80R3491 JNC-D
  By: Goolsby H.R. No. 87
         WHEREAS, With the passing of Vidal M. Trevino on December 30,
  2006, Laredo has lost one of its most highly regarded leaders; and
         WHEREAS, Born in 1929 in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mr.
  Trevino grew up in Laredo, where he attended Martin High School; he
  proudly served his country during the Korean War, receiving a
  Bronze Star for his actions, and, after earning his bachelor's and
  master's degrees from Texas A&I in Kingsville, he joined the staff
  of Laredo ISD as a teacher with Central Elementary School; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Trevino's distinguished career in education
  spanned 46 years; he served as principal of L. J. Christen Middle
  School, director of federal projects, and assistant superintendent
  before becoming superintendent, a position in which he served for
  more than two decades; and
         WHEREAS, Respected and admired by teachers, students, and
  people throughout the community, Mr. Trevino was known for his
  dedication to the students of LISD; he did much to improve
  curriculum and facilities during his tenure and implemented a
  childhood development and pre-kindergarten program; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Trevino retired from the district in 1995, but
  his passion for education never waned; named senior administrator
  of the D. D. Hachar Trust, he oversaw the allocation of more than
  $10 million in scholarship money; he also created an honors program
  at Texas A&M International University and helped to establish the
  first magnet school in the area, which was named in his honor; and
         WHEREAS, A diplomat and peacemaker, Mr. Trevino created the
  Student Advisory Council to bring together student leaders from
  rival Nixon and Martin high schools; he was also an avid supporter
  of athletics, who believed competitive sports helped to boost
  school spirit; actively involved in the Border Olympics, he served
  as president of the organization from 1978-1979, and during his
  term he supervised the construction of a new track at Shirley Field;
         WHEREAS, His influence reached beyond LISD; from 1961-1962,
  Mr. Trevino served his community as a member of the Texas House of
  Representatives, and he was also a valued member of the Independent
  Club; but, perhaps most importantly, he was able to bring out the
  best in others, inspiring them through his compassion, honesty, and
  integrity; and
         WHEREAS, In bidding farewell to this fine Texan, Mr.
  Trevino's family, friends, and many admirers may take solace in the
  fact that his was truly a life well lived, and the positive
  contributions he made will continue to resonate in the Laredo
  community for years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Vidal M.
  Trevino and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to
  his wife, Lucila Trevino; to his sons, David Vidal Trevino and his
  wife, Marissa, Daniel Wesley Trevino and his wife, Lizette, and
  Roberto William Trevino; to his daughters, Nelda Anita Trevino and
  Christina Grace Dancause and her husband, Michael; to his
  grandchildren, David Vidal Trevino, Jr., and Ariana Alyssa Trevino;
  and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of former
  State Representative Vidal M. Trevino.