By: Menendez H.C.R. No. 21
         WHEREAS, Generations of Texans have long enjoyed viewing the
  state's professional football franchises and college football
  teams on television with friends and family; and
         WHEREAS, Most Texans are not able to attend professional or
  college football games in person because the geography of the state
  is so vast; and
         WHEREAS, A dispute between cable television providers and the
  NFL Network has interfered with the ability of fans to enjoy and
  support their favorite football teams in the 2006 season, resulting
  in a Texas collegiate team playing in a major bowl game televised by
  the NFL Network but not carried by the major cable providers of this
  state and further resulting in one of the state's storied
  professional football teams playing in a Saturday night football
  game not scheduled to be made available for viewing in the majority
  of the cable television households in this state; and
         WHEREAS, Televised viewing of professional and college
  football teams of this state has traditionally been made available
  to the citizens of this state via cable television; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully urge the cable television providers of this
  state and the NFL Network to work out their differences so that
  Texans can once again enjoy watching their professional and college
  football games with friends and families; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That, if the private corporations are not able to
  put the interests of the citizens of Texas first, the legislature
  urgently request that the appropriate state and federal regulatory
  agencies intervene to settle this matter; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State forward an official
  copy of this resolution to the chairs of the Public Utility
  Commission of Texas and the Federal Communications Commission.