80R643 CBE-D
  By: Hill H.R. No. 11
         WHEREAS, The residents of Richardson lost a beloved and
  respected community leader with the death of Billye Meyer, who
  passed away on May 18, 2006, at the age of 89; and
         WHEREAS, Born on April 19, 1917, in Oklahoma, the former
  Billye Lee spent her childhood in Paris, Texas, before moving to
  Richardson as a youth to work as a housekeeper and caregiver during
  the Great Depression; blessed with an unbeatable zest for life, she
  quickly adapted to her new home and became a familiar presence at
  community events; on August 25, 1935, she married the love of her
  life, Lester Meyer, and the couple's family grew to include three
  cherished children, Lady Ellen, Jim, and Johnnye; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Meyer joined the staff of Citizens Bank in the
  early 1950s and soon made her mark as a friendly professional who
  went out of her way to give each customer personal service; always
  donning a unique hat, she began her career by making home visits to
  the city's new residents with coupons that promised free ice cream
  in exchange for their banking business; by the time of her
  retirement in 1999, the "hat lady" had ascended to the rank of
  executive vice president and was a member of the bank's board of
  directors; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to helping those in need, Billye
  Meyer was actively involved in numerous service organizations,
  including the Rotary Club, Altrusa International, the Richardson
  YMCA, the American Cancer Society, and the Network of Community
  Ministries, which she served since its inception in 1986; moreover,
  she shared her time and talents with many diverse groups, including
  American Field Service for Students, the Boy and Girl Scouts, the
  Richardson Symphony Orchestra, Texas A&M University, and American
  Airlines, to name but a few; and
         WHEREAS, She also passionately supported her adopted
  hometown as it transformed from a quiet farming community to a hub
  of the telecommunications industry, and among the myriad civic
  institutions that benefited from her keen attention are the
  Richardson Independent School District, the Richardson Fire and
  Police Departments, the Richardson Chamber of Commerce, the
  Richardson Public Library, Richardson General Hospital, Richland
  College, the City Arts Commission, and the Richardson Jaycees,
  which created the Billye Meyer Distinguished Service Award in honor
  of her commitment to serving others; and
         WHEREAS, A faithful member of the First United Methodist
  Church of Richardson, Ms. Meyer was admired for her ability to rally
  and organize congregants to accomplish church goals; and
         WHEREAS, Billye Meyer uplifted countless lives with her
  compassion, generosity, and infectious enthusiasm, and although
  she will be deeply missed, her dedication to the needs of
  Richardson's residents serves as an inspiration and tremendous
  example to all those she left behind; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Billye Meyer and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to her
  children, Lady Ellen Germond and Johnnye Summerson; to her
  grandchildren, Major Robert Barr, James Barr, Archie Carnes, Amy
  Mack, Jacquie McCunn, Jim Vogel, Becky Smith, and Ashley Vogel; to
  her 18 great-grandchildren; and to her other relatives and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Billye