet,
and a chord bearing and distance of North 56°26'39" West 515.84
feet, for an arc length of 542.86 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing within these boundaries 89.6754 acres of land.
       SECTION 3.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
Government Code.
       (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
       (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives within the required time.
       (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
and accomplished.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.