80R3829 MW-D
  By: Brown of Brazos H.R. No. 81
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives takes pride in
  recognizing the participants of the TALL X class of the Texas
  Agricultural Lifetime Leadership "TALL" program; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership program
  is a part of Texas Cooperative Extension and is now in its 19th year
  of operation; the program is designed for men and women who are in
  the early stages of their leadership careers, and applicants must
  be residents of Texas and be actively involved in farming,
  ranching, or a business closely related to agriculture, which
  includes the food and fiber industries; and
         WHEREAS, Candidates for the program are reviewed for
  leadership integrity and effectiveness, analytical and
  communication skills, potential for growth, and vocational
  commitment; and
         WHEREAS, The goals of the program are to identify and support
  emerging leaders, to heighten their knowledge of current issues,
  and to increase their personal involvement in state, local, and
  national activities that contribute to the growth of Texas
  agriculture; and
         WHEREAS, The TALL X class consists of 24 leaders in
  agriculture ranging from 25 to 50 years in age; during a two-year
  span, these participants will tour the State of Texas and visit
  Washington, D.C., New York, Mexico, and China; moreover, the class
  will attend its third session in Austin to learn firsthand about
  state government and agricultural representation and its effects;
         WHEREAS, The members of the TALL X class are devoting their
  time and energy to discovering how to solve the complex issues
  facing the agriculture industry today, and they deserve recognition
  for their dedication and hard work; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the TALL X class on
  their selection as participants in the Texas Agricultural Lifetime
  Leadership "TALL" program and extend to them best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the TALL X class as an expression of esteem by the
  Texas House of Representatives.