H.R. No. 244
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Frank J. Corte, Jr., has been awarded
  a Bronze Star Medal, the nation's fourth highest combat award, for
  his meritorious service in Iraq; and
         WHEREAS, From January through August 2006, Colonel Corte was
  a detachment commander and the officer in charge of the Governance
  Support Team of the 3D Civil Affairs Group based in Al Anbar
  Province in Iraq; in that capacity, he served as an advisor and
  mentor to the provincial governor, and his vigilant supervision of
  the Provincial Reconstruction Development Committee was essential
  in the planning, approval, and continuation of vital rebuilding
  projects that benefited more than a million Iraqis in the region;
         WHEREAS, Colonel Corte's duties were carried out in what is
  often considered one of the most volatile areas of Iraq; in
  completing his appointed mission, he and the members of his team
  encountered insurgent forces who engaged in violent attacks against
  U.S. forces, the provincial government, and the population in
  general; and
         WHEREAS, Rising to the challenge of these difficult
  circumstances, this courageous officer was steadfast in his efforts
  to improve government services and infrastructure; moreover, his
  inspiring leadership helped encourage the governor, the provincial
  council, and the directors general of Al Anbar Province to uphold
  the democratic reforms instituted in the region and to carry on the
  reconstruction process; and
         WHEREAS, Valorous service of this type has been a hallmark of
  Frank Corte's life; he first joined the Marine Corps in 1982, when
  he was commissioned as a second lieutenant and served three years of
  active duty; he then became a member of the Marine Corps Reserve and
  was activated for the Gulf War in addition to carrying out
  international assignments in locations such as Egypt and South
  Korea; and
         WHEREAS, Colonel Corte's 2006 tour of duty in Iraq represents
  yet another admirable achievement for this exceptional military and
  civilian leader, and the members of this chamber take great
  pleasure in paying tribute to Frank Corte, Jr., for upholding the
  highest traditions of the Marine Corps and serving this nation with
  honor and distinction; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Frank Corte, Jr., on
  his receipt of the Bronze Star Medal for his actions in Iraq and
  commend him for his exemplary service as a member of the United
  States Armed Forces; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Colonel Corte as an expression of high regard by his
  colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives.
Craddick Geren Miller
Allen Giddings Moreno
Alonzo Gonzales Morrison
Anchia Gonzalez Toureilles Mowery
Anderson Goolsby Murphy
Aycock Guillen Naishtat
Bailey Haggerty Noriega
Berman Hamilton O'Day
Bohac Hancock Oliveira
Bolton Hardcastle Olivo
Bonnen Harless Orr
Branch Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Kaufman Hartnett Otto
Brown of Brazos Heflin Parker
Burnam Hernandez Patrick
Callegari Herrero Paxton
Castro Hilderbran Pena
Chavez Hill Phillips
Chisum Hochberg Pickett
Christian Hodge Pierson
Cohen Homer Pitts
Coleman Hopson Puente
Cook of Navarro Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Cook of Colorado Howard of Travis Raymond
Crabb Hughes Riddle
Creighton Isett Ritter
Crownover Jackson Rodriguez
Darby Jones Rose
Davis of Harris Keffer Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Parker Smith of Harris
Delisi King of Taylor Smithee
Deshotel King of Zavala Solomons
Driver Kolkhorst Strama
Dukes Krusee Straus
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Latham Talton
Eiland Laubenberg Taylor
Eissler Leibowitz Thompson
Elkins Lucio III Truitt
England Macias Turner
Escobar Madden Van Arsdale
Farabee Mallory Caraway Vaught
Farias Martinez Veasey
Farrar Martinez Fischer Villarreal
Flores McCall Vo
Flynn McClendon West
Frost McReynolds Woolley
Gallego Menendez Zedler
Garcia Merritt Zerwas
Gattis Miles
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 244 was adopted by the House on March
  15, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House