80R18190 JGH-D
  By: Kuempel H.C.R. No. 253
         WHEREAS, Thomas L. Johnson, Sr., executive vice president of
  the Associated General Contractors of Texas, was inducted into the
  Texas Transportation Institute Hall of Honor on June 7, 2006; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Ysleta, Mr. Johnson is a veteran of the
  United States Army and a 1959 graduate of Texas A&M University; and
         WHEREAS, In 1967 Mr. Johnson joined the Associated General
  Contractors of Texas, the state branch of the national trade
  association representing the highway construction industry; since
  1970, he has been executive vice president of AGC Texas; and
         WHEREAS, In his work with AGC Texas over the last 40 years,
  Mr. Johnson has been instrumental in improving the conditions for
  highway construction in the state of Texas; during that time the
  highway construction market has grown from $100 million to over $10
  billion; and
         WHEREAS, He has received peer recognition from the American
  Road and Transportation Builders Association, which in 2004 named
  him one of the "Top 100 Private Sector Transportation Professionals
  of the 20th Century"; he has also dedicated himself to public
  service, accepting an appointment to the National Park Foundation
  Board at the request of President George W. Bush; and
         WHEREAS, Affiliated with Texas A&M University, the Texas
  Transportation Institute works to improve the economy of Texas and
  the quality of life of Texans; the TTI started the Hall of Honor in
  2000 to recognize the contributions of the state's transportation
  leaders; and
         WHEREAS, In a long and honorable career, Thomas L. Johnson
  has demonstrated dedication, professionalism, and a commitment to
  excellence, and it is fitting that he be selected for this honor;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Thomas L. Johnson, Sr., on his induction into
  the Texas Transportation Institute Hall of Honor and extend to him
  best wishes for his continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Johnson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.