H.C.R. No. 79
         WHEREAS, The death of Bishop Rhymes H. Moncure, Jr., on
  August 19, 2006, has brought great sadness to his many friends and
  admirers; and
         WHEREAS, Bishop Moncure reached people's hearts through his
  warm manner and generosity of spirit; he preferred hugging to
  shaking hands, made time to visit people in crisis, and began a
  ritual of washing the feet of new pastors during ordination
  services; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Oakland, California, Bishop Moncure
  received advanced degrees in ministry and spent 32 years as a parish
  pastor before his election as bishop in 2000; he first served in
  that role in Nebraska, before heading the 160,000-member North
  Texas Conference, which included supervising 325 congregations;
         WHEREAS, In addition to his church responsibilities, this
  notable leader was a Southern Methodist University trustee and a
  director of the United Methodist Church Board of Global Ministries,
  in which capacity he chaired the Africa, Europe, and Middle East
  Section; and
         WHEREAS, Bishop Moncure has left behind an immeasurable
  legacy of service to others, and his memory will long inspire those
  who shared in his love and friendship; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the life of Bishop Rhymes H. Moncure, Jr., and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife,
  Jewell Moncure; to his children, Roxanne Moncure and Jason Moncure;
  to his brother, Robert Moncure; to his two grandsons; and to his
  other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of
  Bishop Rhymes H. Moncure, Jr.
Craddick Gattis Miles
Allen Geren Miller
Alonzo Giddings Moreno
Anchia Gonzales Morrison
Anderson Gonzalez Toureilles Mowery
Aycock Goolsby Murphy
Bailey Guillen Naishtat
Berman Haggerty Noriega
Bohac Hamilton O'Day
Bolton Hancock Oliveira
Bonnen Hardcastle Olivo
Branch Harless Orr
Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Brazos Hartnett Otto
Burnam Heflin Parker
Callegari Hernandez Patrick
Castro Herrero Paxton
Chavez Hilderbran Pena
Chisum Hill Phillips
Christian Hochberg Pickett
Cohen Hodge Pierson
Coleman Homer Pitts
Cook of Navarro Hopson Puente
Cook of Colorado Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Corte Howard of Travis Raymond
Crabb Hughes Riddle
Creighton Isett Ritter
Crownover Jackson Rodriguez
Darby Jones Rose
Davis of Harris Keffer Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Parker Smith of Harris
Delisi King of Taylor Smithee
Deshotel King of Zavala Solomons
Driver Kolkhorst Strama
Dukes Krusee Straus
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Latham Talton
Eiland Laubenberg Taylor
Eissler Leibowitz Thompson
Elkins Lucio III Truitt
England Macias Turner
Escobar Madden Van Arsdale
Farabee Mallory Caraway Vaught
Farias Martinez Veasey
Farrar Martinez Fischer Villarreal
Flores McCall Vo
Flynn McClendon West
Frost McReynolds Woolley
Gallego Menendez Zedler
Garcia Merritt Zerwas
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.C.R. No. 79 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on February 8, 2007.
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.C.R. No. 79 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the Senate on March 7, 2007.
  Secretary of the Senate   
  APPROVED: __________________