80R5295 KOB-D
  By: Berman H.R. No. 369
         WHEREAS, The Patriots baseball team of The University of
  Texas at Tyler has won the Jostens/National Association of Division
  III Athletic Administrators Community Service Award for the best
  ongoing project or activity in the nation; and
         WHEREAS, The award honors the team's Sport Cards for Kids
  program, which began in June 2003; the Patriots baseball players
  have since conducted more than 125 events with East Texas
  organizations, including Tyler Independent School District,
  Whitehouse Independent School District, Bullard Independent School
  District, the American Heart Walk, Trinity Mother Frances Hospital,
  and the Boys and Girls Clubs of East Texas, touching the lives of
  thousands of young people in the Tyler area; and
         WHEREAS, Members of the team have promoted education and
  caring by providing baseball cards to children in local elementary
  schools and hospital pediatric units; the program was later
  expanded so that the players could offer baseball clinics and
  sports equipment for young people; and
         WHEREAS, Head coach James Vilade, along with assistants Kyle
  Welsh and Jack Price, began the program in order to provide area
  youth with local sports role models and to allow the members of the
  baseball team to be helpful to the Tyler community; and
         WHEREAS, Past and present members of the UT Tyler Patriots
  have graciously answered this call to action; in so doing, their
  service to the city of Tyler has extended well beyond the baseball
  diamond, and they have become a powerful and positive influence on
  the area's young residents; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate The University of Texas at Tyler
  Patriots baseball team on winning a Jostens/National Association of
  Division III Athletic Administrators Community Service Award and
  commend the players and coaches for their commitment to their
  community; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.