80R7489 KOB-D
  By: Isett H.C.R. No. 152
         WHEREAS, The Woodturners of North Texas have a strong
  tradition of service to the community and provide opportunities to
  the region's wood turners for networking and showcasing their
  talents; and
         WHEREAS, Members of the group are crafting custom, handmade
  wooden pens to ship to American troops in support of the nationwide
  Freedom Pens program; involved in the project since its inception
  in 2004, these turners have donated wood for pens and given of their
  time and talents as lathe operators, decorators, and painters;
  their selfless efforts signal to members of the armed forces that
  they are not forgotten and help to boost troop morale, while also
  helping uniformed personnel to stay in touch with family and
  friends; with the assistance of the North Texas group, the national
  program has contributed more than 50,000 pens to the U.S. armed
  forces; and
         WHEREAS, The Woodturners of North Texas also participate in
  the Empty Bowls Project, an international fund-raising endeavor in
  which bowls, often created by craftspeople, and a simple meal are
  exchanged for donations to combat hunger; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in the spring of 1988, this Fort Worth-based
  group now numbers more than 100 members; the organization invites
  turners from around the globe to be guest demonstrators and
  instructors, and over the years it has been privileged to host many
  acclaimed artisans; some of the group's members themselves teach
  wood-turning classes locally on a part-time basis; and
         WHEREAS, The Woodturners of North Texas have employed their
  outstanding skills in behalf of their community and country, and
  their generous service to others is indeed worthy of recognition;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby commend the Woodturners of North Texas for its notable
  community service projects and extend to the members and officers
  of the organization sincere best wishes for its continued growth
  and success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.