By: Thompson H.C.R. No. 249
         WHEREAS, Current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) noise
  mitigation standards still leave a number of residents severely
  impacted by aircraft noise; and
         WHEREAS, Currently the only method sanctioned by the FAA for
  determining if an area is eligible for aircraft noise mitigation is
  called Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL); and
         WHEREAS, In the calculations for DNL are flight operations
  data from the airport, noise data for each plane type from the
  manufacturer of the plane, and a few other miscellaneous variables;
         WHEREAS, This data is uploaded into noise software sanctioned
  by the FAA and a noise model is produced; and
         WHEREAS, This model is not based on actual noise data but
  rather operations estimates and manufacturer information; and
         WHEREAS, This model then produces a contour map of the
  airport operations area with noise contour lines; and
         WHEREAS, Many sources have said that the DNL is not accurate
  because it does not take into account much beyond a mile from the
  end of the runway because the software does not compute in such
  things as: sound bounce from clouds and fog; the absence or presence
  of forestation for noise deadening; variations in flight paths due
  to weather and temperature inversions; and
         WHEREAS, The 65 decibel line (or greater) is the one that can
  produce federal mitigation funds; and
         WHEREAS, Bush IAH has 95% of its air operations from 6am to
  10pm and since the DNL average is taken over the entire 24 hour
  period, the average becomes extremely diluted; and
         WHEREAS, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  has established the workplace noise level at 55 decibels and
  anything above is detrimental to the workforce;
         WHEREAS, These have to be requested by the airport; and
         WHEREAS, The airport does not always request funding as in
  the recent Wylie study, in Houston, which produced greater than 54
  decibel levels for a subdivision called North Hollow; and
         WHEREAS, The annoyance effects of aircraft noise are widely
  recognized; however, aircraft noise is also responsible for a
  significant amount of hearing loss as well as a contributor to a
  number of diseases; and
         WHEREAS, High levels of aircraft noise that commonly exist
  near major commercial airports are known to increase blood pressure
  and contribute to.  Some research indicates that it contributes to
  heart disease, immune deficiencies, asthma and other stress related
         WHEREAS, Further research is being carried out to better
  understand the effects of long term exposure to aircraft noise;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully urge the United States Congress and the Federal
  Aviation Administration to reexamine the federal policies on the
  mitigation of aircraft noise, including residential buy out
  options, to better reflect actual aircraft noise experienced by
  residents living near airports and the negative health effects of
  sounds levels on those residents; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the administrator of the Federal
  Aviation Administration, to the president of the United States, to
  the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the
  senate of the United States Congress, and to all the members of the
  Texas delegation to the congress with the request that this
  resolution be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a
  memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.