80R607 JH-D
  By: Martinez H.C.R. No. 12
       WHEREAS, The State of Texas has customarily recognized a
variety of official symbols as tangible representations of the
state's culture and natural history; and
       WHEREAS, The heritage of the Lone Star State is closely
associated with images of cowboys and the western frontier, and
these elements inform several of the current Texas symbols,
including rodeo, the official state sport, and the longhorn, the
state large mammal; and
       WHEREAS, A singular fashion associated with the American West
is the bolo tie, also known as the bola tie, which is distinguished
by its decorative clasp that fastens a length of cord or string; a
staple of the western-wear fashions sported by a large number of
Texans, the bolo tie conjures up the romance of the pioneer era and
speaks to the determination and independence that figure so
prominently in Lone Star lore; and
       WHEREAS, Patented in 1959 by an Arizona silversmith named
Victor Cedarstaff, who was said to have gotten the inspiration for
the design while on horseback, the bolo tie has been traced to older
elements of ranching culture and the people of the western United
States; the name derives from the bola or boleadora--a lariat with
weights at the end that was used by South American cowboys to
ensnare cattle; stylistically, it is similar to the string or
plantation ties popular in the era when Texas was being settled, and
it also resembles a type of tie worn by Native Americans in the
early 1900s, which consisted of a bandanna or string fastened by a
silver concho ornament; and
       WHEREAS, The bolo tie remains popular among many American
Indians, and intricate designs fashioned by Native American
craftspeople using silver, turquoise, and other materials stand as
some of the finest examples of bolo tie artistry; these factors make
the neckwear a poignant testament to this region's original
inhabitants and also to the many people of American Indian descent
who are today Texas residents; and
       WHEREAS, A fashion accessory that can be personalized to
reflect the wearer's taste and interests, the bolo tie is well
matched to the individualism that is so much a part of the Texan
identity; in selecting or designing a clasp, bolo tie wearers are
able to express their personal flair; moreover, the selection of a
bolo over a standard tie can suggest that the wearer refuses to be
bound by convention and relishes the freedom to exhibit a
distinctive sense of style even as they maintain a dignified,
formal appearance; and
       WHEREAS, The bolo tie symbolizes both the state's iconic
western culture and the originality of its residents, and it is
indeed appropriate that this handsome and unique apparel receive
special legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby designate the bolo tie as the official State Tie of Texas.