80R15339 ATP-F
  By: Chisum H.J.R. No. 93
Substitute the following for H.J.R. No. 93:
  By:  Paxton C.S.H.J.R. No. 93
proposing constitutional amendments authorizing the issuance of
general obligation bonds to provide and guarantee loans to
encourage the use of carbon-free hydrogen energy and for clean
energy projects.
       SECTION 1.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
adding Section 49-p to read as follows:
       Sec. 49-p.  (a)  To provide and guarantee loans to encourage
the use of carbon-free hydrogen energy in this state, the
legislature by general law may authorize the Texas Public Finance
Authority or its successor to issue general obligation bonds of the
State of Texas in an amount not to exceed $250 million and to enter
into related bond enhancement agreements. The proceeds from the
sale of the bonds may be used only to make and guarantee loans to
business entities for projects that:
             (1)  expand the use of carbon-free hydrogen energy in
this state; or
             (2)  relate to the manufacture, storage, distribution,
or sale of carbon-free hydrogen energy in this state.
       (b)  For purposes of this section, hydrogen is considered to
be carbon-free if:
             (1)  any carbon resulting from the production of the
hydrogen is captured during production and:
                   (A)  permanently geologically sequestered; or
                   (B)  used in the production of other carbon-based
products at a rate that exceeds 90 percent of the input; and
             (2)  any carbon resulting from the generation of any
electricity used in the production of the hydrogen is captured and:
                   (A)  permanently geologically sequestered; or
                   (B)  used in the production of other carbon-based
products at a rate that exceeds 90 percent of the input.
       (c)  The bonds authorized under this section constitute a
general obligation of the state. While any of the bonds or interest
on the bonds is outstanding and unpaid, there is appropriated out of
the first money coming into the treasury in each fiscal year not
otherwise appropriated by this constitution an amount sufficient to
pay the principal of and interest on the bonds that mature or become
due during the fiscal year, including an amount sufficient to make
payments under a related bond enhancement agreement.
       SECTION 2.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
adding Section 49-q to read as follows:
       Sec. 49-q.  (a)  To provide and guarantee loans to encourage
advanced clean energy projects in this state, the legislature by
general law may authorize the Texas Public Finance Authority or its
successor to issue general obligation bonds of the State of Texas in
an amount not to exceed $250 million and to enter into related bond
enhancement agreements. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds may
be used only to make and guarantee loans to business entities for
advanced clean energy projects.
       (b)  For purposes of this section, "advanced clean energy
project" means a project:
             (1)  for which an application for a permit under
Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code, is received by the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality on or after September 1, 2008,
and before September 1, 2020;
             (2)  that involves the use of coal, biomass, petroleum
coke, or solid waste in the generation of electricity, process
steam, or industrial products, including gasification and the
creation of liquid fuels, hydrogen for fuel cells, and other
coproducts; and
             (3)  that:
                   (A)  is capable of achieving:
                         (i)  a 99 percent reduction of sulfur
dioxide emissions;
                         (ii)  a 95 percent reduction of mercury
emissions; and
                         (iii)  an emission rate for oxides of
nitrogen of 0.05 pounds per million Btu; and
                   (B)  renders carbon dioxide capable of capture,
sequestration, or abatement.
       (c)  The bonds authorized under this section constitute a
general obligation of the state. While any of the bonds or interest
on the bonds is outstanding and unpaid, there is appropriated out of
the first money coming into the treasury in each fiscal year not
otherwise appropriated by this constitution an amount sufficient to
pay the principal of and interest on the bonds that mature or become
due during the fiscal year, including an amount sufficient to make
payments under a related bond enhancement agreement.
       SECTION 3.  (a)  The constitutional amendment proposed by
Section 1 of this resolution shall be submitted to the voters at an
election to be held November 6, 2007. The ballot shall be printed
to permit voting for or against the proposition: "The
constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of state general
obligation bonds to stimulate economic development and reduce
greenhouse gases by providing and guaranteeing loans to encourage
the use of carbon-free hydrogen energy."
       (b)  The constitutional amendment proposed by Section 2 of
this resolution shall be submitted to the voters at an election to
be held November 6, 2007. The ballot shall be printed to permit
voting for or against the proposition: "The constitutional
amendment authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds to
provide and guarantee loans to encourage clean energy projects."
       (c)  The resolutions described by Subsections (a) and (b) of
this section shall be submitted separately to the voters at the
election. The failure of either resolution to be approved by the
voters at the election does not affect the approval of the other