80R13276 MMS-D
  By: Craddick H.C.R. No. 178
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Reuben Senterfitt, who has rendered
  distinguished service to the State of Texas as a legislator and as
  speaker of the house of representatives, is marking a notable
  milestone on June 18, 2007, with the celebration of his 90th
  birthday; and
         WHEREAS, Born in San Saba County, Mr. Senterfitt attended San
  Saba High School, where he participated in debate and graduated as
  valedictorian in 1935; he subsequently excelled in his studies at
  The University of Texas School of Law, achieving appointment as
  editor of the Texas Law Review; and
         WHEREAS, Elected to the Texas Legislature at the age of 23,
  Mr. Senterfitt served continuously for seven terms, from 1941 to
  1955; during that time he also served his country in the United
  States Navy, seeing duty in the South Pacific and rising from the
  rank of ensign to lieutenant junior grade; in 1945, he traveled
  halfway around the world to be present at the opening of the 49th
  Regular Session; and
         WHEREAS, During his freshman term in the house, Mr.
  Senterfitt coauthored legislation that led to the establishment of
  M. D. Anderson Hospital, and in 1949, he sponsored legislation
  creating the state's veterans land program; he also advocated for
  passage of the Gilmer-Aikin bills, which reformed the Texas school
  system, for the adoption of the pay-as-you-go constitutional
  provision, and for the creation of the Texas Legislative Council
  and the Legislative Budget Board; his committee assignments
  included the vice chairmanship of the state affairs committee and
  chairmanship of the congressional and legislative districts and the
  military and veterans affairs committees; and
         WHEREAS, While speaker of the house from 1951 to 1955, Mr.
  Senterfitt was instrumental in moving the state to the use of a
  unified budget, a reform that significantly improved the
  appropriation process; he also facilitated passage of legislation
  authorizing construction of the Dallas-Fort Worth turnpike; and
         WHEREAS, After leaving the legislature, Mr. Senterfitt
  served as attorney for the City of San Saba and for San Saba County;
  his outstanding legal career ultimately spanned more than five
  decades before he retired to give more time to his ranching
  interests, his public service activities, and his beloved family;
  he and his wife, Pat, have been blessed with a large and lively
  circle of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan is a life fellow of the Texas Bar
  Foundation and a former president of the San Saba Chamber of
  Commerce and San Saba Rotary International; in recent years, the
  Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin has
  interviewed Mr. Senterfitt extensively as part of a project to
  document the key role played by Texas speakers from 1951 to the
  present time; and
         WHEREAS, For more than six decades, Reuben Senterfitt has
  served his fellow Texans with the utmost integrity, ability, and
  dedication, and he is indeed deserving of special tribute in
  recognition of his immeasurable contributions to the Lone Star
  State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate the Honorable Reuben Senterfitt on the joyous
  occasion of his 90th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Senterfitt as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.