By: Coleman H.C.R. No. 90
         WHEREAS, Richard Allen, a political and civic leader, was
  born a slave in Richmond, Virginia, on June 10, 1830 and he was
  brought to Texas in 1837 and ultimately settled in Harris County,
  where he would serve the people of Harris County for many years; and
         WHEREAS, While a slave he earned a reputation as a skilled
  carpenter and is credited with designing and building the mansion
  of Houston mayor Joseph R. Morris; and
         WHEREAS, After emancipation Allen became a contractor and
  bridge builder, and built the first bridge across Buffalo Bayou in
  Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Although he was without a formal education, he
  became literate by 1870 and entered politics as a federal voter
  registrar in 1867, going on in 1868 to serve as an agent of the
  Freedmen's Bureau and as the supervisor of voter registration for
  the Fourteenth District of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Allen was elected to the Twelfth Legislature in
  November 1869 and became one of the first and most active
  African-American legislators as a representative of the Fourteenth
  District; and
         WHEREAS, Allen advocated measures for education, law
  enforcement, and civil rights and in 1871 the Union League made him
  one of its vice presidents; and
         WHEREAS, He was elected street commissioner in Houston as an
  independent candidate in January 1878 and served for one term and
  later that year was nominated for lieutenant governor, thereby
  making him the first African-American to seek statewide office in
  Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Allen served as quartermaster for the
  African-American regiment of Texas militia in 1881-1882, and from
  1882 to 1885 he acted as storekeeper and then inspector and deputy
  collector of United States customs at Houston; and
         WHEREAS, As customs collector Allen became involved in a
  labor dispute at the port of Houston in 1890 when he defied white
  labor leaders but urged African-American workers to remain peaceful
  during the protests; and
         WHEREAS, In 1872 and 1879 Allen served as a delegate to the
  National Colored Men's Convention and served as a vice president in
  1873 and as chairman in 1879 of African-American state conventions
  that voiced African Americans' concerns about civil rights,
  education, and economic issues; and
         WHEREAS, When the Prince Hall Masons organized in Texas in
  1875, Allen presided over the meeting in Brenham and two years later
  became the state's grand master; and
         WHEREAS, In Houston he led emancipation celebrations,
  promoted a park, and served as the superintendent of the Sunday
  school at Antioch Baptist Church and sat on the board of directors
  of Gregory Institute, Houston's first African-American secondary
  school; and
         WHEREAS, Allen and his wife Nancy had one son and four
  daughters and he died on May 16, 1909, in Houston and is buried in
  the city cemetery; and
         WHEREAS, Allen was a freedom fighter who courageously sided
  with the abolitionist movement of the North; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Allen is best known as a leader, and will forever
  be included within an impressive lineage of Texas's civil rights
  legends such as the Honorable Barbara Jordan and the Honorable
  Mickey Leland; and
         WHEREAS, Allen has earned the esteem and the right to have the
  state office building that houses the Texas Residential
  Construction Commission and serves as its state headquarters,
  located at 311 East 14th Street, Austin, Texas named in his honor as
  a fitting tribute; therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby extend its appreciation to Richard Allen for his years of
  devotion to public service and direct the Texas Building and
  Procurement Commission to name the state office building located at
  311 East 14th Street, Austin, Texas the Richard Allen State Office
  Building; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official
  copy of this resolution to the chair and executive director of the
  Texas Building and Procurement Commission.