80R3372 JHS-D
  By: Chisum H.C.R. No. 31
         WHEREAS, Jimmy M. Ross of Quitaque has been elected president
  of the International Association of Lions Clubs for 2006-2007, and
  his selection for this prestigious position is indeed well
  deserved; and
         WHEREAS, Chosen by his peers during the association's 89th
  International Convention, held in Boston from June 30 to July 4,
  2006, Mr. Ross has been a member of the Lions Club since 1969; he has
  held numerous leadership roles in the organization, including club
  president, multiple district secretary, state membership and
  extension chair, multiple district convention chair, multiple
  district council chair, and international director; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Ross has demonstrated a particular interest in
  strengthening Lions Clubs through the promotion of community
  service and membership extension, and he has been involved in
  chartering more than 500 clubs; in addition, he has participated in
  eyeglass recycling missions to South America; and
         WHEREAS, A recipient of the Lions Club's Ambassador of Good
  Will Award, the highest honor bestowed on association members, and
  a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, Mr. Ross has also been
  recognized with the District Governor Appreciation Award and the
  International President's Award on several occasions; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan organized the Young Adult Sunday
  School Class at his church and has served as Sunday school
  superintendent and administrative board chair; he is a rancher and
  a former Briscoe County judge, and was the organizing chair of the
  board of the 911 emergency systems in the 26-county Panhandle
  region; he has also served on the Water Control and Improvement
  District Board, the County Appraisal District Board, the District
  Juvenile Probation Board, and the Quitaque Chamber of Commerce
  Board and was chair of the county Salvation Army; recognized for his
  civic endeavors and notable achievements, he was selected as Man of
  the Year by the Quitaque Chamber of Commerce and chosen as an
  Outstanding Young Man of America by the United States Jaycees; and
         WHEREAS, In all his pursuits, Mr. Ross receives the love and
  support of his wife, Velda, their daughters, Julie, Janet, and
  Sammie-Dee, their sons-in-law, Josh and Cory, and their
  granddaughter, Braylee; and
         WHEREAS, Jimmy Ross has earned the respect and trust of Lions
  Club members across the globe, and his leadership of this notable
  philanthropic organization will undoubtedly benefit people around
  the world; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Jimmy M. Ross on his election as president of
  the International Association of Lions Clubs for 2006-2007 and
  extend to him best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Ross as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.