80R9057 JJT-F
  By: Isett H.J.R. No. 2
proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of growth of
appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal
government;  to establish a disaster fund, managed by the governor,
for use to prepare for or respond to a natural disaster or
emergency;  to fund the property tax relief fund;  to require a
gubernatorial declaration before money may be appropriated from the
economic stabilization fund;  and to authorize the legislature to
appropriate money for tax rebates;  making a constitutional
       SECTION 1.  Section 22, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 22.  (a)  In no biennium shall the rate of growth of
appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal
government [state tax revenues not dedicated by this constitution]
exceed the average [the estimated] rate of growth of the state's
population, adjusted for monetary inflation [economy].
       (b)  The legislature shall provide by general law procedures
to implement Subsection (a) of this section [subsection].
       (c) [(b)]  If the legislature by adoption of a resolution
approved by a record vote of a majority of the members of each house
finds that an emergency exists and identifies the nature of the
emergency, the legislature may provide for appropriations in excess
of the amount authorized by Subsection (a) of this section. The
excess authorized under this subsection may not exceed the amount
specified in the resolution.
       (d)  An appropriation for the sole purpose of reducing
property taxes imposed by a political subdivision of the state,
including a school district, or for the sole purpose of returning
money to taxpayers as authorized by Section 51h, Article III, of
this constitution is not counted in determining for the purposes of
this section whether the rate of growth in appropriations for a
biennium exceeds the average rate of growth of the state's
population, adjusted for monetary inflation.
       (e)  Appropriations may not [(c)  In no case shall
appropriations] exceed revenues as provided in Article III, Section
49a, of this constitution. Nothing in this section shall be
construed to alter, amend, or repeal Article III, Section 49a, of
this constitution.
       SECTION 2.  Section 49a, Article III, Texas Constitution, is
amended by adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:
       (c)  No bill containing an appropriation of money from any
source except the federal government, other than an appropriation
for the purpose of tax relief, shall be considered as passed or be
sent to the Governor for consideration until and unless the
Comptroller of Public Accounts endorses the Comptroller's
certificate thereon showing that the appropriation does not
contravene the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations
imposed by Section 22, Article VIII, of this constitution. When the
Comptroller finds that a bill contains an appropriation that
contravenes the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations,
the Comptroller shall endorse that finding on the bill, return the
bill to the House from which it originated, and immediately notify
the House of Representatives and the Senate of the finding.
       (d)  Not later than the 65th day after the date the
legislature adjourns a legislative session, the Comptroller shall
issue an estimate of the amount of anticipated general revenues for
the biennium that are unappropriated, unencumbered, and
undedicated at that time.  If the legislative session is a regular
session or a special session that begins between final adjournment
of the regular session and the beginning of the subsequent state
fiscal biennium, the Comptroller's estimate must address that
subsequent biennium.
       SECTION 3.  Section 49-g, Article III, Texas Constitution,
is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 49-g.  (a)  There are established as special funds [The
economic stabilization fund is established as a special fund] in
the state treasury the economic stabilization fund and the disaster
       (b)  The disaster fund is managed by the governor, and the
balance of the fund may be spent by the governor without the
necessity of an appropriation. Money from the fund may be used only
in preparation for or in response to an emergency or natural
disaster that threatens the health, safety, or general welfare of
this state's residents [comptroller shall, not later than the 90th
day of each biennium, transfer to the economic stabilization fund
one-half of any unencumbered positive balance of general revenues
on the last day of the preceding biennium. If necessary, the
comptroller shall reduce the amount transferred in proportion to
the other amounts prescribed by this section to prevent the amount
in the fund from exceeding the limit in effect for that biennium
under Subsection (g) of this section].
       (c)  Not later than the 90th day of each fiscal year, the
comptroller of public accounts shall transfer from general revenue
[to the economic stabilization fund] the amounts prescribed by
Subsections (d) and (f) [(e)] of this section. [However, if
necessary, the comptroller shall reduce proportionately the
amounts transferred to prevent the amount in the fund from
exceeding the limit in effect for that biennium under Subsection
(g) of this section.]
       (d)  If in the preceding year the state received from oil
production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount of oil
production taxes received by the state in the fiscal year ending
August 31, 1987, the comptroller shall transfer:
             (1)  to the disaster fund an amount equal to five
percent of the difference between those amounts, except that the
comptroller may not transfer to the disaster fund:
                   (A)  more than $125 million under this subsection
in any state fiscal year;  and
                   (B)  any money under this subdivision if the
disaster fund has a balance of $1 billion or more;
             (2)  to the economic stabilization fund an amount equal
to [75 percent of] the difference between those amounts, less any
amount transferred under Subdivision (1) of this subsection, except
that if the economic stabilization fund has a balance of $5 billion
or more, the comptroller may not transfer to the economic
stabilization fund any money under this subdivision; and
             (3)  to a property tax relief fund established by
general law an amount equal to the difference between those
amounts, less any amounts transferred under Subdivision (1) or (2)
of this subsection. [The comptroller shall retain the remaining 25
percent of the difference as general revenue. In computing the net
amount of oil production taxes received, the comptroller may not
consider refunds paid as a result of oil overcharge litigation.]
       (e)  In computing under Subsection (d) the net amount of oil
production taxes received, the comptroller may not consider refunds
paid as a result of litigation concerning any oil overcharge. [If in
the preceding year the state received from gas production taxes a
net amount greater than the net amount of gas production taxes
received by the state in the fiscal year ending August 31, 1987, the
comptroller shall transfer to the economic stabilization fund an
amount equal to 75 percent of the difference between those amounts.
The comptroller shall retain the remaining 25 percent of the
difference as general revenue. For the purposes of this
subsection, the comptroller shall adjust his computation of
revenues to reflect only 12 months of collection.]
       (f)  If the state received in the preceding year from gas
production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount of gas
production taxes received by the state in the fiscal year ending
August 31, 1987, the comptroller shall transfer:
             (1)  to the disaster fund an amount equal to five
percent of the difference between those amounts except that the
comptroller may not transfer to the disaster fund:
                   (A)  more than $125 million under this subsection
in any state fiscal year; and
                   (B)  any money under this subdivision if the
disaster fund has a balance of $1 billion or more;
             (2) [The legislature may appropriate additional
amounts] to the economic stabilization fund an amount equal to the
difference between those amounts, less any amount transferred under
Subdivision (1) of this subsection, except that if the economic
stabilization fund has a balance of $5 billion or more, the
comptroller may not transfer to the economic stabilization fund any
money under this subdivision; and
             (3)  to the property tax relief fund established by
general law an amount equal to the difference between those
amounts, less any amounts transferred under Subdivision (1) or (2)
of this subsection.
       (g)  For the purposes of Subsections (d) and (f) of this
section, the comptroller shall adjust the computation of revenues
to reflect 12 months of collection. [During each fiscal biennium,
the amount in the economic stabilization fund may not exceed an
amount equal to 10 percent of the total amount, excluding
investment income, interest income, and amounts borrowed from
special funds, deposited in general revenue during the preceding
       (h)  In preparing an estimate of anticipated revenues for a
succeeding biennium as required by Article III, Section 49a, of
this constitution, the comptroller shall estimate the amount of the
transfers that will be made under Subsections [(b),] (d)[,] and (f) 
[(e)] of this section. The comptroller shall deduct that amount
from the estimate of anticipated revenues as if the transfers were
made on August 31 of that fiscal year.
       (i)  [The comptroller shall credit to general revenue
interest due to the economic stabilization fund that would result
in an amount in the economic stabilization fund that exceeds the
limit in effect under Subsection (g) of this section.
       [(j)]  The comptroller may transfer money from the economic
stabilization fund to general revenue to prevent or eliminate a
temporary cash deficiency in general revenue. The comptroller
shall return the amount transferred to the economic stabilization
fund as soon as practicable, but not later than August 31 of each
odd-numbered year. The comptroller shall allocate the depository
interest as if the transfers had not been made. If the comptroller
submits a statement to the governor and the legislature under
Article III, Section 49a, of this constitution when money from the
economic stabilization fund is in general revenue, the comptroller
shall state that the transferred money is not available for
appropriation from general revenue.
       [(k)  Amounts from the economic stabilization fund may be
appropriated during a regular legislative session only for a
purpose for which an appropriation from general revenue was made by
the preceding legislature and may be appropriated in a special
session only for a purpose for which an appropriation from general
revenue was made in a preceding legislative session of the same
legislature.  An appropriation from the economic stabilization fund
may be made only if the comptroller certifies that appropriations
from general revenue made by the preceding legislature for the
current biennium exceed available general revenues and cash
balances for the remainder of that biennium. The amount of an
appropriation from the economic stabilization fund may not exceed
the difference between the comptroller's estimate of general
revenue for the current biennium at the time the comptroller
receives for certification the bill making the appropriation and
the amount of general revenue appropriations for that biennium
previously certified by the comptroller. Appropriations from the
economic stabilization fund under this subsection may not extend
beyond the last day of the current biennium. An appropriation from
the economic stabilization fund must be approved by a three-fifths
vote of the members present in each house of the legislature.
       [(l)  If an estimate of anticipated revenues for a succeeding
biennium prepared by the comptroller pursuant to Article III,
Section 49a, of this constitution is less than the revenues that are
estimated at the same time by the comptroller to be available for
the current biennium, the legislature may, by a three-fifths vote
of the members present in each house, appropriate for the
succeeding biennium from the economic stabilization fund an amount
not to exceed this difference. Following each fiscal year, the
actual amount of revenue shall be computed, and if the estimated
difference exceeds the actual difference, the comptroller shall
transfer the amount necessary from general revenue to the economic
stabilization fund so that the actual difference shall not be
exceeded. If all or a portion of the difference in revenue from one
biennium to the next results, at least in part, from a change in a
tax rate or base adopted by the legislature, the computation of
revenue difference shall be adjusted to the amount that would have
been available had the rate or base not been changed.]
       (j)  On receiving from the governor a declaration of an
emergency, [(m)  In addition to the appropriation authority
provided by Subsections (k) and (l) of this section,] the
legislature may, by a two-thirds vote of the members present in each
house, appropriate amounts from the economic stabilization fund at
any time and for any purpose.
       (k) [(n)]  Money appropriated from the economic
stabilization fund is subject to being withheld or transferred,
within any limits provided by statute, by any person or entity
authorized to exercise the power granted by Article XVI, Section
69, of this constitution.
       (l) [(o)]  In this section, "net" means the amount of money
that is equal to the difference between gross collections and
refunds before the comptroller allocates the receipts as provided
by law.
       SECTION 4.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
adding Section 51h to read as follows:
       Sec. 51h.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
constitution, the legislature by general law may provide for
granting public money to natural persons in this state for the sole
purpose of returning public money to residents or taxpayers. The
legislature by general law may provide for any method to accomplish
that purpose the legislature considers most efficient, including
direct cash payments to individual residents of this state or to a
class of residents or taxpayers of this state.
       SECTION 5.  The following temporary provision is added to
the Texas Constitution:
       TEMPORARY PROVISION.  (a) This temporary provision applies
to the amendments to Section 22, Article VIII, Section 49a, Article
III, and Section 49-g, Article III, of this constitution, proposed
by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, restricting the
rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except
the federal government to a rate equal to the average rate of growth
of the state's population adjusted for inflation, limiting the
legislature's authority to appropriate from the economic
stabilization fund, and establishing a disaster fund.  This
temporary provision expires December 1, 2009.
       (b)  On September 1, 2009, the comptroller shall transfer
$125 million from the economic stabilization fund to the disaster
       (c)  The changes made to Section 22, Article VIII, Section
49a, Article III, and Section 49-g, Article III, of this
constitution by the amendments apply only in relation to
appropriations made for the state fiscal biennium beginning
September 1, 2009, and subsequent state fiscal bienniums.  
Appropriations for the state fiscal biennium that began September
1, 2007, are governed by Section 22, Article VIII, Section 49a,
Article III, and Section 49-g, Article III, as they existed
immediately before the amendment was approved by the voters.
       (d)  The changes made to Section 49-g, Article III, of this
constitution by the amendments with regard to transferring money
into the disaster fund, the economic stabilization fund, and the
property tax relief fund apply beginning with oil or gas production
taxes received on or after September 1, 2009.
       SECTION 6.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 6, 2007.
The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
proposition: "The constitutional amendment: (1) to limit the rate
of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except the
federal government; (2) to establish and fund a disaster fund to be
managed by the governor for use to prepare for or respond to a
natural disaster or emergency; (3) to fund the property tax relief
fund; (4) to require a declaration of an emergency by the governor
before money may be appropriated from the economic stabilization
fund (known as the "rainy day fund"); and (5) to authorize the
legislature to appropriate money for tax rebates to individual