H.B. No. 4109
  relating to the administration, powers, including taxing powers and
  the authority to issue bonds, boundaries, operations, financing,
  and dissolution of the Town Center Improvement District of
  Montgomery County, Texas.
         SECTION 1.01.  Subsection (d), Section 1, Chapter 289, Acts
  of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (d)  The creation and continued operations of the district
  are [is] declared to be essential to the accomplishment of the
  purposes of Article III, Sections [Section] 52 and 52-a, and
  Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution and to the
  accomplishment of the several other public purposes stated in this
         SECTION 1.02.  Subsection (a), Section 5, Chapter 289, Acts
  of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (a)  The legislature finds that the creation and operation of
  the district and [all of the land and other property included within
  the boundaries of the district will be benefited by] the works,
  projects, improvements, and services that are to be promoted,
  facilitated, and accomplished by the district under powers
  conferred by Article III, Sections [Section] 52 and 52-a, and
  Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution and other powers
  granted under this Act will provide a substantial and continuing
  [and that the district is created to serve a] public use and benefit
  not only within and adjacent to the boundaries of the district, but
  throughout the state, by promoting and stimulating business
  activity, commerce, tourism, travel, and economic development and
  diversification in the state; promoting and facilitating public
  safety and health, the mobility of people, traffic circulation, and
  mass transportation in the state; preserving and promoting scenic
  and aesthetic beauty in the state; promoting and advancing
  employment and business relocation and retention in the state;
  reducing or eliminating unemployment and underemployment in the
  state; and protecting and securing the general welfare of the state
  and all of its citizens.
         SECTION 1.03.  Section 6, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding Subsection
  (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  Sections 375.161, 375.207, and 375.208, Local
  Government Code, do not apply to the district.
         SECTION 1.04.  Section 7, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding Subsection
  (r) to read as follows:
         (r)  The district may sponsor, create, establish, utilize,
  administer, and contract with a local government corporation under
  Subchapter D, Chapter 431, Transportation Code.
         SECTION 1.05.  Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding Section 7-a to read as
         Sec. 7-a.  ADDING TERRITORY BY ELECTION. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsections (d) and (e) of this section, the board may
  also add territory, as provided by Section 7(d) of this Act on its
  own motion and without petitions and after notice and hearing given
  and conducted in the manner provided by Subchapter J, Chapter 49,
  Water Code, but subject to a confirmation election.
         (b)  The board shall order a confirmation election to be held
  on the next lawfully available uniform election date following the
  conclusion of any appeals from the order adding land. The
  confirmation election shall be held within the district, as
  enlarged by reason of any addition of territory under this
  subsection, to confirm such addition of territory and the
  assumption by the added territory of its pro rata share of the
  district's bonds, taxes, indebtedness, and contract obligations.
         (c)  A map or plat showing the boundaries of the district, as
  adjusted from time to time, shall be recorded in the real property
  records of each county in which all or part of the district is
  situated not later than the seventh day after the date of each such
  boundary adjustment.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Section 7(d) of this Act, territory
  within the corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of a
  municipality with a population of less than 1.5 million may not be
  added to the district under this section without the express,
  written consent of the municipality given by ordinance, resolution,
  or written agreement.
         (e)  The district and a municipality may enter into a written
  agreement for a specified term consenting to the addition of
  territory by the district as provided by Subsection (d) of this
  section or limiting the territory that may be added by the district
  under this section or Section 7(d) of this Act.
         (f)  If either the proposition submitted to confirm the
  initial addition of territory or the proposition submitted under
  Section 9(g) of this Act fails to pass by a majority vote, this
  section expires on the date the results of the election are
         SECTION 1.06.  Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding Section 7F to read as
  (a)  In this section, "fire protection personnel" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 419.021, Government Code.
         (b)  The district may employ, contract with, or otherwise
  engage other persons or entities, including fire protection
  personnel, to provide, improve, enhance, and support fire
  protection and emergency medical services in and adjacent to the
         (c)  Before January 1, 2010, the district may not directly
  employ any fire protection personnel. This subsection expires
  January 1, 2010.
         SECTION 1.07.  The heading to Section 9, Chapter 289, Acts of
  the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as
         SECTION 1.08.  Section 9, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is amended by adding
  Subsections (e) through (k) to read as follows:
         (e)  The board shall order that a confirmation election be
  held in conjunction with the initial election required under
  Section 7-a(b) of this Act to determine whether the proposed
  changes in the composition of the board under Subsection (g) of this
  section shall be confirmed and implemented. If either proposition
  submitted at the confirmation election fails to pass by a majority
  vote, both propositions shall be deemed to have failed.
         (f)  All registered and qualified voters within the
  district, as enlarged by the addition of territory to the district
  under Section 7-a of this Act, are eligible to vote in any
  confirmation election called under Subsection (e) of this section
  or Section 7-a of this Act. Otherwise, only registered and
  qualified voters within the district are eligible to vote in all
  other district elections.
         (g)  After passage of the propositions in the confirmation
  election, as required by Subsection (e) of this section and Section
  7-a of this Act:
               (1)  an election shall be called for the uniform
  election date in May of the next even-numbered year for the election
  of five directors at large. The three candidates receiving the
  highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of three years,
  and the two candidates receiving the next highest number of votes
  shall be elected for a term of two years;
               (2)  an election shall be called for the uniform
  election date in May of the next succeeding even-numbered year
  after the election held under Subdivision (1) of this subsection,
  for the election of four directors at large. The four candidates
  receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of
  two years; and
               (3)  an election shall be called annually thereafter
  for the uniform election date in May of each year for the election
  of either three or four directors, as appropriate, to serve
  two-year terms.
         (h)  The board may call and conduct elections from time to
  time on a uniform election date for the purposes of:
               (1)  determining whether, according to a regional
  participation agreement authorized by this Act or other law, all or
  part of the territory of the district should be released from the
  extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality;
               (2)  determining whether, according to a regional
  participation agreement, all or part of the territory of the
  district should be incorporated as a municipality or should adopt
  another form of local government;
               (3)  authorizing the levy and assessment of ad valorem
  taxes for district purposes on a uniform basis throughout the
               (4)  authorizing the issuance of indebtedness payable
  in whole or in part from ad valorem taxes; and
               (5)  submitting to the qualified voters of the district
  any other bonds, contracts, indebtedness, measures, or
  propositions authorized by law.
         (i)  Passage of all confirmation, contract, tax, or other
  propositions or measures at an election shall require a favorable
  vote by a majority of the eligible voters voting in the election.
         (j)  The passage at an election of a proposition to confirm
  the addition of territory to the district under Section 7-a of this
  Act shall be deemed to be an election to assume the added
  territory's pro rata share of the bonds, taxes, indebtedness, and
  contract obligations of the district.
         (k)  This subsection and Subsections (e)-(j) of this section
  expire if either the proposition submitted to confirm the initial
  addition of territory under Section 7-a of this Act or the
  proposition submitted under Subsection (e) of this section fails to
  pass by a majority vote.
         SECTION 1.09.  Subsection (d), Section 11C, Chapter 289,
  Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Before designating a development zone on its own motion
  or, if ad valorem taxes are to be used, in whole or in part, for the
  payment of improvement project costs in a development zone to be
  designated in response to a landowner petition, the board shall
  call and hold a public hearing on the creation of the zone in the
  manner provided by Sections 311.003(c) and (d)[Section 311.003],
  Tax Code, for reinvestment zones designated by a municipality.
         SECTION 1.10.  The following provisions of Chapter 289, Acts
  of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, are repealed:
               (1)  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 9; and
               (2)  Subsection (b), Section 11B.
         SECTION 2.01.  Subsections (b), (h), and (k), Section 7,
  Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The board may levy, assess, and apply the proceeds from
  the [limited sales and use] taxes, fees, and charges authorized by
  [Section 11 of] this Act for any authorized district purposes,
  including making, or funding debt service and other costs related
  to the issuance of bonds to make, any payments required under the
  terms of a regional participation agreement authorized by this Act
  or other law with one or more other governmental entities relating
  to the financing of regional programs, improvements, and facilities
  that mutually benefit the district and such other governmental
  entities [provided that, during each interval of three calendar
  years following the commencement of collection of such tax, the
  board shall, consistent with constitutional limitations and the
  district's authorized powers and purposes, and in its sound
  discretion, endeavor to apply an annual average of not less than 10
  percent of the net proceeds of the taxes collected under Section 11
  of this Act, after deduction of the general and administrative
  costs and expenses of the district and the costs and expenses of
  levying, assessing, and collecting such taxes, toward mitigation of
  the net negative impact of development within the district on the
  impact area, including without limitation effects on public
  utilities and services, public transportation and traffic
  movement, and scenic and aesthetic beauty. Direct expenditures
  made for the district or the impact area are allocable to each area
  for which the expenditure was made. Expenditures for the general
  welfare, promotion, or benefit of the district and impact area are
  allocable between the district and the impact area in the amount, as
  determined by the board, that is proportionate to the benefit
  conferred on each area].
         (h)  The board may establish, revise, repeal, enforce,
  collect, and apply the proceeds from user fees, concessions,
  admissions, rentals, or other similar fees or charges for the
  enjoyment, sale, rental, or other use of the district's facilities,
  services, properties, or improvement projects; however, [because
  the district is created in an area that is devoted primarily to
  commercial and business activity,] the district may not impose an
  impact fee or assessment on a single family residential property or
  a residential duplex, triplex, quadruplex, or condominium.
         (k)  The district may not employ peace officers, but may
  contract with:
               (1)  a county or municipality that has territory wholly
  or partly in or contiguous to the district's territory [or impact
  area] for the county or municipality to provide law enforcement
  services by any lawful means for the district, including a
  warrantless arrest, to the same extent and with the same effect as
  if the district were authorized to employ its own peace officers
  directly; and
               (2)  off-duty peace officers directly to provide public
  safety and security services in connection with a special event,
  holiday, period with high traffic congestion, or similar
         SECTION 2.02.  Section 7C, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
  REGULATIONS. To the extent a district rule conflicts with a rule,
  order, ordinance, or regulation of a county or municipality with
  jurisdiction in the district's territory [or impact area], the
  rule, order, ordinance, or regulation of the county or municipality
         SECTION 2.03.  Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding Section 7G to read as
  ASSESSMENTS. The board may not impose an impact fee or assessment
  on the property, including the equipment, rights-of-way,
  facilities, or improvements, of:
               (1)  an electric utility or a power generation company
  as defined by Section 31.002, Utilities Code;
               (2)  a gas utility as defined by Section 101.003 or
  121.001, Utilities Code;
               (3)  a telecommunications provider as defined by
  Section 51.002, Utilities Code; or
               (4)  a person who provides to the public cable
  television or advanced telecommunications services.
         SECTION 2.04.  Subsections (a), (e), and (j), Section 8,
  Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The district is governed by a board [composed] of [11]
  directors elected [or appointed] as provided by Section 9(g) of
  this Act to [Subsection (c) of this section. Directors] serve
  staggered terms as described by that section [of four years]. To be
  qualified to serve as a director, a person must be at least 18 years
  of age and be a resident of the district.
         (e)  A vacancy in the office of director shall be filled by
  appointment of a qualified individual by a majority vote of the
  remaining directors, except that if the number of directors for any
  reason is less than four [six], on petition of a resident of or
  owner of real property in the district, the commission shall
  appoint the required number of qualified individuals to fill the
  vacancies. [The board may remove a director for misconduct or
  failure to carry out the director's duties by unanimous vote of all
  of the remaining directors.]
         (j)  Except as provided by [in] Subsection (e) of this
  section, four [five] directors constitute a quorum for the
  consideration of all matters pertaining to the business [purposes]
  of the district, and a concurrence of a majority of a quorum of
  directors shall be required for any official action of the
         SECTION 2.05.  Section 11C, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended by adding
  Subsections (q) and (r) to read as follows:
         (q)  Upon the creation and organization of a development zone
  over the territory of one or more existing development zones, and
  upon the imposition or assessment by the governing body of an ad
  valorem tax or limited sales and use tax for the development zone,
  the existing development zones are dissolved and abolished and all
  assets, properties, indebtedness, obligations, and liabilities of
  the existing development zones transfer to and are assumed by the
  newly created and organized development zone.
         (r)  For a development zone created to facilitate a
  continuing improvement project, the board and the governing body
  need not specify or include in a preliminary financing plan, in the
  resolution creating the development zone, or in the project plan or
  financing plan of the development zone a duration or date of
  termination of the development zone.
         SECTION 2.06.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 12A, Chapter
  289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The board may issue bonds of the district for any
  district purpose or improvement project, including for the purpose
  of making or providing for payment of any amounts due or to become
  due from the district under a regional participation agreement
  authorized by this Act or other law, which shall be deemed to be in
  furtherance of a program authorized pursuant to Section 52-a,
  Article III, Texas Constitution, in the manner provided by
  Subchapter J, Chapter 375, Local Government Code. Sections 375.207
  and 375.208, Local Government Code, do not apply to bonds issued by
  the district under this Act.
         (c)  In addition to the sources of money described by
  Subchapter J, Chapter 375, Local Government Code, the bonds of the
  district may be secured and made payable, wholly or partly, by a
  pledge of any part of the net proceeds the district receives from:
               (1)  a specified portion, but not more than one-half of
  one percent, of the sales and use tax authorized by Section 11 of
  this Act; [and]
               (2)  the hotel occupancy tax authorized by Section 11A
  of this Act;
               (3)  an ad valorem tax approved by the voters of the
  district at an election called for that purpose;
               (4)  any revenues or proceeds received or to be
  received by the district from contracts, agreements, or other
  lawful sources, including a contract with a development zone to
  facilitate an improvement project or project plan of the district
  or the development zone;
               (5)  any other revenues, income, or proceeds that in
  accordance with this Act or other law may be pledged or used for
  purposes described by Subdivision (4) of this subsection; or
               (6)  any combination of revenues, taxes, or proceeds
  from one or more of the sources described by Subdivisions (1)-(5) of
  this subsection.
         SECTION 2.07.  Subsection (b), Section 13, Chapter 289, Acts
  of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (b)  The district and a municipality any part of which is
  located in the boundaries of the district [or impact area] may enter
  into and carry out an interlocal agreement for the accomplishment
  of an improvement project or the provision of a facility, a service,
  or equipment by the district in or for the benefit of the
  municipality. Notwithstanding any other law, payment for the
  improvement project, facility, service, or equipment may be made or
  pledged by the municipality to the district out of any money the
  municipality collects under Chapter 351, Tax Code, or out of any
  other available money.
         SECTION 2.08.  Section 14, Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 14.  DISSOLUTION. (a)  The board may elect by majority
  vote to dissolve the district at any time[, and the board shall
  dissolve the district on written petition of the owners of 75
  percent, in terms of acreage, of the real property in the district];
  however, the district may not be dissolved by the board if the
  district has any outstanding indebtedness or contractual
  obligations, including obligations under a regional participation
  agreement authorized by this Act or other law, until such
  indebtedness or contractual obligations have been repaid or
  discharged, unless the indebtedness or contractual obligations
  have been assumed by another governmental entity with the power and
  authority to repay or discharge them.
         (b)  After the board elects to dissolve the district, the
  board shall transfer ownership of all property and assets of the
  district to Montgomery County, except as provided by Subsection (c)
  of this section.
         (c)  If on the date of the vote to dissolve the district more
  than 50 percent of the territory within the district is within the
  boundaries [corporate limits] of another governmental entity that
  has assumed the indebtedness and contractual obligations of the
  district under Subsection (a) of this section [a municipality], the
  board shall transfer ownership of the district's property and
  assets to that governmental entity [municipality].
         (d)  The district may not be dissolved by a municipality
  annexing all or part of [in which] the district [is located].
         SECTION 2.09.  The following provisions of Chapter 289, Acts
  of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, are repealed:
               (1)  Subdivision (4), Section 2;
               (2)  Subsections (b), (c), and (k), Section 8;
               (3)  Subsection (d), Section 9; and
               (4)  Subsection (e), Section 11C.
         SECTION 3.01.  The legislature finds that proper and legal
  notice of the intention to introduce this Act, setting forth the
  general substance of this Act, has been published as provided by
  law, that the notice and a copy of this Act have been furnished to
  all persons, agencies, officials, or entities to which they are
  required to be furnished by the constitution and laws of this state,
  including the governor, who has submitted the notice and Act to the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, that the Texas
  Commission on Environmental Quality has filed its recommendations
  relating to this Act with the governor, lieutenant governor, and
  speaker of the house of representatives within the required time,
  and that all requirements of the constitution and laws of this state
  and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect to the
  notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have been fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 3.02.  (a)  Article 2 of this Act takes effect only
  if a majority of the voters, at an initial confirmation election
  held under Section 7-a and Subsection (e), Section 9, Chapter 289,
  Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as added by
  Article 1 of this Act, approve the propositions. If no election is
  held under Section 7-a or Subsection (e), Section 9, Chapter 289,
  Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as added by
  Article 1 of this Act, or if the election is held but the voters do
  not approve the propositions or the propositions are deemed not to
  have been passed, Article 2 of this Act has no effect.
         (b)  If Article 2 of this Act takes effect under Subsection
  (a) of this section, the effective date of Article 2 of this Act is
  the date the results of the election are officially declared.
         SECTION 3.03.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  this Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of
  two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by
  Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not
  receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes
  effect September 1, 2007.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 4109 was passed by the House on May
  11, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 144, Nays 0, 2 present, not
  voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.
  No. 4109 on May 24, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 142, Nays 0,
  2 present, not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 4109 was passed by the Senate, with
  amendments, on May 22, 2007, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays
  Secretary of the Senate   
  APPROVED: __________________