80R12105 HLT-F
  By: Phillips H.B. No. 4120
relating to the creation of the Sangani Ranch Municipal Utility
District No. 2 of Grayson County; providing authority to impose a
tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle F, Title 6, Special District Local Laws
Code, is amended by adding Chapter 8259 to read as follows:
       Sec. 8259.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
             (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
             (2)  "Director" means a board member.
             (3)  "District" means the Sangani Ranch Municipal
Utility District No. 2 of Grayson County.
       Sec. 8259.002.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The district is a
municipal utility district in Grayson County created under and
essential to accomplish the purposes of Section 52, Article III,
and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
       Sec. 8259.003.  CONFIRMATION ELECTION REQUIRED. If the
creation of the district is not confirmed at a confirmation
election held under Section 8259.023 before September 1, 2009:
             (1)  the district is dissolved September 1, 2009,
except that the district shall:
                   (A)  pay any debts incurred;
                   (B)  transfer to Grayson County any assets that
remain after the payment of debts; and
                   (C)  maintain the organization of the district
until all debts are paid and remaining assets are transferred; and
             (2)  this chapter expires September 1, 2012.
       Sec. 8259.004.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The
district is initially composed of the territory described by
Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
       (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
the Act creating this chapter form a closure. A mistake made in the
field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
does not affect:
             (1)  the organization, existence, or validity of the
             (2)  the right of the district to impose taxes;
             (3)  the validity of the district's bonds, notes, or
indebtedness; or
             (4)  the legality or operation of the district or the
[Sections 8259.005-8259.020 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8259.021.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS.  (a) On or after
September 1, 2007, a person who owns land in the district may submit
a petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
requesting that the commission appoint as temporary directors the
five persons named in the petition.
       (b)  The commission shall appoint as temporary directors the
five persons named in the first petition received by the commission
under Subsection (a).
       (c)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
commission shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
       (d)  Temporary directors serve until the earlier of:
             (1)  the date directors are elected under Section
8259.023; or
             (2)  the date this chapter expires under Section
DIRECTORS. As soon as practicable after all the temporary
directors have qualified under Section 49.055, Water Code, the
temporary directors shall meet at a location in the district
agreeable to a majority of the directors.  At the meeting, the
temporary directors shall elect officers from among the temporary
directors and conduct any other district business.
ELECTION; ANNEXATION BY CITY.  (a)  The temporary directors shall
hold an election to confirm the creation of the district and to
elect five directors as provided by Section 49.102, Water Code.
       (b)  The temporary directors may not hold the election until
the City of Gunter has annexed into its corporate limits all
territory described by Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
       Sec. 8259.024.  INITIAL ELECTED DIRECTORS; TERMS.  The
directors elected under Section 8259.023 shall draw lots to
determine which two shall serve until the first regularly scheduled
election of directors and which three shall serve until the second
regularly scheduled election of directors.
       Sec. 8259.025.  EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
expires September 1, 2014.
[Sections 8259.026-8259.050 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8259.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a) The district is
governed by a board of five directors.
       (b)  Directors serve staggered four-year terms.
[Sections 8259.052-8259.100 reserved for expansion]
DUTIES.  The district has the powers and duties provided by the
general law of this state, including Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code,
applicable to municipal utility districts created under Section 59,
Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
SERVICES.  (a)  The district shall make available any district water
or wastewater facility to each person that holds a certificate of
convenience and necessity for land in the district.
       (b)  The district may not provide retail water or wastewater
       Sec. 8259.103.  ROAD PROJECTS. (a)  To the extent authorized
by Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution, the district may
construct, acquire, improve, maintain, or operate macadamized,
graveled, or paved roads or turnpikes, or improvements in aid of
those roads or turnpikes, inside the district.
       (b)  A road project must meet all applicable construction
standards, subdivision requirements, and regulations of each
municipality in whose corporate limits or extraterritorial
jurisdiction the district is located.
EXCLUDED FROM CITY.  If the City of Gunter excludes district
territory from the city's corporate limits, the district shall
maintain, improve, operate, and repair any road located in that
territory in accordance with the ordinances and rules of each
political subdivision in whose jurisdiction the road is located.
       Sec. 8259.105.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  The district may
be divided into two new districts only if the district:
             (1)  has no outstanding bonded debt; and
             (2)  is not imposing ad valorem taxes.
       (b)  The division procedure is prescribed by Sections 53.030
through 53.041, Water Code.
       (c)  Any new district created by the division of the district
has all the powers and duties of the district.
       (d)  Any new district created by the division of the district
may not, at the time the new district is created, contain any land:
             (1)  outside the area described by Section 2 of the Act
creating this chapter; or
             (2)  outside the corporate limits of the city of
       Sec. 8259.106.  LIMITATION ON ANNEXATION.  (a)  The district
may not add land to the district under Subchapter J, Chapter 49,
Water Code, if the land is located outside the corporate limits of
the city of Gunter.
       (b)  Section 43.075, Local Government Code, does not apply to
the district.
[Sections 8259.107-8259.150 reserved for expansion]
       Sec. 8259.151.  TAX TO REPAY BONDS. The district may impose
a tax to pay the principal of or interest on bonds or other
obligations issued under Section 8259.201.
[Sections 8259.152-8259.200 reserved for expansion]
OBLIGATIONS. (a) The district may issue bonds or other obligations
as provided by Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code, to finance the
construction, maintenance, or operation of a project under Section
8259.101 or 8259.103.
       (b)  The district may not issue bonds or other obligations to
finance projects authorized by Section 8259.103 unless the issuance
is approved by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the district
voters voting at an election held for that purpose.
       (c)  Bonds or other obligations issued or incurred to finance
projects authorized by Section 8259.103 may not exceed one-fourth
of the assessed value of the real property in the district.
       SECTION 2.  The Sangani Ranch Municipal Utility District No.
2 of Grayson County includes all the territory contained in the
following area:
Tract One
All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Daniel
Lloyd Survey, Abstract Number 706, County of Grayson, State of
Texas, said tract being part of Tract One a called 278.389 acre
tract as described in deed to Edwin A. Trapp Jr., Trustee, filed 24
may 1993, and recorded in volume 2271 page 274 of the real property
records of the County of Grayson, State of Texas, and being more
fully described as follows:
Beginning for the southwest corner of the tract being described
herein at a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing, said tubing being the
most southerly southwest corner of said Trapp Tract One, same being
the southeast corner of Tract One as described in deed to Christie
Farm Ltd., filed 16 February 1993, and recorded in volume 2255 page
516 of said real property records, and said tubing being on the
north line of Tract Two a called 400.00 acre tract as described in
said Trapp deed, said tubing also being in Strawn Road;
Thence: North 01 degrees 32 minutes 43 seconds West, with the west
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the east line of said
Christie Farm tract, and passing at 38.88 feet a set 1\2 inch steel
square tubing on the north side of said road, and continuing on said
course with an old barbed wire fence, and tree line, a total
distance of 1816.23 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing for
the northwest corner of this tract, said tubing being on the south
line of the Burlington Northern Railroad;
Thence: North 75 degrees 22 minutes 08 seconds East, with the south
line of said railroad, a distance of 1154.39 feet to a set 1\2 inch
steel square tubing for the start of a curve to the left having a
central angle of 19 degrees 36 minutes 08 seconds, and a radius of
2898.24 feet, and chord bearing of North 65 degrees 34 minutes 04
seconds East, and a chord distance of 986.73 feet;
Thence: With the south line of said railroad and with said curve to
the left, an arc length of 991.56 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square
tubing for the northeast corner of this tract, said tubing being an
ell corner of said Trapp Tract One;
Thence: South 01 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, with the east
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the center of said road, a
distance of 2456.64 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing in a
turn in said road for the most southerly southeast corner of said
Trapp Tract One, and said tubing being on the north line of Tract 2 a
called 114 acre tract as described in deed to Brandon Douglas
Hunter, filed 11 July 2002, and recorded in volume 3278 page 336 of
the official public records of Grayson County, Texas;
Thence: South 88 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, with the south
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the north line of said Hunter
tract, and with said road, and passing at a distance of 1410.88 feet
to a found railroad spike, and continuing on said course a total
distance of 1854.17 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for the northwest
corner of said Hunter tract, same being the northeast corner of said
Trapp Tract Two, said rebar also being at the intersection of said
Strawn Road and Harris Road;
Thence: South 88 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds West, with the south
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the north line of said Trapp
Tract Two, and with said Strawn Road, a distance of 195.22 feet to
the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 97.316 acres of land.
Tract Two
All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Daniel
Lloyd Survey, Abstract Number 706, County of Grayson, State of
Texas, said tract being part of Tract One a called 278.389 acre
tract as described in deed to Edwin A. Trapp Jr., Trustee, filed 24
may 1993, and recorded in volume 2271 page 274 of the real property
records of the County of Grayson, State of Texas, and being more
fully described as follows:
Beginning for the southwest corner of the tract being described
herein at a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing, said tubing being the
most westerly southwest corner of said Trapp Tract One, same being
the northwest corner of Tract One as described in deed to Christie
Farm Ltd., filed 16 February 1993, and recorded in volume 2255 page
516 of said real property records, and said tubing being on the east
line of Tract Two as described in said Christie deed, said tubing
also being in an abandoned road;
Thence: North 01 degrees 39 minutes 37 seconds West, with the west
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the east line of said
Christie Tract Two, and with a barbed wire fence in the center of
said abandoned road bed, a distance of 1813.36 feet to a found 1\2
inch rebar for the northwest corner of said Trapp Tract One, said
rebar being on the south line of a called 233.48 acre tract as
described in deed to JMS Ltd., filed 23 June 2004, and recorded in
volume 3684 page 164 of the official public records of Grayson
County, Texas;
Thence: North 88 degrees 52 minutes 52 seconds East, with the north
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the south line of said JMS
tract, and with an old barbed wire fence, a distance of1395.71 feet
to a found 1\2 inch rebar with a plastic cap marked Underwood for
the northeast corner of this tract, said rebar being the southeast
corner of said JMS tract, and said rebar being on the west line of
State Highway Number 289;
Thence: With the west line of said highway the following five (5)
1.  South 10 degrees 50 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 27.66
2.  South 05 degrees 41 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of
164.82 feet,
3.  South 11 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of
823.97 feet,
4.  South 14 degrees 04 minutes 31 seconds West, a distance of
656.55 feet,
5.  South 27 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of
194.90 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar with a plastic cap marked
Underwood for the southeast corner of this tract, said rebar being
on the south line of said Trapp Tract One, same being the north line
of said Christie Tract One;
Thence: South 88 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West, with the south
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the north line of said
Christie Tract One, a distance of 914.29 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING and containing 49.540 acres of land.
Tract Three
All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Daniel
Lloyd Survey, Abstract Number 706, County of Grayson, State of
Texas, said tract being part of Tract One a called 278.389 acre
tract as described in deed to Edwin A. Trapp Jr., Trustee, filed 24
may 1993, and recorded in volume 2271 page 274 of the real property
records of the County of Grayson, State of Texas, and being more
fully described as follows:
Beginning for the northwest corner of the tract being described
herein at a found 1\2 inch rebar with a plastic cap marked
Underwood, said rebar being on the north line of said Trapp Tract
One, and said rebar being the southwest corner of a called 134.431
acre tract as described in deed to JMS Ltd., filed 23 June 2004, and
recorded in volume 3684 page 164 of the official public records of
Grayson County, Texas, said rebar also being on the east line of
State Highway Number 289;
Thence: North 89 degrees 11 minutes 13 seconds East, with the north
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the south line of said JMS
tract, and with an old barbed wire fence, and tree line, a distance
of 2500.41 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar by an old wood fence corner
post for the northeast corner of said Trapp Tract One, same being
the northwest corner of a called 76 acre tract, the Second Tract in
Exhibit "B" as described in deed to Freels Family Limited
Partnership, filed 09 January 1997, and recorded in volume 2516
page 609 of said official public records;
Thence: South 00 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East, with the east
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the west line of said Freels
tract, a distance of 1192.97 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square
tubing for the southeast corner of this tract, said tubing being on
the north line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, said tubing
also being in a curve to the right having a central angle of 39
degrees 50 minutes 05 seconds, and a radius of 2798.24 feet, and
chord bearing of South 55 degrees 27 minutes 06 seconds West, and a
chord distance of 1906.53 feet;
Thence: With the north line of said railroad, and with said curve to
the right, an arc length of 1945.47 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel
square tubing for the end of said curve;
Thence: South 75 degrees 22 minutes 08 seconds West, with the north
line of said railroad, a distance of 1131.15 feet to a set 1\2 inch
steel square tubing for the most southerly southwest corner of this
tract, said tubing being on the west line of said Trapp Tract One,
and said tubing being on the east line of Tract One as described in
deed to Christie Farm Ltd., filed 16 February 1993, and recorded in
volume 2255 page 516 of said real property records;
Thence: North 01 degrees 32 minutes 43 seconds West, with the west
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the east line of said
Christie Tract One, and with an old barbed wire fence and tree line,
a distance of 727.86 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar by a wood fence
corner post for an ell corner of said Trapp Tract One, same being
the northeast corner of said Christie Tract One;
Thence: South 88 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West, with the south
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the north line of said
Christie Tract One, and with an old barbed wire fence and tree line,
a distance of 152.97 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar with a plastic
cap marked Underwood for the most westerly southwest corner of this
tract, said rebar being on the east line of said highway;
Thence: With the east line of said highway the following three (3)
1.  North 09 degrees 22 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of
129.92 feet,
2.  North 08 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of
657.02 feet,
3.  North 11 degrees 12 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of
1042.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 127.870 acres
of land.
Tract Four
All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Daniel
Lloyd Survey, Abstract Number 706, County of Grayson, State of
Texas, said tract being part of Tract One a called 278.389 acre
tract as described in deed to Edwin A. Trapp Jr., Trustee, filed 24
may 1993, and recorded in volume 2271 page 274 of the real property
records of the County of Grayson, State of Texas, and being more
fully described as follows:
Beginning for the southeast corner of the tract being described
herein at a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing, said tubing being the
most easterly southeast corner of said Trapp Tract One, same being
the southwest corner of a called 76 acre tract, the Second Tract in
Exhibit "B" as described in deed to the Freels Family Limited
Partnership, filed 09 January 1997, and recorded in volume 2516
page 609 of the official public records of Grayson County, Texas,
said tubing also being in the center of Strawn Road;
Thence: South 89 degrees 06 minutes 49 seconds West, with the south
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the center of said road, a
distance of 389.89 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing for
the southwest corner of this tract, said tubing being on the south
line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, said tubing also being in
a curve to the left having a central angle of 11 degrees 00 minutes
26 seconds, and a radius of 2898.24 feet, and a chord bearing of
North 43 degrees 38 minutes 14 seconds East, and a chord distance of
555.93 feet;
Thence: With the south line of said railroad, and with said curve to
the left, an arc length of 556.78 feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square
tubing for the northeast corner of this tract, said tubing being on
the east line of said Trapp Tract One, same being the west line of
said Freels tract;
Thence: South 00 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds West, with the east
line of said Trapp Tract One, and with the west line of said Freels
Tract, and passing at 366.36 feet a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing
on the north side of said road, and continuing on said course a
total distance of 396.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and
containing 1.660 acres of land.
Tract 5
All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Asa
Hartfield Survey, Abstract Number 490 and the Harry Campbell
Survey, Abstract Number 244, County of Grayson, State of Texas,
said tract being the remainder of Tract Two a called 400.00 acre
tract as described in deed to Edwin A. Trapp Jr., Trustee, filed 24
may 1993, and recorded in volume 2271 page 274 of the real property
records of the County of Grayson, State of Texas, and being more
fully described as follows:
Beginning for the most northerly northeast corner of the tract
being described herein at a found 1\2 inch rebar, said rebar being
the most northerly northeast corner of said Tract Two, and said
rebar being the northwest corner of Tract 2, a called 114 acre tract
as described in deed to Brandon Douglas Hunter, filed 11 July 2002,
and recorded in volume 3278 page 336 of the official public records
of Grayson County, Texas, and said rebar being on the south line of
Tract One a called 278.389 acre tract as described in said Trapp
deed, said rebar also being at the intersection of Strawn Road and
Harris Road;
Thence: South 01 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East, with the east
line of said Tract Two, and with the west line of said Hunter Tract
2, and with said Harris Road, a distance of 1637.62 feet to a found
1\2 inch rebar for an ell corner of said Tract Two, same being the
southwest corner of said Hunter Tract 2;
Thence: North 88 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds East, with the north
line of said Tract Two, and with the south line of said Hunter Tract
2, and with an old barbed wire fence and tree line, and passing at
3859.69 feet a wood fence post, and continuing on said course a
total distance of 3994.01 feet to a point in the East Fork of the
Trinity River for the most easterly northeast corner of said Tract
Thence: With the East Fork of the Trinity River the following thirty
five (35) calls:
1.  South 04 degrees 16 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 13.44
2.  South 71 degrees 38 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 30.00
3.  South 16 degrees 22 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 35.50
4.  South 44 degrees 05 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of
118.73 feet,
5.  South 21 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of
114.70 feet,
6.  South 28 degrees 15 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 49.91
7.  South 46 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 93.47
8.  South 59 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds East, a distance of 97.33
9.  North 87 degrees 21 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 56.79
10.  North 41 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of
32.24 feet,
11.  North 21 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of
68.89 feet,
12.  North 13 degrees 33 minutes 07 seconds East, a distance of
51.57 feet,
13.  South 76 degrees 46 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of
67.85 feet,
14.  South 56 degrees 03 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of
47.74 feet,
15.  South 05 degrees 21 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of
66.45 feet,
16.  South 19 degrees 16 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of
44.53 feet,
17.  South 62 degrees 01 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of
46.70 feet,
18.  South 24 degrees 16 minutes 44 seconds East, a distance of
107.73 feet,
19.  North 80 degrees 21 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of
72.00 feet,
20.  North 41 degrees 38 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of
51.16 feet,
21.  North 71 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of
90.02 feet,
22.  South 87 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance of
84.31 feet,
23.  South 29 degrees 55 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance of
251.82 feet,
24.  South 36 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds West, a distance of
208.87 feet,
25.  South 39 degrees 55 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of
166.41 feet,
26.  South 27 degrees 53 minutes 18 seconds East, a distance of
118.83 feet,
27.  South 51 degrees 28 minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of
47.21 feet,
28.  South 35 degrees 04 minutes 21 seconds East, a distance of
307.05 feet,
29.  South 89 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of
85.00 feet,
30.  North 85 degrees 30 minutes 21 seconds East, a distance of
155.00 feet,
31.  South 11 degrees 27 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of
200.00 feet,
32.  South 43 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of
160.00 feet,
33.  South 07 degrees 28 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of
135.00 feet,
34.  South 02 degrees 28 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of
95.00 feet,
35.  South 43 degrees 16 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of
77.43 feet to a point in a Soil Conservation Lake for the southeast
corner of said Tract Two, said point being on the north line of a
tract as described in deed to W. J. Harris, filed 08 November 1950,
and recorded in volume 629 page 119 of the deed records of said
Grayson County, Texas;
Thence: South 88 degrees 00 minutes 17 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with the north line of said Harris
tract, and passing at 540.02 feet a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing
on the west edge of said lake, and continuing on said course with an
old barbed wire fence and tree line, a total distance of 3456.64
feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for the northeast corner of a called
4.461 acre tract as described in deed to Barry Harris et ux, Vickie
Lynn Harris, filed 03 September 1993, and recorded in volume 2291
page 101 of said real property records;
Thence: South 88 degrees 44 minutes 13 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with the north line of said Harris 4.461
acre tract, and with said fence and tree line, a distance of 334.09
feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for the northwest corner of said
Harris 4.461 acre tract;
Thence: South 88 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with said fence and tree line, a
distance of 1370.38 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar in said Harris
Road for the most southerly southwest corner of said Tract Two, same
being the northwest corner of said W. J. Harris tract, and said
rebar being on the east line of Tract 1, a called 105.27 acre tract
as described in said Hunter deed;
Thence: North 01 degrees 42 minutes 39 seconds West, with the west
line of said Tract Two, and with the east line of said Hunter Tract
1, and with said road, a distance of 780.48 feet to a set 1\2 inch
steel square tubing for an ell corner of said Tract Two, same being
the northeast corner of said Hunter Tract 1;
Thence: South 88 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with the north line of said Hunter Tract
1, and passing at 207.13 feet a wood fence post, and continuing on
said course with an old barbed wire fence, and tree line, a total
distance of 2201.38 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for the northwest
corner of said Hunter Tract 1, same being the northeast corner of a
tract as described in partition deed to Edna M. Woodall, filed 12
September 1977, and recorded in volume 1404 page 596 of said deed
Thence: South 88 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with the north line of said Woodall
tract, and with said fence, a distance of 772.94 feet to a set 1\2
inch steel square tubing for a southwest corner of said Tract Two,
same being the southeast corner of a called 26.14 acre tract as
described in deed to Penny S. Avery, filed 07 July 1998, and
recorded in volume 2670 page 802 of said official public records;
Thence: North 02 degrees 17 minutes 36 seconds West, with the west
line of said Tract Two, and with the east line of said Avery tract, a
distance of 710.78 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for an ell corner
of said Tract Two, same being the northeast corner of said Avery
Thence: North 63 degrees 23 minutes 26 seconds West, with the south
line of said Tract Two, and with the north line of said Avery tract,
a distance of 710.78 feet to a found 1\2 inch rebar for the most
westerly southwest corner of said Tract Two, same being the most
northerly corner of said Avery tract, and said rebar being on the
east line of State Highway Number 289;
Thence: With the east line of said Highway the following nine (9)
1.  North 45 degrees 06 minutes 45 seconds East, a distance of
386.68 feet,
2.  South 44 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 20.00
3.  North 45 degrees 11 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of
1000.00 feet,
4.  North 44 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 20.13
5.  North 45 degrees 07 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of
872.90 feet,
6.  North 50 degrees 55 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of
164.98 feet,
7.  North 45 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of
120.47 feet,
8.  North 88 degrees 27 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of
216.10 feet,
9.  North 00 degrees 42 minutes 19 seconds West, a distance of 26.46
feet to a set 1\2 inch steel square tubing in said Strawn Road for
the remainder northwest corner of said Tract Two, same on the
southwest corner of Tract One as described deed to Christie Farm
Ltd., filed 16 February 1993, and recorded in volume 2255 page 516
of said real property records;
Thence: North 88 degrees 07 minutes 11 seconds East, with the north
line of said Tract Two, and with the south line of said Christie
Farm tract, and with said road, a distance of 1328.08 feet to a set
1\2 inch steel square tubing for the southeast corner of said
Christie Farm tract, same being the southwest corner of said Trapp
Tract One;
Thence: North 88 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, with the north
line of said Tract Two, and with the south line of said Trapp Tract
One, and with said road, a distance of 195.22 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING and containing 399.348 acres of land.
       SECTION 3.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
Government Code.
       (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
       (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives within the required time.
       (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
and accomplished.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.