80R11679 JNC-D
  By: Hilderbran H.C.R. No. 180
         WHEREAS, With his brilliant planning and inspiring
  leadership, General James Harold Doolittle carried out one of the
  most courageous deeds in military history as a pilot in the United
  States Army Air Force during World War II; and
         WHEREAS, On April 18, 1942, "Jimmy" Doolittle led the first
  U.S. air strike on the Japanese home islands in what is known today
  as the Doolittle Raid; this dangerous mission helped to boost the
  morale of the American public in the wake of the attack on Pearl
  Harbor by proving that the Japanese islands were not invulnerable;
         WHEREAS, A prominent aviator and aeronautical engineer,
  General Doolittle had instructed Air Corps students in aerial
  gunnery and tactics during World War I, and during the 1920s, he
  made a record-breaking transcontinental flight, won the biggest air
  racing trophies of the time, and played an important role in the
  development of instrument flying; he earned his doctorate from MIT
  and in 1940 became the president of the Institute of Aeronautical
  Science; and
         WHEREAS, After the devastating events at Pearl Harbor,
  Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle returned to active duty in the Air
  Corps and, with Captain Francis S. Low and Lieutenant General Henry
  H. Arnold, developed a bold plan for an air strike on Japanese soil;
         WHEREAS, Because no bases were available in China for a heavy
  bomb attack and because Navy carrier aircraft lacked both range and
  bomb load for such a mission, it was decided that Army Air Forces
  bombers would be flown from carrier ships in the Pacific;
  servicemen from the 17th Bombardment Group and the 89th
  Reconnaissance Squadron bravely volunteered to perform this
  dangerous and audacious maneuver; and
         WHEREAS, Called a "master of calculated risk," Lieutenant
  Colonel Doolittle was the first off the deck when the mission was
  launched 30 hours ahead of schedule and more than 200 miles farther
  off the coast than was planned; he skillfully flew through the wind,
  rain, and low clouds, guiding the way for his crew; the Japanese
  were taken by surprise, and all but one B-25 hit their targets; and
         WHEREAS, General Doolittle's unwavering courage and
  steadfast leadership on that day earned him the admiration of a
  nation and led him to become the first airman in World War II to be
  awarded the Medal of Honor, which was presented to him on May 20,
  1942, by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his life, Jimmy Doolittle exemplified
  the ideal of those in military service; his actions and
  accomplishments are an inspiration to all Americans, and it is
  truly appropriate that he be honored for his notable contributions
  as a soldier and patriot; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby honor the life of James Harold Doolittle and pay tribute to
  his exceptional military aviation achievements that truly
  influenced not only the course of World War II, but also the future
  of the world.