WHEREAS, The State Board of Education bears the vital |
responsibility of overseeing the public school system of Texas, one |
of the largest systems of its kind in the country; and |
WHEREAS, Led by the commissioner of education, the board is |
composed of 15 members who are elected on a district basis to a |
four-year term of office; together with the commissioner and the |
Texas Education Agency, which administers the board's rules and |
policies, the board facilitates the operation of 1,227 school |
districts and charter schools; this system encompasses more than |
7,700 campuses, over 500,000 educators and other employees, and |
more than 4 million students; and |
WHEREAS, Although policy decisions are made by the full |
board, much of the detailed preliminary work is done by three |
standing committees--those concerned with instruction, planning, |
and finance; meeting at least quarterly, the collective board |
establishes goals and adopts and promotes successive four-year |
plans to meet its objectives; and |
WHEREAS, Committed to providing the best possible education |
for Texas public school students, the board determines what |
knowledge and skills should be taught as part of a well-balanced |
curriculum, establishes passing scores for the state-mandated |
assessment program, approves the creation of charter schools, and |
oversees the investment of the Permanent School Fund; it also |
adopts regulations and standards for the operation of adult |
education programs provided by public school districts, junior |
colleges, and universities; and |
WHEREAS, Members of the State Board of Education bring to |
their endeavors a deep dedication to the advancement of public |
education, and through their vision and leadership they are |
contributing immeasurably to the future well-being of Texas youth |
and to the continued greatness and prosperity of the Lone Star |
State; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor the members of the State Board of |
Education for their outstanding public service and for their |
commitment to provide a quality, challenging education for public |
school students throughout the state; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the members of the State Board of Education as an |
expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |