80R1551 CLE-D
  By: Raymond H.C.R. No. 14
         WHEREAS, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
  procedures for state transportation projects within the
  jurisdiction of a local government, also known as local government
  projects, require local governments to pay for project cost
  overruns, even though cities and counties typically have no
  authority to award contracts, evaluate engineering, or approve
  change orders for the projects; and
         WHEREAS, Under the terms of an advanced funding agreement,
  which TxDOT requires for all local government projects that receive
  state or federal funds, the city, county, or other unit of local
  government is responsible for any overruns in excess of the
  approved local project budget unless otherwise provided for in the
  agreement; and
         WHEREAS, Simultaneously, the advanced funding agreement
  requires TxDOT, unless specifically provided for otherwise in the
  agreement, to award and administer the construction contract, which
  includes responsibility for construction engineering and issuance
  of any change orders that may become necessary after the contract is
  awarded; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to making local governments responsible
  for overruns on projects over which they have no supervisory
  control, TxDOT's procedures for local government projects also have
  the effect of halting construction of new roads, bridges, and
  overpasses if local governments do not provide funding to cover the
  overruns; and
         WHEREAS, It is a challenge for many local governments to
  include transportation project cost overruns in an annual budget
  given the uncertain nature of the overruns and the many competing
  priorities for available funds; generally, these overruns require a
  local government to make spending cuts in other parts of the budget;
         WHEREAS, The challenge of budgeting for such overruns is
  especially daunting for local governments in economically
  disadvantaged counties identified by the Texas comptroller of
  public accounts as having below-average per capita property value
  and income and above-average unemployment; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby request the Texas Department of Transportation to revise
  procedures for local government projects to specify that local
  governments are not responsible for cost overruns on projects over
  which they have no supervisory control; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official
  copy of this resolution to the chair of the Texas Transportation
  Commission and to the executive director of the Texas Department of