80R16911 JPL-F
  By: Cohen, Coleman H.B. No. 4113
  relating to the Buffalo Bayou Management District.
         SECTION 1.  Section 4, Chapter 997, Acts of the 78th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 4.  BOUNDARIES. The Buffalo Bayou Management District 
  [district] includes all the territory contained in the following
  described area:
         POINT OF BEGINNING at the intersection of the center line of
  Allen Parkway and the west boundary line of the Houston Downtown
  Management District, then west along the center line of Allen
  Parkway to the west boundary line of Montrose right-of-way, then
  south along the west boundary line of Montrose right-of-way to the
  south boundary line of West Dallas right-of-way, then west along
  the south boundary line of West Dallas right-of-way to the
  intersection of the west boundary line of Shepherd Drive
  right-of-way. Then north along the west boundary line of Shepherd
  Drive right-of-way to the intersection of the south boundary line
  of the Memorial Drive right-of-way. Then west along the south
  boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the intersection of
  the west boundary line of Detering right-of-way. Then north along
  the west boundary line of Detering right-of-way to the intersection
  of the north boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way. Then
  east along the north boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way
  to the west boundary line of Shepherd Drive right-of-way. Then
  north along the west boundary line of Shepherd Drive right-of-way
  to the intersection of the north boundary line of Feagan Street
  right-of-way. Then east along the north boundary line of Feagan
  Street right-of-way until the intersection of the the west boundary
  line of Jackson Hill Street right-of-way. Then north along the west
  boundary line of Jackson Hill Street right-of-way to the
  intersection of the north boundary line of Blossom Street
  right-of-way. Then west along the north boundary line of Blossom
  Street right-of-way until the intersection of the east boundary
  line of Heights Boulevard right-of-way. Then north along the east
  boundary line of Heights Boulevard right-of-way to the intersection
  of the south boundary line of Washington Avenue right-of-way. Then
  east along the south boundary line of Washington Avenue
  right-of-way to the intersection of the west boundary line of the
  Washington Cemetery. Then south along the west boundary line of the
  Washington Cemetery to the intersection of the north boundary line
  of Memorial Drive right-of-way. Then east along the north boundary
  line of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the intersection of the
  northeast corner of Memorial Drive right-of-way and the northern
  bank of Buffalo Bayou. Then curve around the northern bank of
  Buffalo Bayou to the northeastern corner of the intersection of the
  north boundary line of Memorial Drive. Then east long the north
  boundary line of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the west boundary
  line of Silver and north along the west boundary line of Silver
  right-of-way to the north boundary line of Memorial Drive Way
  right-of-way. Then east along the north boundary line of Memorial
  Drive Way right-of-way to the west boundary line of Sabine Street
  right-of-way. Then south along the west boundary line of Sabine
  Street right-of-way to the north boundary line of Memorial Drive
  right-of-way. Then east along the north boundary line of Memorial
  Drive right-of-way to the west boundary line of the Houston
  Downtown Management District. Then south along the west boundary
  line of the Houston Downtown Management District to the center line
  of Allen Parkway, the POINT OF BEGINNING [POINT OF BEGINNING at the
  intersection of the west boundary line of the Houston Downtown
  Management District and the north boundary of Memorial Drive
  right-of-way, then west along the north boundary of Memorial Drive
  right-of-way to the north boundary of Memorial Drive's Heights
  North exit ramp, then northwest along the north boundary of
  Memorial Drive's Heights North exit ramp to the east boundary of
  Heights boulevard right-of-way, then west across Heights Boulevard
  from the east boundary of Heights Boulevard right-of-way to the
  west boundary of the Heights Boulevard right-of-way, then south
  along the west boundary of Heights boulevard right-of-way to the
  north boundary of Memorial Drive's Memorial West entrance ramp,
  then southwest along the north boundary of Memorial Drive's
  Memorial West entrance ramp to the northern boundary line of
  Memorial Drive right-of-way, then west along the northern boundary
  line of Memorial Drive right-of-way to the west boundary line of
  Shepherd Drive right-of-way, then south along the west boundary
  line of Shepherd Drive right-of-way to the centerline of West
  Dallas, then east along the centerline of West Dallas to the
  intersection of the west boundary of Montrose Boulevard
  right-of-way and the centerline of West Dallas, then south along
  the west boundary line of Montrose Boulevard right-of-way to the
  south boundary line of U.S. Highway 59 and the west boundary line of
  Montrose Boulevard right-of-way, then in an easterly direction from
  said intersection along the south boundary line of U.S. Highway 59
  to the intersection of the west boundary line of the Main Street
  right-of-way and then proceeding from said intersection in a
  northwesterly direction along the boundary line of the west Main
  Street right-of-way paralleling the boundary line of the Greater
  Southeast Management District to the intersection of the boundary
  line of the south Portland Street right-of-way and the boundary
  line of the west Main Street right-of-way, being the southern
  boundary line of the Midtown Management District, then proceeding
  from said intersection in generally a northeasterly direction the
  boundary line parallels the Midtown Management District boundary
  line to the intersection of the west boundary line of the US Hwy 45
  right-of-way and the north boundary line of the Cleveland Street
  right-of-way, being the western boundary line of the Houston
  Downtown Management District, then north from said intersection
  along the western boundary line of the Houston Downtown Management
  District to the POINT OF BEGINNING].
         SECTION 2.  Sections 3820.051(a) and (b), Special District
  Local Laws Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the district is
  governed by a board of nine [31] voting directors appointed under
  Section 3820.052 and nonvoting directors as provided by Section
         (b)  Voting directors serve staggered terms of four years,
  with four [15] or five [16] directors' terms expiring June 1 of each
  odd-numbered year.
         SECTION 3.  Section 3820.055, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 3820.055.  BOARD [INITIAL DIRECTORS].  (a)  The
  [initial] board consists of the following persons:
         Pos. No.  Name of Director
           1       Kay Crooker
           2       Steve Costello       [Mike Garver]
           3       Barrett Sides        [Jackie Martin]
           4       William Taylor       [Mark Lee]
           5       Julie McClure        [John Chase, Jr.]
           6       Peter Grim           [Adrian Collins]
           7       Max Schuette
           8       Thomas Arcidiacono   [June Deadrick]
           9       Steve Gibson         [Don Cutrer
         [10                            Raju Adwaney
         [11                            Mike Mark
         [12                            Sia Ravari
         [13                            Cherry Walker
         [14                            John Hansen
         [15                            John Dao
         [16                            William Taylor
         [17                            Karen Domino
         [18                            Kevin Hoffman
         [19                            Jeff Andrews
         [20                             William Paul Thomas
         [21                             Theola Petteway
         [22                             Keith Wade
         [23                             Chryisse Wilson
         [24                             Sadie Rucker
         [25                             Julie McClure
         [26                             Angie Gomez
         [27                             Tom Fricke
         [28                             James Robert McDermaid
         [29                             Kathy Hubbard
         [30                             Marsha Johnson
         [31                             Craig Jackson]
         (b)  The [Of the initial directors, the] terms of directors
  appointed for positions 1 through 5 [15] expire June 1, 2009 [2005],
  and the terms of directors appointed for positions 6 [16] through 9 
  [31] expire June 1, 2011 [2007].
         (b-1)  The term of each membership position on the board as
  the term exists immediately preceding the effective date of the Act
  adding this subsection expires on that effective date.  On that
  date, a new board is appointed as provided by Subsection (a) to
  serve terms as provided by Subsection (b).
         (c)  Section 3820.052 does not apply to this section.
         (d)  This section expires September 1, 2011 [2007].
         SECTION 4.  Section 3820.105, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 3820.105.  COMPETITIVE BIDDING.  Section 375.221, Local
  Government Code, applies to the district only for a contract that
  has a value greater than $25,000 [$15,000].
         SECTION 5.  Section 3820.155(b), Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The petition must be signed by:
               (1)  the owners of a majority of the assessed value of
  real property in the district subject to assessment according to
  the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for Harris County; or
               (2)  at least 50 persons who own real property in the
  district, if more than 50 persons own real property in the district
  according to the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for
  Harris County.
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter D, Chapter 3820, Special District
  Local Laws Code, is amended by adding Section 3820.160 to read as
  Section 375.161, Local Government Code, does not apply to the
         SECTION 7.  The legislature finds that:
               (1)  proper and legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished by
  the constitution and laws of this state, including the governor,
  who has submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality;
               (2)  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has
  filed its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  within the required time;
               (3)  the general law relating to consent by political
  subdivisions to the creation of districts with conservation,
  reclamation, and road powers and the inclusion of land in those
  districts has been complied with; and
               (4)  all requirements of the constitution and laws of
  this state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with
  respect to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have
  been fulfilled and accomplished.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.