80R6944 JNC-D
  By: Noriega H.C.R. No. 142
         WHEREAS, Members of the U.S. National Guard are helping to
  secure our borders through their participation in Operation Jump
  Start, and these dedicated men and women are truly deserving of
  praise for their contributions to this endeavor; and
         WHEREAS, In 2006, National Guard troops were deployed to
  Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, to provide logistical
  and administrative support to the Customs and Border Protection
  Border Patrol; and
         WHEREAS, Among their efforts, troops operate detection
  systems, augment border-related intelligence analysis, and build
  and install border security infrastructure, while providing
  surveillance, mobile communications, transportation, and training;
         WHEREAS, As many as 6,000 members of the National Guard will
  be assisting in Operation Jump Start, and currently, 700 Texas Army
  National Guard troops and more than 300 Texas Air Guard troops are
  contributing their skills to this important venture; and
         WHEREAS, The people of Texas are deeply grateful for the
  courage, professionalism, and unfaltering commitment to duty
  demonstrated by these soldiers, who are dedicating themselves to
  the security of their fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby honor members of the National Guard for their participation
  in Operation Jump Start and commend them for their efforts in behalf
  of our state and nation.